77 research outputs found

    Technology acceptance model & realidade aumentada: estudo em desenvolvimento

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    Introducción. Este artículo presenta el proyecto de investigación I+D, financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (EDU- 5746-P–Proyecto Rafodiun), para conocer el nivel de adopción de una tecnología o modelo TAM, formulado por Davies (1989). Se presentan las características del modelo, se formula uno para el análisis de la RA, así como el instrumento para su diagnóstico. Objetivo. Establecer el grado de motivación y nivel de satisfacción que despierta en los estudiantes universitarios el hecho de participar en experiencias formativas apoyadas en RA, e indagar sobre las dificultades técnicas, curriculares y organizativas que pudiera tener la RA para ser aplicada a los contextos de formación universitaria. Materiales y métodos. Se utilizó el Modelo de Aceptación de la Tecnología (TAM), formulado inicialmente por Davies (1989). Resultados. La investigación se llevó a cabo mediante estudios experimentales realizados con estudiantes de diferentes estudios universitarios, que interaccionen con diferentes objetos de aprendizaje producidos bajo la arquitectura de la RA, algunos de los cuales pueden observarse en el sitio web del RA del “Secretariado de Recursos Audiovisuales y Nuevas Tecnologías” de la Universidad de Sevilla (http://ra.sav.us.es/). Conclusiones. La RA es una tecnología que se está presentando como de verdadera utilidad y con diferentes posibilidades para facilitar el aprendizaje por parte de los estudiantes en diferentes áreas curriculares, pero sobre la que se debe reconocer que se están efectuando más análisis tecnológicos que investigaciones sobre su aplicación en el terreno educativo.Introduction. This article introduces a R+D Project funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España (EDU-5746-P–Proyecto Rafodiun) to get to know the degree of adoption of a TAM model or technology formulated by Davis (1989). The characteristics of the model are introduced and one is formulated for the RA analysis, along with the instrument for its diagnosis. Objective. Establish the motivation and satisfaction degrees the fact of participating in experiences supported by RA produce among university students, and delve into the technical, curricular and organizational difficulties RA could have for being applied in university formation contexts. Materials and methods. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), initially formulated by Davis (1989) was used. Results. The research work was performed by means of experimental studies made with students from several university areas, who interact with different learning objects produced under RA´s architecture, some of which can be seen at RA´s website of “Secretariado de Recursos Audiovisuales y Nuevas Tecnologías”, Universidad de Sevilla (http://ra.sav.us.es/). Conclusions. RA is a really useful technology, with several possibilities to make learning easier for students from different curricular areas, but it is also necessary to recognize that more technological analysis than research on its application in the education field are being made.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad EDU- 5746-P–Proyecto Rafodiu

    Augmented, Assessed, Addressed: Reframing the Curricula for First Year STEM Students.

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    There is a particular challenge with engaging technically motivated STEM students with ‘softer skill’ development, despite clear evidence from employers that these skills are highly desirable. In the UK, Higher Education Institutes response has been to require undergraduate courses to contain an element of Personal Development Planning (PDP)[1]. Our paper directly addresses the issue of trying to engage students from Computer and Gaming courses with their PDP. Previous experiences of teaching these cohorts traditionally report low attendance and poor completion rates, impacting on first year/second year progression. This study reports on work reframing the curricula for this essential aspect of the student learning experience, by offering the students realistic and authentic tasks by ‘flipping’ the classroom. This requires them to work in small groups, selecting, designing and then creating an augmented reality artefact using ‘Aurasma’[2], a free software tool for developing augmented reality objects. We note that the co-design process of curriculum development has enhanced student engagement; student completion rates have significantly increased, and class attendance improved

    Using an AR Simulation for Hospital Spill Cleanup Training in Highly-Infectious Disease Holding Units

