24 research outputs found

    An online spike detection and spike classification algorithm capable of instantaneous resolution of overlapping spikes

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    For the analysis of neuronal cooperativity, simultaneously recorded extracellular signals from neighboring neurons need to be sorted reliably by a spike sorting method. Many algorithms have been developed to this end, however, to date, none of them manages to fulfill a set of demanding requirements. In particular, it is desirable to have an algorithm that operates online, detects and classifies overlapping spikes in real time, and that adapts to non-stationary data. Here, we present a combined spike detection and classification algorithm, which explicitly addresses these issues. Our approach makes use of linear filters to find a new representation of the data and to optimally enhance the signal-to-noise ratio. We introduce a method called “Deconfusion” which de-correlates the filter outputs and provides source separation. Finally, a set of well-defined thresholds is applied and leads to simultaneous spike detection and spike classification. By incorporating a direct feedback, the algorithm adapts to non-stationary data and is, therefore, well suited for acute recordings. We evaluate our method on simulated and experimental data, including simultaneous intra/extra-cellular recordings made in slices of a rat cortex and recordings from the prefrontal cortex of awake behaving macaques. We compare the results to existing spike detection as well as spike sorting methods. We conclude that our algorithm meets all of the mentioned requirements and outperforms other methods under realistic signal-to-noise ratios and in the presence of overlapping spikes

    Spike-Feature Based Estimation of Electrode Position in Extracellular Neural Recordings

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    Detecting and sorting spikes in extracellular neural recordings are common procedures in assessing the activity of individual neurons. In chronic recordings, passive electrode movements introduce changes in the shape of detected spike waveforms, and may thus lead to problems with identification and tracking of spikes recorded at separate instances in time, which is an important step in long-term monitoring of individual neurons. Information about electrode movements after implantation is crucial to the evaluation of mechanical stability of different electrode designs. In this paper, we present a preliminary study of the relationship between electrode movements and the resulting movements of spike-features in feature space. We show that there is a characteristic relationship between the two movements and that this relationship can be modeled as a linear transformation between two coordinate systems. Finally, we show how the relationship can be used for estimating electrode positions based on measured spike waveforms without any prior knowledge about the type of neuron by introducing a learning procedure during electrode insertion

    Machine learning for automatic prediction of the quality of electrophysiological recordings

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    The quality of electrophysiological recordings varies a lot due to technical and biological variability and neuroscientists inevitably have to select “good” recordings for further analyses. This procedure is time-consuming and prone to selection biases. Here, we investigate replacing human decisions by a machine learning approach. We define 16 features, such as spike height and width, select the most informative ones using a wrapper method and train a classifier to reproduce the judgement of one of our expert electrophysiologists. Generalisation performance is then assessed on unseen data, classified by the same or by another expert. We observe that the learning machine can be equally, if not more, consistent in its judgements as individual experts amongst each other. Best performance is achieved for a limited number of informative features; the optimal feature set being different from one data set to another. With 80–90% of correct judgements, the performance of the system is very promising within the data sets of each expert but judgments are less reliable when it is used across sets of recordings from different experts. We conclude that the proposed approach is relevant to the selection of electrophysiological recordings, provided parameters are adjusted to different types of experiments and to individual experimenters

    An Accurate and Real-time Method for Resolving Superimposed Action Potentials in MultiUnit Recordings

