651 research outputs found

    Elastomer Application in Microsystem and Microfluidics

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    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationThe electrical conductivity properties of nickel nanostrands in polymer composite systems are investigated and characterized. Recently developed nickel nanostrands feature a three-dimensionally interconnecting and branching nanostructure that is shown to be highly effective at imparting electrical conductivity in polymer composites. A systematic investigation of material behaviors is undertaken, with results that have been or will be published in a series of journal articles. The content of the studies that form these articles is given herein as the core content of this work. The first study investigates the basic electrical and mechanical properties of nanostrands in a single polymer system. Key results indicate a strong dependence of conductivity properties on processing conditions, volume fraction of conductor, and sample geometry. Mechanical properties are not significantly altered by the presence of nanostrands. The dispersed nanostrand structure is next investigated through the development of statistical topology tools that can quantify nanostrand dispersions and correlate them to the electrical resistivity of composite films. Quantification of the dispersed nanostructure is a significant improvement over common literature approaches. The next step tests full percolation characterization across multiple polymer systems, and indicates a strong dependence on electrical resistivity between polymer types. Polymer constituent properties are found to be poor predictors of nanostrand composites conductivities, though further testing of addition metrics is expected to bring improved correlation. The concluding investigation seeks electrical conductivity percolation models for nanostrand composites. Existing models show only moderate accuracy, and a newly developed combined percolation tunneling approached is suggested for improved fit to measured conductivity

    Materials, Mechanics, and Patterning Techniques for Elastomer-Based Stretchable Conductors

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    Stretchable electronics represent a new generation of electronics that utilize soft, deformable elastomers as the substrate or matrix instead of the traditional rigid printed circuit boards. As the most essential component of stretchable electronics, the conductors should meet the requirements for both high conductivity and the capability to maintain conductive under large deformations such as bending, twisting, stretching, and compressing. This review summarizes recent progresses in various aspects of this fascinating and challenging area, including materials for supporting elastomers and electrical conductors, unique designs and stretching mechanics, and the subtractive and additive patterning techniques. The applications are discussed along with functional devices based on these conductors. Finally, the review is concluded with the current limitations, challenges, and future directions of stretchable conductors

    Microfabrication of a MEMS piezoresistive flow sensor - materials and processes

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    Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based artificial sensory hairs for flow sensing have been widely explored, but the processes involved in their fabrication are lithography intensive, making the process quite expensive and cumbersome. Most of these devices are also based on silicon MEMS, which makes the fabrication of out-of plane 3D flow sensors very challenging. This thesis aims to develop new fabrication technologies based on Polymer MEMS, with minimum dependence on lithography for the fabrication of piezoresistive 3D out-of-plane artificial sensory hairs for sensing of air flow. Moreover, the fabrication of a flexible sensor array is proposed and new materials are also explored for the sensing application. Soft lithography based approaches are first investigated for the fabrication of an all elastomer device that is tested in a bench top wind tunnel. Micromolding technologies allow for the mass fabrication of microstructures using a single, reusable mold master that is fabricated by SU-8 photolithography, reducing the need for repetitive processing. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is used as the device material and sputter deposited gold is used as both the piezoresistive as well as the electrode material for collection of device response. The fabrication results of PDMS to PDMS metal transfer micromolding (MTM) are shown and the limitations of the process are also discussed. A dissolving mold metal transfer micromolding process is then proposed and developed, which overcomes the limitations of the conventional MTM process pertinent to the present application. Testing results of devices fabricated using the dissolving mold process are discussed with emphasis on the role of micro-cr  acking as one failure mode in elastomeric devices with thin film metal electrodes. Finally, a laser microfabrication based approach using thin film Kapton as the device material and an electrically conductive carbon-black elastomer composite as the piezoresistor is proposed and demonstrated. Laminated sheets of thick and thin Kapton form the flexible substrate on which the conductive elastomer piezoresistors are stencil printed. Excimer laser ablation is used to make the micro-stencil as well as to release the Kapton cantilevers. The fluid-structure interaction is improved by the deposition of a thin film of silicon dioxide, which produces a stress-gradient induced curvature, strongly enhancing the device sensitivity. This new approach also enables the fabrication of backside interconnects, thereby addressing the commonly observed problem of flow intrusion while using conventional interconnection technologies like wire-bonding. Devices with varying dimensions of the sensing element are fabricated and the results presented, with smallest devices having a width of 400 microns and a length of 1.5 mm with flow sensitivities as high as 60 Ohms/m/s. Recommendations are also proposed for further optimization of the device.M.S.Committee Chair: Allen, Mark; Committee Member: Allen, Sue Ann Bidstrup; Committee Member: Wong, C.P

    Effect of Joule Heating on the Reliability of Stamped Metal Land Grid Array Sockets

