971 research outputs found

    Model structure selection using an integrated forward orthogonal search algorithm interfered with squared correlation and mutual information

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    Model structure selection plays a key role in nonlinear system identification. The first step in nonlinear system identification is to determine which model terms should be included in the model. Once significant model terms have been determined, a model selection criterion can then be applied to select a suitable model subset. The well known orthogonal least squares type algorithms are one of the most efficient and commonly used techniques for model structure selection. However, it has been observed that the orthogonal least squares type algorithms may occasionally select incorrect model terms or yield a redundant model subset in the presence of particular noise structures or input signals. A very efficient integrated forward orthogonal searching (IFOS) algorithm, which is interfered with squared correlation and mutual information, and which incorporates a general cross-validation (GCV) criterion and hypothesis tests, is introduced to overcome these limitations in model structure selection

    Study on identification of nonlinear systems using Quasi-ARX models

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:甲3660号 ; 学位の種類:博士(工学) ; 授与年月日:2012/9/15 ; 早大学位記番号:新6026Waseda Universit

    Model structure selection using an integrated forward orthogonal search algorithm assisted by squared correlation and mutual information

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    Model structure selection plays a key role in non-linear system identification. The first step in non-linear system identification is to determine which model terms should be included in the model. Once significant model terms have been determined, a model selection criterion can then be applied to select a suitable model subset. The well known Orthogonal Least Squares (OLS) type algorithms are one of the most efficient and commonly used techniques for model structure selection. However, it has been observed that the OLS type algorithms may occasionally select incorrect model terms or yield a redundant model subset in the presence of particular noise structures or input signals. A very efficient Integrated Forward Orthogonal Search (IFOS) algorithm, which is assisted by the squared correlation and mutual information, and which incorporates a Generalised Cross-Validation (GCV) criterion and hypothesis tests, is introduced to overcome these limitations in model structure selection

    Improved model identification for non-linear systems using a random subsampling and multifold modelling (RSMM) approach

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    In non-linear system identification, the available observed data are conventionally partitioned into two parts: the training data that are used for model identification and the test data that are used for model performance testing. This sort of 'hold-out' or 'split-sample' data partitioning method is convenient and the associated model identification procedure is in general easy to implement. The resultant model obtained from such a once-partitioned single training dataset, however, may occasionally lack robustness and generalisation to represent future unseen data, because the performance of the identified model may be highly dependent on how the data partition is made. To overcome the drawback of the hold-out data partitioning method, this study presents a new random subsampling and multifold modelling (RSMM) approach to produce less biased or preferably unbiased models. The basic idea and the associated procedure are as follows. First, generate K training datasets (and also K validation datasets), using a K-fold random subsampling method. Secondly, detect significant model terms and identify a common model structure that fits all the K datasets using a new proposed common model selection approach, called the multiple orthogonal search algorithm. Finally, estimate and refine the model parameters for the identified common-structured model using a multifold parameter estimation method. The proposed method can produce robust models with better generalisation performance