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    Objective: Spike sorting of muscular and neural recordings requires separating action potentials that overlap in time (superimposed action potentials (APs)). We propose a new algorithm for resolving superimposed action potentials, and we test it on intramuscular EMG (iEMG) and intracortical recordings. Methods: Discrete-time shifts of the involved APs are first selected based on a heuristic extension of the peel-off algorithm. Then, the time shifts that provide the minimal residual Euclidean norm are identified (Discrete Brute force Correlation (DBC)). The optimal continuous-time shifts are then estimated (High-Resolution BC (HRBC)). In Fusion HRBC (FHRBC), two other cost functions are used. A parallel implementation of the DBC and HRBC algorithms was developed. The performance of the algorithms was assessed on 11,000 simulated iEMG and 14,000 neural recording superpositions, including two to eight APs, and eight experimental iEMG signals containing four to eleven active motor units. The performance of the proposed algorithms was compared with that of the Branch-and-Bound (BB) algorithm using the Rank-Product (RP) method in terms of accuracy and efficiency. Results: The average accuracy of the DBC, HRBC and FHRBC methods on the entire simulated datasets was 92.16\ub117.70, 93.65\ub116.89, and 94.90\ub115.15 (%). The DBC algorithm outperformed the other algorithms based on the RP method. The average accuracy and running time of the DBC algorithm on 10.5 ms superimposed spikes of the experimental signals were 92.1\ub121.7 (%) and 2.3\ub115.3 (ms). Conclusion and Significance: The proposed algorithm is promising for real-time neural decoding, a central problem in neural and muscular decoding and interfacing

    Inferring collective dynamical states from widely unobserved systems

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    When assessing spatially-extended complex systems, one can rarely sample the states of all components. We show that this spatial subsampling typically leads to severe underestimation of the risk of instability in systems with propagating events. We derive a subsampling-invariant estimator, and demonstrate that it correctly infers the infectiousness of various diseases under subsampling, making it particularly useful in countries with unreliable case reports. In neuroscience, recordings are strongly limited by subsampling. Here, the subsampling-invariant estimator allows to revisit two prominent hypotheses about the brain's collective spiking dynamics: asynchronous-irregular or critical. We identify consistently for rat, cat and monkey a state that combines features of both and allows input to reverberate in the network for hundreds of milliseconds. Overall, owing to its ready applicability, the novel estimator paves the way to novel insight for the study of spatially-extended dynamical systems.Comment: 7 pages + 12 pages supplementary information + 7 supplementary figures. Title changed to match journal referenc

    Improving data quality in neuronal population recordings

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    Understanding how the brain operates requires understanding how large sets of neurons function together. Modern recording technology makes it possible to simultaneously record the activity of hundreds of neurons, and technological developments will soon allow recording of thousands or tens of thousands. As with all experimental techniques, these methods are subject to confounds that complicate the interpretation of such recordings, and could lead to erroneous scientific conclusions. Here, we discuss methods for assessing and improving the quality of data from these techniques, and outline likely future directions in this field

    HTsort: Enabling Fast and Accurate Spike Sorting on Multi-Electrode Arrays

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    Spike sorting is used to classify the spikes (action potentials acquired by physiological electrodes), aiming to identify their respective firing units. Now it has been developed to classify the spikes recorded by multi-electrode arrays (MEAs), with the improvement of micro-electrode technology. However, how to improve classification accuracy and maintain low time complexity simultaneously becomes a difficulty. A fast and accurate spike sorting approach named HTsort is proposed for high-density multi-electrode arrays in this paper. Several improvements have been introduced to the traditional pipeline that is composed of threshold detection and clustering method. First, the divide-and-conquer method is employed to utilize electrode spatial information to achieve pre-clustering. Second, the clustering method HDBSCAN (hierarchical density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise) is used to classify spikes and detect overlapping events (multiple spikes firing simultaneously). Third, the template merging method is used to merge redundant exported templates according to the template similarity and the spatial distribution of electrodes. Finally, the template matching method is used to resolve overlapping events. Our approach is validated on simulation data constructed by ourselves and publicly available data and compared to other state-of-the-art spike sorters. We found that the proposed HTsort has a more favorable trade-off between accuracy and time consumption. Compared with MountainSort and SpykingCircus, the time consumption is reduced by at least 40% when the number of electrodes is 64 and below. Compared with HerdingSpikes, the classification accuracy can typically improve by more than 10%. Meanwhile, HTsort exhibits stronger robustness against background noise than other sorters. Our more sophisticated spike sorter would facilitate neurophysiologists to complete spike sorting more quickly and accurately