17 research outputs found

    A Unified Multi-Functional Dynamic Spectrum Access Framework: Tutorial, Theory and Multi-GHz Wideband Testbed

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    Dynamic spectrum access is a must-have ingredient for future sensors that are ideally cognitive. The goal of this paper is a tutorial treatment of wideband cognitive radio and radar—a convergence of (1) algorithms survey, (2) hardware platforms survey, (3) challenges for multi-function (radar/communications) multi-GHz front end, (4) compressed sensing for multi-GHz waveforms—revolutionary A/D, (5) machine learning for cognitive radio/radar, (6) quickest detection, and (7) overlay/underlay cognitive radio waveforms. One focus of this paper is to address the multi-GHz front end, which is the challenge for the next-generation cognitive sensors. The unifying theme of this paper is to spell out the convergence for cognitive radio, radar, and anti-jamming. Moore’s law drives the system functions into digital parts. From a system viewpoint, this paper gives the first comprehensive treatment for the functions and the challenges of this multi-function (wideband) system. This paper brings together the inter-disciplinary knowledge

    Optimal decision making in cognitive radio networks

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    Cognitive Radio Networks are being researched upon heavily in the various layers of the communication structure. The task of bringing software in the physical layer of communication system led to the concept of a smart radio being able to learn, adapt and make intelligent decisions in an autonomous manner by use of a Software Defined Radio. This work provides novel concepts in the areas of spectrum sensing, learning of ongoing transmissions through Reinforcment learning, use of a game theoretic concept such as Zero-sum game for resilience of authorized users in cases of jamming, and decision making of user transmissions through Markov Decision processes. This is highly applicable in dynamic radio environments such as emergency communications required during natural disasters, large scale events and in mobile wireless communications. Such applications come under the "Internet of Things"

    Techniques for the allocation of resources under uncertainty

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    L’allocation de ressources est un problème omniprésent qui survient dès que des ressources limitées doivent être distribuées parmi de multiples agents autonomes (e.g., personnes, compagnies, robots, etc). Les approches standard pour déterminer l’allocation optimale souffrent généralement d’une très grande complexité de calcul. Le but de cette thèse est de proposer des algorithmes rapides et efficaces pour allouer des ressources consommables et non consommables à des agents autonomes dont les préférences sur ces ressources sont induites par un processus stochastique. Afin d’y parvenir, nous avons développé de nouveaux modèles pour des problèmes de planifications, basés sur le cadre des Processus Décisionnels de Markov (MDPs), où l’espace d’actions possibles est explicitement paramétrisés par les ressources disponibles. Muni de ce cadre, nous avons développé des algorithmes basés sur la programmation dynamique et la recherche heuristique en temps-réel afin de générer des allocations de ressources pour des agents qui agissent dans un environnement stochastique. En particulier, nous avons utilisé la propriété acyclique des créations de tâches pour décomposer le problème d’allocation de ressources. Nous avons aussi proposé une stratégie de décomposition approximative, où les agents considèrent des interactions positives et négatives ainsi que les actions simultanées entre les agents gérants les ressources. Cependant, la majeure contribution de cette thèse est l’adoption de la recherche heuristique en temps-réel pour l’allocation de ressources. À cet effet, nous avons développé une approche basée sur la Q-décomposition munie de bornes strictes afin de diminuer drastiquement le temps de planification pour formuler une politique optimale. Ces bornes strictes nous ont permis d’élaguer l’espace d’actions pour les agents. Nous montrons analytiquement et empiriquement que les approches proposées mènent à des diminutions de la complexité de calcul par rapport à des approches de planification standard. Finalement, nous avons testé la recherche heuristique en temps-réel dans le simulateur SADM, un simulateur d’allocation de ressource pour une frégate.Resource allocation is an ubiquitous problem that arises whenever limited resources have to be distributed among multiple autonomous entities (e.g., people, companies, robots, etc). The standard approaches to determine the optimal resource allocation are computationally prohibitive. The goal of this thesis is to propose computationally efficient algorithms for allocating consumable and non-consumable resources among autonomous agents whose preferences for these resources are induced by a stochastic process. Towards this end, we have developed new models of planning problems, based on the framework of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), where the action sets are explicitly parameterized by the available resources. Given these models, we have designed algorithms based on dynamic programming and real-time heuristic search to formulating thus allocations of resources for agents evolving in stochastic environments. In particular, we have used the acyclic property of task creation to decompose the problem of resource allocation. We have also proposed an approximative decomposition strategy, where the agents consider positive and negative interactions as well as simultaneous actions among the agents managing the resources. However, the main contribution of this thesis is the adoption of stochastic real-time heuristic search for a resource allocation. To this end, we have developed an approach based on distributed Q-values with tight bounds to diminish drastically the planning time to formulate the optimal policy. These tight bounds enable to prune the action space for the agents. We show analytically and empirically that our proposed approaches lead to drastic (in many cases, exponential) improvements in computational efficiency over standard planning methods. Finally, we have tested real-time heuristic search in the SADM simulator, a simulator for the resource allocation of a platform

