2,433 research outputs found

    Topological complexity of motion planning in projective product spaces

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    We study Farber's topological complexity (TC) of Davis' projective product spaces (PPS's). We show that, in many non-trivial instances, the TC of PPS's coming from at least two sphere factors is (much) lower than the dimension of the manifold. This is in high contrast with the known situation for (usual) real projective spaces for which, in fact, the Euclidean immersion dimension and TC are two facets of the same problem. Low TC-values have been observed for infinite families of non-simply connected spaces only for H-spaces, for finite complexes whose fundamental group has cohomological dimension not exceeding 2, and now in this work for infinite families of PPS's. We discuss general bounds for the TC (and the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category) of PPS's, and compute these invariants for specific families of such manifolds. Some of our methods involve the use of an equivariant version of TC. We also give a characterization of the Euclidean immersion dimension of PPS's through generalized concepts of axial maps and, alternatively, non-singular maps. This gives an explicit explanation of the known relationship between the generalized vector field problem and the Euclidean immersion problem for PPS's.Comment: 16 page

    Radon Numbers for Trees

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    Many interesting problems are obtained by attempting to generalize classical results on convexity in Euclidean spaces to other convexity spaces, in particular to convexity spaces on graphs. In this paper we consider P3P_3-convexity on graphs. A set UU of vertices in a graph GG is P3P_3-convex if every vertex not in UU has at most one neighbour in UU. More specifically, we consider Radon numbers for P3P_3-convexity in trees. Tverberg's theorem states that every set of (k−1)(d+1)−1(k-1)(d+1)-1 points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d can be partitioned into kk sets with intersecting convex hulls. As a special case of Eckhoff's conjecture, we show that a similar result holds for P3P_3-convexity in trees. A set UU of vertices in a graph GG is called free, if no vertex of GG has more than one neighbour in UU. We prove an inequality relating the Radon number for P3P_3-convexity in trees with the size of a maximal free set.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Minimax and adaptive estimation of the Wigner function in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data

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    We estimate the quantum state of a light beam from results of quantum homodyne measurements performed on identically prepared quantum systems. The state is represented through the Wigner function, a generalized probability density on R2\mathbb{R}^2 which may take negative values and must respect intrinsic positivity constraints imposed by quantum physics. The effect of the losses due to detection inefficiencies, which are always present in a real experiment, is the addition to the tomographic data of independent Gaussian noise. We construct a kernel estimator for the Wigner function, prove that it is minimax efficient for the pointwise risk over a class of infinitely differentiable functions, and implement it for numerical results. We construct adaptive estimators, that is, which do not depend on the smoothness parameters, and prove that in some setups they attain the minimax rates for the corresponding smoothness class.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000001488 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Variational approximation of functionals defined on 1-dimensional connected sets: the planar case

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    In this paper we consider variational problems involving 1-dimensional connected sets in the Euclidean plane, such as the classical Steiner tree problem and the irrigation (Gilbert-Steiner) problem. We relate them to optimal partition problems and provide a variational approximation through Modica-Mortola type energies proving a Γ\Gamma-convergence result. We also introduce a suitable convex relaxation and develop the corresponding numerical implementations. The proposed methods are quite general and the results we obtain can be extended to nn-dimensional Euclidean space or to more general manifold ambients, as shown in the companion paper [11].Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure

    Minimax estimation of the Wigner function in quantum homodyne tomography with ideal detectors

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    We estimate the quantum state of a light beam from results of quantum homodyne measurements performed on identically prepared pulses. The state is represented through the Wigner function, a ``quasi-probability density'' on R2\mathbb{R}^{2} which may take negative values and must respect intrinsic positivity constraints imposed by quantum physics. The data consists of nn i.i.d. observations from a probability density equal to the Radon transform of the Wigner function. We construct an estimator for the Wigner function, and prove that it is minimax efficient for the pointwise risk over a class of infinitely differentiable functions. A similar result was previously derived by Cavalier in the context of positron emission tomography. Our work extends this result to the space of smooth Wigner functions, which is the relevant parameter space for quantum homodyne tomography.Comment: 15 page
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