14 research outputs found

    Enterprise Information Management: Managing data and information for business advantage

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    This paper presents an overview of key literature (academic and practitioner) that has informed the Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Critical Capability (CC) of IT-CMF in the digital business context. The paper highlights the key insights that underpin the EIM CC, and presents an up-to-date view of key thinking in this area. The goal of an effective EIM capability is to ensure that quality data and information is available to support the business activities of the organization. It ensures availability of appropriate operational data and information for business transactions, and consistently enables timely and informed decision-making. An effective EIM capability must include strategic integration between business goals and the information and data management strategy to support these. Managing data and information effectively also requires that the IT function supports, rather than drives, an organization鈥檚 strategic needs [1]. As a note on terminology, this position paper adopts the view, based on the Data Management Association International鈥檚 (DAMA) Body of Knowledge [1] (p.20) that data and information are so closely related that a precise differentiation between their meanings cannot usefully be provided. In terms of how they are managed in organizations, however, it can be useful to make a distinction between them for the purposes of clear communication about the requirements and expectations of different stakeholders e.g. a sales report (information) based on data from the data warehouse (data)

    Enterprise Information Management: Managing data and information for business advantage

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    This paper presents an overview of key literature (academic and practitioner) that has informed the Enterprise Information Management (EIM) Critical Capability (CC) of IT-CMF in the digital business context. The paper highlights the key insights that underpin the EIM CC, and presents an up-to-date view of key thinking in this area. The goal of an effective EIM capability is to ensure that quality data and information is available to support the business activities of the organization. It ensures availability of appropriate operational data and information for business transactions, and consistently enables timely and informed decision-making. An effective EIM capability must include strategic integration between business goals and the information and data management strategy to support these. Managing data and information effectively also requires that the IT function supports, rather than drives, an organization鈥檚 strategic needs [1]. As a note on terminology, this position paper adopts the view, based on the Data Management Association International鈥檚 (DAMA) Body of Knowledge [1] (p.20) that data and information are so closely related that a precise differentiation between their meanings cannot usefully be provided. In terms of how they are managed in organizations, however, it can be useful to make a distinction between them for the purposes of clear communication about the requirements and expectations of different stakeholders e.g. a sales report (information) based on data from the data warehouse (data)


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    Contemporary organizations recognize the importance of green innovation for their competitive advantages in the long run, and most existing studies focus on its impacts on organizational performances. Based on the resource-based view, this study examines the roles that green information systems (IS) infrastructure and green culture play in green innovation as tangible and intangible resources. In addition to their direct impacts, green IS infrastructure and green culture may have indirect relationships with green innovation through the alignment between two as well as their alignments with green innovation. The hypothesized triadic relationships among green IS infrastructure, green culture and green innovation effectiveness were tested with survey observations collected from organizations in China. The statistical analyses supported all the direct relationships as hypothesized, but yielded mixed results on the mediating relationships. The alignment between GIS and green innovation had positive effect, the alignment between green IS and green culture had insignificant effect, and the alignment between green culture and green innovation had negative effect. In addition, each aspect of alignment played somewhat different roles across organizations of different sizes

    The internet of things in manufacturing innovation processes: development and application of a conceptual framework

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    Purpose: This study aims to contribute and enrich the scientific debate about the phenomenon called the Internet of Things (IoT) from a managerial perspective. Through the lenses of management and innovation literature, we investigate the main facts that characterize the IoT and developed a conceptual framework to interpret its evolution. The framework has then been applied to the case of a three-dimensional (3D) printing technology used for additive manufacturing. Design/methodology/approach: A theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of the IoT and its main elements has been performed to construct a conceptual framework in a managerial fashion able to describe the evolutionary impacts of the phenomenon on the manufacturing industry. Findings: Through consequential steps, namely radical, modular, architectural and incremental innovation, and by adopting and integrating the Henderson and Clark model, we explain the cornerstones of the evolutionary impact of the IoT on the manufacturing industry. Finally, we apply our framework to the case of additive manufacturing and 3D printing. Practical implications: Our framework鈥檚 practical value is related to its employability in interpreting and possibly forecasting the evolution of manufacturing industries thanks to the advent of the IoT, allowing managers to capture value arising from technological changes. Originality/value: This study offers a clear and simple model to interpret the impacts of the IoT. Such a goal has been obtained by systematizing the disconnected research on the topic and arranging such contributions into solid paradigms of the managerial literature

