8,832 research outputs found

    Greedy Shallow Networks: An Approach for Constructing and Training Neural Networks

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    We present a greedy-based approach to construct an efficient single hidden layer neural network with the ReLU activation that approximates a target function. In our approach we obtain a shallow network by utilizing a greedy algorithm with the prescribed dictionary provided by the available training data and a set of possible inner weights. To facilitate the greedy selection process we employ an integral representation of the network, based on the ridgelet transform, that significantly reduces the cardinality of the dictionary and hence promotes feasibility of the greedy selection. Our approach allows for the construction of efficient architectures which can be treated either as improved initializations to be used in place of random-based alternatives, or as fully-trained networks in certain cases, thus potentially nullifying the need for backpropagation training. Numerical experiments demonstrate the tenability of the proposed concept and its advantages compared to the conventional techniques for selecting architectures and initializations for neural networks

    Sparse Image Representation with Epitomes

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    Sparse coding, which is the decomposition of a vector using only a few basis elements, is widely used in machine learning and image processing. The basis set, also called dictionary, is learned to adapt to specific data. This approach has proven to be very effective in many image processing tasks. Traditionally, the dictionary is an unstructured "flat" set of atoms. In this paper, we study structured dictionaries which are obtained from an epitome, or a set of epitomes. The epitome is itself a small image, and the atoms are all the patches of a chosen size inside this image. This considerably reduces the number of parameters to learn and provides sparse image decompositions with shiftinvariance properties. We propose a new formulation and an algorithm for learning the structured dictionaries associated with epitomes, and illustrate their use in image denoising tasks.Comment: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Colorado Springs : United States (2011

    Learning Sparsely Used Overcomplete Dictionaries via Alternating Minimization

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    We consider the problem of sparse coding, where each sample consists of a sparse linear combination of a set of dictionary atoms, and the task is to learn both the dictionary elements and the mixing coefficients. Alternating minimization is a popular heuristic for sparse coding, where the dictionary and the coefficients are estimated in alternate steps, keeping the other fixed. Typically, the coefficients are estimated via â„“1\ell_1 minimization, keeping the dictionary fixed, and the dictionary is estimated through least squares, keeping the coefficients fixed. In this paper, we establish local linear convergence for this variant of alternating minimization and establish that the basin of attraction for the global optimum (corresponding to the true dictionary and the coefficients) is \order{1/s^2}, where ss is the sparsity level in each sample and the dictionary satisfies RIP. Combined with the recent results of approximate dictionary estimation, this yields provable guarantees for exact recovery of both the dictionary elements and the coefficients, when the dictionary elements are incoherent.Comment: Local linear convergence now holds under RIP and also more general restricted eigenvalue condition

    Flexible Multi-layer Sparse Approximations of Matrices and Applications

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    The computational cost of many signal processing and machine learning techniques is often dominated by the cost of applying certain linear operators to high-dimensional vectors. This paper introduces an algorithm aimed at reducing the complexity of applying linear operators in high dimension by approximately factorizing the corresponding matrix into few sparse factors. The approach relies on recent advances in non-convex optimization. It is first explained and analyzed in details and then demonstrated experimentally on various problems including dictionary learning for image denoising, and the approximation of large matrices arising in inverse problems
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