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    This project explores the implementation of an augmented reality training simulation in a hospital cleanup environment. Specifically, the simulation teaches cleanup staff to correctly sanitize surfaces containing contaminated spills in isolation units of highly infectious disease wards. We are using Microsoft’s HoloLens, a head-mounted display unit that uses a pair of mixed reality smartglasses. We are making the simulation as immersive as possible, implementing recorded audio from hospital machinery and video of a distressed patient and nurse. We are presenting the cleanup process in steps with which the user will follow along. A talking head-style virtual instructor communicates each step to the user before they begin to complete it. By developing the simulation as a realistic recreation, we intend to better prepare cleanup staff for if/when they have to complete the task in the event of an actual contagion situation.Undergraduat

    Using Augmented Reality to Engage STEM Students with an Authentic Curriculum

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    This paper reports on the introduction of a set of 'Augmented Reality' (AR) tasks, offering an innovative, real world and problem based set of activities for a group of first year University Gaming and Computer Science students. Our initial research identifies a gap in the perceptions of STEM students between the usefulness of discipline based modules and a compulsory 'Professional Development' module where more ‘employability’ based skills were delivered. It had a history of poor student engagement and attendance, and failed to provide a compelling narrative/links to the outside world. The AR tasks were designed to facilitate group-working and multi-channel communication, and to engage students through the use of a more creative technology. Framed as a rich case study, insights are captured through student blogs, video interviews and a questionnaire. Initial findings indicate higher levels of satisfaction, enhanced student engagement and a greater awareness of the value of transferable skills

    The use of Augmented Reality in the teaching of Anatomy in Medicine: acceptance and motivation of the student

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    Introducción: La adopción de alternativas digitales a modelos físicos mediante las tecnologías de realidad aumentada se presenta como una alternativa en la enseñanza de la medicina. Objetivo: Conocer el grado de aceptación y motivación que la realidad aumentada despierta en los estudiantes de medicina, hemos realizado un estudio durante el curso académico 2016 – 2017, en el que participaron 50 estudiantes de Medicina, que cursaban la asignatura de “Anatomía Humana I” en la Universidad de Sevilla. Método: Se utilizaron para el análisis de la motivación el “Instructional Material Motivational Survey”, para el grado de aceptación se aplicó el “The Technology Acceptance Model” y un tercer instrumento donde los estudiantes evaluaron los objetos de aprendizaje. Resultados: Los resultados revelaron la valoración positiva de los estudiantes hacia a la Realidad Aumentada por sus beneficios didácticos: motivación, aceptación, adquisición de conocimientos, entre otros. Conclusiones: Los objetos diseñados fueron valorados positivamente por los estudiantes, fáciles de descargar y de instalar en sus dispositivos. Siendo importante los resultados ya que fueron obtenidos con diversos objetos preparados para el estudio.Introduction: The adoption of digital alternatives to physical models through Augmented Reality technologies is presented as an alternative in the teaching of medicine. Objective: To know the degree of acceptance and motivation that augmented reality arouses in medical students, we have carried out a study during the academic year 2016 - 2017, in which 50 medical students participated, who were taking the subject of "Human Anatomy I "at the University of Sevilla. Method: The "Instructional Material Motivational Survey" was used for the motivation analysis, for the degree of acceptance the "The Technology Acceptance Model” and a third instrument where students evaluated the learning objects. The results revealed the positive assessment of students towards the Augmented Reality for its didactic benefits: motivation, acceptance, knowledge acquisition, among others. Conclusions: The designed objects were positively rated by the students, easy to download and install on their devices. Being important the results since they were obtained with diverse objects prepared for the study

    The Design of a Research: RAFODIUN Project

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    En el presente artículo, como ejemplo de una investigación presentada en el campo de las ciencias sociales, una investigación realizada alrededor del diseño y producción de objetos de Realidad Aumentada (RA). Una tecnología que pensamos que se está convirtiendo en una tecnología emergente, con grandes posibilidades para su uso en la educación, permitiéndonos la posibilidad de enriquecer la realidad física con información digital en tiempo real. Se incluyen las diferentes fases que hemos tenido en cuenta, así como los principales resultados que se van obteniendoIn the present article, as example of an investigation presented in the field of the social sciences, an investigation realized about the design and production of objects of Augmented Reality (AR). A technology that we think that is turning into an emergent technology, with big possibilities for his use into the education, allowing us the possibility of enriching the physical reality with digital real time information. There are included the different phases that we have born in mind, as well as the principal results that are obtained