    Should We Stay or Should We Go? Analyzing Continuance of Cloud Enterprise Systems

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    As cloud computing has become a mature technology that companies across all industries have adopted, cloud service providers have increasingly begun to turn their attention to retaining their customers. However, little research has investigated the antecedents of service continuance in an organizational context. To address this gap in research, we carried out a quantitative empirical study. We developed a conceptual model that builds on previous research on organizational level continuance. We tested this model using survey data gathered from decision makers of companies that have adopted cloud enterprise systems. We analyzed the data using PLS. The results show that socio-organizational and technology-related factors can be used to predict continuance intention of cloud computing use. Besides cloud-specific findings, the study also enhances knowledge in organizational-level system continuance and its connection to IS success

    Innovation-Driven Enterprise Architecture

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    Organizations don't use Enterprise Architecture (EA) to leverage innovation as much as they should. And this while the organization's ability to innovate is an essential capability in a competitive market. IT can enable business innovation and EA is rooted in IT. Therefore, IT is considered the common denominator between EA and business innovation. This exploratory research provides new insight to bridge a knowledge gap on how EA can enhance an organization鈥榮 ability in IT-enabled business innovation. It reveals that organizational learning is critical to the innovative capabilities of organizations. With this in mind, the most important capability domains have been determined: Knowledge, Collaboration & communication, Information processing & coordination, and Ideation. To facilitate these capabilities, several technological and organizational assets are identified: Key stakeholders, Collaborative organizational culture, Web technologies, Knowledge management systems, and Data Analytics. We developed a conceptual model which positions the capability domains and key assets. This model has been validated through a case study, conducted within a global manufacturing company. Conclusion is that EA is a viable approach to systematically address and facilitate IT-enabled business innovation. By focusing on the capabilities and facilitating these through organizational and technical assets, organizations can enhance their ability in IT-enabled business innovation

    Innovaci贸n empresarial y su impacto en las estrategias competitivas en las empresas

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    El art铆culo realiza diversos an谩lisis referentes a la innovaci贸n empresarial y su impacto en las estrategias competitivas ya que es un impulsor para el desarrollo empresarial y establece direcci贸n a la alta gerencia a generar ventajas competitivas. El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad analizar los niveles de gesti贸n, estrat茅gico y tecnol贸gico que aportan a la innovaci贸n al cambio y diferenciaci贸n hacia el mercado. La investigaci贸n de estudio desarrollada en el proyecto de investigaci贸n es de revisi贸n sistem谩tica y de enfoque cualitativo cimentado en los criterios que diferentes autores tienen acerca de la tem谩tica formulada. Cada uno de ellos han destacado ciertas contribuciones importantes que ayudan a obtener con facilidad la realidad de las empresas y la importancia que tiene las estrategias competitivas. Este proyecto tiene como finalidad la interpretaci贸n del tema en cuesti贸n para un an谩lisis detallado, coherente, y cuestionable

    Kerangka Kerja Penilaian Implementasi Business Process Management (Bpm): Multi Studi Kasuspada Perusahaan Pengguna Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) Halaman Judul Buce Trias Hanggara

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    Adanya kesenjangan antara pengguna ERP, baik yang telah memperhatikan proses bisnis di perusahaannya maupun yang tidak, terhadap rendahnya popularitas penggunaan BPM di Indonesia dibandingkan keuntungan yang ditawarkan oleh sistem mendorong dilakukannya penelitian ini. Kesenjangan tersebut antara lain adanya perusahaan yang menggunakan ERP masih tidak melakukan manajemen proses bisnis secara utuh. Penelitian kualitatif dilakukan menggunakan metode multi studi kasus di beberapa perusahaan pengguna ERP. Penggalian data dilakukan menggunakan wawancara, dokumentasi perusahaan, dan observasi langsung. Pada penelitian ini disusun sebuah kerangka kerja penilaian implementasi BPM. Dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja yang diajukan, dibuat sebuah instrumen wawancara untuk kemudian diintrepretasikan hasilnya menjadi penilaian implementasi BPM di perusahaan objek studi kasus. Hasil yang didapatkan adalah tingkat implementasi implementasi BPM di PT Telkom secara umum adalah 4,92, Semen Indonesia mendapat skor 4,58, dan Astra Daihatsu Motor mendapat skor 4,08. Empat kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik dari penelitian adlaah: 1) Tiap perusahaan pengguna ERP memiliki tingkat implementasi BPM yang berbeda. 2) Fase penggalian proses bisnis dan desain ulang proses bisnis merupakan fase yang masih kurang mendapat perhatian di beberapa perusahaan di Indonesia. 3) Perbedaan karakteristik penerapan BPM mempengaruhi jalannya pengembangan proses bisnis di perusahaan. 4) Baiknya tingkat implementasi BPM di perusahaan dipengaruhi oleh jenis usaha, kompetisi atau persaingan, panjang pendeknya life cyle proses bisnis, dan keberagaman proses bisnis di perusahaan =========================================================================================

