88,054 research outputs found

    Improving the predictability of distributed stream processors

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    Next generation real-time applications demand big-data infrastructures to process huge and continuous data volumes under complex computational constraints. This type of application raises new issues on current big-data processing infrastructures. The first issue to be considered is that most of current infrastructures for big-data processing were defined for general purpose applications. Thus, they set aside real-time performance, which is in some cases an implicit requirement. A second important limitation is the lack of clear computational models that could be supported by current big-data frameworks. In an effort to reduce this gap, this article contributes along several lines. First, it provides a set of improvements to a computational model called distributed stream processing in order to formalize it as a real-time infrastructure. Second, it proposes some extensions to Storm, one of the most popular stream processors. These extensions are designed to gain an extra control over the resources used by the application in order to improve its predictability. Lastly, the article presents some empirical evidences on the performance that can be expected from this type of infrastructure.This work has been partially supported by HERMES (Healthy and Efficient Routes in Massive open-data basEd Smart cities). It has been also partially financed by Distributed Java Infrastructure for Real-Time Big Data (CAS14/00118). It has been also partially funded by eMadrid (S2013/ICE-2715) and by European Union’s 7th Framework Programme ​under Grant Agreement FP7-IC6-318763

    Software Platforms for Smart Cities: Concepts, Requirements, Challenges, and a Unified Reference Architecture

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    Making cities smarter help improve city services and increase citizens' quality of life. Information and communication technologies (ICT) are fundamental for progressing towards smarter city environments. Smart City software platforms potentially support the development and integration of Smart City applications. However, the ICT community must overcome current significant technological and scientific challenges before these platforms can be widely used. This paper surveys the state-of-the-art in software platforms for Smart Cities. We analyzed 23 projects with respect to the most used enabling technologies, as well as functional and non-functional requirements, classifying them into four categories: Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things, Big Data, and Cloud Computing. Based on these results, we derived a reference architecture to guide the development of next-generation software platforms for Smart Cities. Finally, we enumerated the most frequently cited open research challenges, and discussed future opportunities. This survey gives important references for helping application developers, city managers, system operators, end-users, and Smart City researchers to make project, investment, and research decisions.Comment: Accepted for publication in ACM Computing Survey

    Towards evaluation design for smart city development

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    Smart city developments integrate digital, human, and physical systems in the built environment. With growing urbanization and widespread developments, identifying suitable evaluation methodologies is important. Case-study research across five UK cities - Birmingham, Bristol, Manchester, Milton Keynes and Peterborough - revealed that city evaluation approaches were principally project-focused with city-level evaluation plans at early stages. Key challenges centred on selecting suitable evaluation methodologies to evidence urban value and outcomes, addressing city authority requirements. Recommendations for evaluation design draw on urban studies and measurement frameworks, capitalizing on big data opportunities and developing appropriate, valid, credible integrative approaches across projects, programmes and city-level developments

    Big data and smart cities: a public sector organizational learning perspective

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    Public sector organizations (city authorities) have begun to explore ways to exploit big data to provide smarter solutions for cities. The way organizations learn to use new forms of technology has been widely researched. However, many public sector organisations have found themselves in new territory in trying to deploy and integrate this new form of technology (big data) to another fast moving and relatively new concept (smart city). This paper is a cross-sectional scoping study—from two UK smart city initiatives—on the learning processes experienced by elite (top management) stakeholders in the advent and adoption of these two novel concepts. The findings are an experiential narrative account on learning to exploit big data to address issues by developing solutions through smart city initiatives. The findings revealed a set of moves in relation to the exploration and exploitation of big data through smart city initiatives: (a) knowledge finding; (b) knowledge reframing; (c) inter-organization collaborations and (d) ex-post evaluations. Even though this is a time-sensitive scoping study it gives an account on a current state-of-play on the use of big data in public sector organizations for creating smarter cities. This study has implications for practitioners in the smart city domain and contributes to academia by operationalizing and adapting Crossan et al’s (Acad Manag Rev 24(3): 522–537, 1999) 4I model on organizational learning

    A Framework for Integrating Transportation Into Smart Cities

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    In recent years, economic, environmental, and political forces have quickly given rise to “Smart Cities” -- an array of strategies that can transform transportation in cities. Using a multi-method approach to research and develop a framework for smart cities, this study provides a framework that can be employed to: Understand what a smart city is and how to replicate smart city successes; The role of pilot projects, metrics, and evaluations to test, implement, and replicate strategies; and Understand the role of shared micromobility, big data, and other key issues impacting communities. This research provides recommendations for policy and professional practice as it relates to integrating transportation into smart cities
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