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    Performance requirements in high end microprocessors have increased tremendously in the last several years, leading to higher I/O counts and interconnect densities. As greater currents pass through the microprocessor interconnect, higher temperatures driven by Joule heating are expected to pose reliability risks to high pin count microprocessor sockets. In this study Joule heating and its effect on the reliability of stamped metal land grid array (LGA) sockets was investigated using a combination of experimental and numerical methods. A methodology to determine socket temperature environments under electrical loading was developed. Knowledge of socket operating temperatures can allow original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and socket manufacturers to test for and mitigate failure mechanisms under thermal aging. The factors that influence Joule heating and contribute to premature socket failure were examined. Processor temperature, contact alloy and contact pitch were all found to significantly influence socket temperatures driven by Joule heating, with the contact alloy and processor temperature having the most significant effects. The resulting temperatures at higher currents were found to significantly influence the mechanical properties of the polymer housing and adversely affect socket stress relaxation behavior. The properties of the polymer housing were found to be sensitive to temperature owing to its visco-elastic nature. Polymer housing relaxation was therefore identified as a principle contributor to failure in stamped metal sockets under high temperature environments. In the latter part of the study, numerical modeling was used to develop a methodology for assessing socket life expectancy under temperature and deformation loads. A full visco-elastic characterization of the polymer housing was conducted and the measured properties were subsequently used to model socket stress relaxation time to failure. The results of this study indicate that socket temperatures under electrical loading can be significantly higher than those called for by EIA test specifications for LGA sockets. Passing tests that are not stringent enough to account for worst case scenarios can pave the way for field failures. The methodology outlined in this dissertation may be used to determine socket temperature environments and their effect on socket life expectancy

    Structural analysis of silicon solar arrays

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    Engineering mechanics in structural design of silicon solar array

    Flexible and Stretchable Electronics

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    Flexible and stretchable electronics are receiving tremendous attention as future electronics due to their flexibility and light weight, especially as applications in wearable electronics. Flexible electronics are usually fabricated on heat sensitive flexible substrates such as plastic, fabric or even paper, while stretchable electronics are usually fabricated from an elastomeric substrate to survive large deformation in their practical application. Therefore, successful fabrication of flexible electronics needs low temperature processable novel materials and a particular processing development because traditional materials and processes are not compatible with flexible/stretchable electronics. Huge technical challenges and opportunities surround these dramatic changes from the perspective of new material design and processing, new fabrication techniques, large deformation mechanics, new application development and so on. Here, we invited talented researchers to join us in this new vital field that holds the potential to reshape our future life, by contributing their words of wisdom from their particular perspective

    Printed and Laser-Scribed Stretchable Conductors on Thin Elastomers for Soft and Wearable Electronics

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    As printed electronics is evolving toward applications in biosensing and wearables, the need for novel routes to fabricate flat, lightweight, stretchable conductors is increasing in importance but still represents a challenge, limiting the actual adoption of ultrathin wearable devices in real scenarios. A suitable strategy for creating soft yet robust and stretchable interconnections in the aforementioned technological applications is to use print-related techniques to pattern conductors on top of elastomer substrates. In this study, some thin elastomeric sheets—two forms of medical grade thermoplastic polyurethanes and a medical grade silicone—are considered as suitable substrates. Their mechanical, surface, and moisture barrier properties—relevant for their application in soft and wearable electronics—are first investigated. Various approaches are tested to pattern conductors, based on screen printing of 1) conducting polymer [poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS)] or 2) stretchable Ag ink and 3) laser scribing of laser-induced graphene (LIG). The electromechanical properties of these materials are investigated by means of tensile testing and concurrent electrical measurements up to a maximum strain of 100%. Performance of the different stretchable conductors is compared and rationalized, evidencing the differences in onset and propagation of failure. LIG conductors embedded into MPU have shown the best compromise in terms of electromechanical performance for the envisioned application. LIG/MPU showed full recovery of initial resistance after multiple stretching up to 30% strain and recovery of functionality even after 100% stretch. These have been then used in a proof-of-concept application as connectors for a wearable tattoo biosensor, providing a stable and lightweight connection for external wiring

    Nanofluid Flow in Porous Media

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    Studies of fluid flow and heat transfer in a porous medium have been the subject of continuous interest for the past several decades because of the wide range of applications, such as geothermal systems, drying technologies, production of thermal isolators, control of pollutant spread in groundwater, insulation of buildings, solar power collectors, design of nuclear reactors, and compact heat exchangers, etc. There are several models for simulating porous media such as the Darcy model, Non-Darcy model, and non-equilibrium model. In porous media applications, such as the environmental impact of buried nuclear heat-generating waste, chemical reactors, thermal energy transport/storage systems, the cooling of electronic devices, etc., a temperature discrepancy between the solid matrix and the saturating fluid has been observed and recognized

    Study of soft materials, flexible electronics, and machine learning for fully portable and wireless brain-machine interfaces

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    Over 300,000 individuals in the United States are afflicted with some form of limited motor function from brainstem or spinal-cord related injury resulting in quadriplegia or some form of locked-in syndrome. Conventional brain-machine interfaces used to allow for communication or movement require heavy, rigid components, uncomfortable headgear, excessive numbers of electrodes, and bulky electronics with long wires that result in greater data artifacts and generally inadequate performance. Wireless, wearable electroencephalograms, along with dry non-invasive electrodes can be utilized to allow recording of brain activity on a mobile subject to allow for unrestricted movement. Additionally, multilayer microfabricated flexible circuits, when combined with a soft materials platform allows for imperceptible wearable data acquisition electronics for long term recording. This dissertation aims to introduce new electronics and training paradigms for brain-machine interfaces to provide remedies in the form of communication and movement for these individuals. Here, training is optimized by generating a virtual environment from which a subject can achieve immersion using a VR headset in order to train and familiarize with the system. Advances in hardware and implementation of convolutional neural networks allow for rapid classification and low-latency target control. Integration of materials, mechanics, circuit and electrode design results in an optimized brain-machine interface allowing for rehabilitation and overall improved quality of life.Ph.D
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