    Desempe帽o innovador: antecedentes y efectos mediadores de la capacidad emocional en empresas de media y baja tecnolog铆a

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    El presente estudio aborda una serie de vac铆os te贸ricos relacionados con el desempe帽o innovador como variable dependiente final, que est谩n inmersos en tres campos de estudio: estrategia, gesti贸n de sistemas de informaci贸n e innovaci贸n abierta. Por ende, los objetivos de la investigaci贸n se han planteado en funci贸n de la relaci贸n entre vac铆o y campo de estudio, con el prop贸sito de lograr una mayor correspondencia del trabajo con las discusiones actuales y particulares de estas tres 谩reas de conocimiento. En consecuencia, se plantean los siguientes objetivos: En el cap铆tulo 2, el objetivo del art铆culo es desarrollar un marco te贸rico general que permita establecer el v铆nculo entre la visi贸n de la firma basada en recursos, en conocimiento y particularmente la perspectiva de las capacidades din谩micas con los constructos que hacen parte de los tres modelos de desarrollados que ser谩n desarrollados en los cap铆tulos 3, 4 y 5 de la tesis. Para ello, es necesario revisar estos enfoques y usarlos para entender la naturaleza de la capacidad emocional, la capacidad de tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n, la orientaci贸n estrat茅gica a la competencia, la evaluaci贸n de la capacidad de absorci贸n de la competencia, y la innovaci贸n abierta. Tambi茅n, se describe la evoluci贸n de la conceptualizaci贸n de estos contructos y los grandes campos de investigaci贸n en torno a los mismos. En el cap铆tulo 3, el objetivo del art铆culo es analizar el efecto mediador de la capacidad emocional de la organizaci贸n en la relaci贸n entre orientaci贸n estrat茅gica a la competencia y el desempe帽o innovador. En ese cap铆tulo se resalta que los datos proceden de una muestra de empresas de empresas manufactureras, de media y baja tecnolog铆a, y de servicios, situadas en un pa铆s en donde prevalecen las innovaciones incrementales y es bajo el nivel de apropiaci贸n, que son condiciones favorables para la expropiaci贸n de conocimiento por parte de la competencia. En el cap铆tulo 4 se analiza la mediaci贸n de la capacidad emocional en la relaci贸n entre capacidad de tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n y desempe帽o innovador. En ese art铆culo se resalta que los datos proceden de muestra de empresas situadas en un pa铆s que ocupa una posici贸n intermedia frente al resto del mundo en materia de adopci贸n y uso de tecnolog铆as de informaci贸n por parte de las empresas, lo cual supone mayores desaf铆os cognitivos y emocionales en cuanto a la gesti贸n de estas herramientas tecnol贸gicas en el proceso de innovaci贸n. En el cap铆tulo 5, el art铆culo tiene varios objetivos, en primer lugar, analizar los efectos directos de ambos procesos de innovaci贸n abierta: adquisici贸n y explotaci贸n, sobre el desempe帽o innovador. En segundo lugar, analizar la evaluaci贸n de la capacidad de absorci贸n de la competencia y la capacidad emocional como antecedentes de ambos procesos de innovaci贸n abierta. En ese art铆culo se resalta que los datos proceden de una muestra conformada mayoritariamente por pymes, situadas en un pa铆s emergente, tecnol贸gicamente seguidor, en donde prevalecen las innovaciones incrementales y es bajo el nivel de apropiaci贸