    Use of Augmented Reality Technology as a Didactic Resource in University Teaching

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    La presente investigación se enmarca dentro del proyecto de investigación español (I+D+I) Realidad aumentada para aumentar la formación. Diseño, producción y evaluación de programas de realidad aumentada para la formación universitaria" (EDU-5746-P–Proyecto RAFODIUN). Se analiza una experiencia de innovación universitaria con Realidad Aumentada con 117 estudiantes que cursan asignaturas de Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España). Se ha aplicado una metodología de investigación cualitativa mediante el diseño de un cuestionario abierto que permite analizar con mayor profundidad la funcionalidad, limitaciones y posibilidades formativas de la realidad aumentada por estudiantes que han empleado la misma en sus procesos formativos. El análisis se ha realizado con ayuda del programa Atlas-Ti y los resultados muestran que la realidad aumentada es una tecnología emergente con amplias posibilidades formativas. Sin embargo, se precisa de una formación e inversión económica para garantizar su éxito en las aulas.The present research is part of the Spanish research project (I+D+I) Augmented reality to foster training. Design, production and assessment of augmented reality programs for University education (EDU-5746-P-Project RAFODIUN). An experience of University innovation with Augmented Reality is analyzed with the participation of 117 students who study subjects of Information and Communication Technology at Pablo de Olavide University in Seville (Spain). A qualitative research methodology has been applied through the design of an open questionnaire that allows to deeper analyze the functionality, limitations and formative possibilities of augmented reality by students who have used it in their formative processes. The analysis was carried out with the help of the Atlas-Ti program and the results show that augmented reality is an emerging technology with broad training possibilities. However, it requires training and economic investment to guarantee its success in the classroom

    Formative possibilities of augmented technology. A diachronic study in university scenarios

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    Este artículo presenta un estudio diacrónico circunscrito a dos titulaciones cursadas en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla en el que se describe una experiencia didáctica con 236 estudiantes que cursan asignaturas de "Tecnología de la Información y la Comunicación". La acción formativa se desarrolló a través de un Seminario de Tecnologías Emergentes para analizar diversas aplicaciones de Realidad Aumentada en escenarios formativos y sus posibilidades educativas, además, de dinamizar en el alumnado actitudes proactivas y un uso competencial didáctico de las mismas. La investigación se ha implementado a través de una metodología cualitativa con el diseño de un mapa de categorías mediante el empleo del programa Atlas-Ti. Los resultados muestran que el alumnado de ambas titulaciones considera que la Realidad Aumentada es una tecnología emergente fácil de utilizar, dinamiza escenarios formativos motivadores y favorece el trabajo colaborativo. No obstante, también manifiesta que requiere de un elevado coste económico, puede incrementar la brecha digital y precisa de una formación especializada de los docentes.This article presents a diachronic study circumscribed to two degrees taught at the Pablo de Olavide University in Seville. This didactic experience is developed with 236 students who study subjects of "Information and Communication Technology". The activity was implemented through a seminar on Emerging Technologies to analyze various applications of Augmented Reality in educational settings and their educational possibilities, besides stimulating students' proactive attitudes and a didactic and competent use of these technologies. The research has been implemented through a qualitative methodology with the design of a category map by using the Atlas-Ti program. The results show that the students of both degrees consider that the Augmented Reality is an easy-to-use emerging technology, stimulates motivating formative scenarios and favours collaborative work. However, it also states that it requires a high economic cost, can increase the digital divide and requires specialized training of teachers

    The Integration of Augmented Reality (AR) in Education

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    New teaching techniques have been adopted as a result of the emergence of innovative technological tools in the field of Augmented Reality (AR), as investigated in several articles to date (Hsu 2017; Forsythe & Raine 2019). The availability of AR applications, both vision, and location-based, allows students today to learn foreign languages in a more contextualized and immersive manner, thanks to the use of smartphones and other electronic devices. Thus, this study seeks to analyze and review the recent trends in AR implementation in education and to present the main projects aimed at teaching with AR-based projects that have been published in the latest years in WOS and Scopus