    Toward Metacognitive Radars: Concept and Applications

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    We introduce a metacognitive approach to optimize the radar performance for a dynamic wireless channel. Similar to the origin of the cognitive radar in the neurobiological concept of cognition, metacognition also originates from neurobiological research on problem-solving and learning. Broadly defined as the process of learning to learn, metacognition improves the application of knowledge in domains beyond the immediate context in which it was learned. We describe basic features of a metacognitive radar and then illustrate its application with some examples such as antenna selection and resource sharing between radar and communications. Unlike previous works in communications that only focus on combining several existing algorithms to form a metacognitive radio, we also show the transfer of knowledge in a metacognitive radar. A metacognitive radar improves performance over individual cognitive radar algorithms, especially when both the channel and transmit/receive hardware are changed

    Autonomous agents for multi-function radar resource management

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    The multifunction radar, aided by advances in electronically steered phased array technology, is capable of supporting numerous, differing and potentially conflicting tasks. However, the full potential of the radar system is only realised through its ability to automatically manage and configure the finite resource it has available. This thesis details the novel application of agent systems to this multifunction radar resource management problem. Agent systems are computational societies where the synergy of local interactions between agents produces emergent, global desirable behaviour. In this thesis the measures and models which can be used to allocate radar resource is explored; this choice of objective function is crucial as it determines which attribute is allocated resource and consequently constitutes a description of the problem to be solved. A variety of task specific and information theoretic measures are derived and compared. It is shown that by utilising as wide a variety of measures and models as possible the radar’s multifunction capability is enhanced. An agent based radar resource manager is developed using the JADE Framework which is used to apply the sequential first price auction and continuous double auctions to the multifunction radar resource management problem. The application of the sequential first price auction leads to the development of the Sequential First Price Auction Resource Management algorithm from which numerous novel conclusions on radar resource management algorithm design are drawn. The application of the continuous double auction leads to the development of the Continuous Double Auction Parameter Selection (CDAPS) algorithm. The CDAPS algorithm improves the current state of the art by producing an improved allocation with low computational burden. The algorithm is shown to give worthwhile improvements in task performance over a conventional rule based approach for the tracking and surveillance functions as well as exhibiting graceful degradation and adaptation to a dynamic environment

    Generalized asset integrity games

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    Generalized assets represent a class of multi-scale adaptive state-transition systems with domain-oblivious performance criteria. The governance of such assets must proceed without exact specifications, objectives, or constraints. Decision making must rapidly scale in the presence of uncertainty, complexity, and intelligent adversaries. This thesis formulates an architecture for generalized asset planning. Assets are modelled as dynamical graph structures which admit topological performance indicators, such as dependability, resilience, and efficiency. These metrics are used to construct robust model configurations. A normalized compression distance (NCD) is computed between a given active/live asset model and a reference configuration to produce an integrity score. The utility derived from the asset is monotonically proportional to this integrity score, which represents the proximity to ideal conditions. The present work considers the situation between an asset manager and an intelligent adversary, who act within a stochastic environment to control the integrity state of the asset. A generalized asset integrity game engine (GAIGE) is developed, which implements anytime algorithms to solve a stochastically perturbed two-player zero-sum game. The resulting planning strategies seek to stabilize deviations from minimax trajectories of the integrity score. Results demonstrate the performance and scalability of the GAIGE. This approach represents a first-step towards domain-oblivious architectures for complex asset governance and anytime planning