2,376 research outputs found

    Accuracy of UAV Photogrammetry in Glacial and Periglacial Alpine Terrain: A Comparison With Airborne and Terrestrial Datasets

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    Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with optical instruments are increasingly deployed in high mountain environments to investigate and monitor glacial and periglacial processes. The comparison and fusion of UAV data with airborne and terrestrial data offers the opportunity to analyse spatio-temporal changes in the mountains and to upscale findings from local UAV surveys to larger areas. However, due to the lack of gridded high-resolution data in alpine terrain, the specific challenges and uncertainties associated with the comparison and fusion of multi-temporal data from different platforms in this environment are not well known. Here we make use of UAV, airborne, and terrestrial data from four (peri)glacial alpine study sites with different topographic settings. The aim is to assess the accuracy of UAV photogrammetric products in complex terrain, to point out differences to other products, and to discuss best practices regarding the fusion of multi-temporal data. The surface geometry and characteristic geomorphological features of the four alpine sites are well captured by the UAV data, but the positional accuracies vary greatly. They range from 15 cm (root-mean-square error) for the smallest survey area (0.2 km2) with a high ground control point (GCP) density (40 GCPs km−2) to 135 cm for the largest survey area (>2.5 km2) with a lower GCP density (<10 GCPs km−2). Besides a small number and uneven distribution of GCPs, a low contrast, and insufficient lateral image overlap (<50–70%) seem to be the main causes for the distortions and artefacts found in the UAV data. Deficiencies both in the UAV and airborne data are the reason for horizontal deviations observed between the datasets. In steep terrain, horizontal deviations of a few decimetres may result in surface elevation change errors of several metres. An accurate co-registration and evaluation of multi-temporal UAV, airborne, and terrestrial data using tie points in stable terrain is therefore of utmost importance when it comes to the investigation of surface displacements and elevation changes in the mountains. To enhance the accuracy and quality of UAV photogrammetry, the use of UAVs equipped with multi-spectral cameras and high-precision positioning systems is recommended, especially in rugged terrain and snow-covered areas

    Remote sensing applications: an overview

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    Remote Sensing (RS) refers to the science of identification of earth surface features and estimation of their geo-biophysical properties using electromagnetic radiation as a medium of interaction. Spectral, spatial, temporal and polarization signatures are major characteristics of the sensor/target, which facilitate target discrimination. Earth surface data as seen by the sensors in different wavelengths (reflected, scattered and/or emitted) is radiometrically and geometrically corrected before extraction of spectral information. RS data, with its ability for a synoptic view, repetitive coverage with calibrated sensors to detect changes, observations at different resolutions, provides a better alternative for natural resources management as compared to traditional methods. Indian Earth Observation (EO) programme has been applications-driven and national development has been its prime motivation. From Bhaskara to Cartosat, India's EO capability has increased manifold. Improvements are not only in spatial, spectral, temporal and radiometric resolutions, but also in their coverage and value-added products. Some of the major operational application themes, in which India has extensively used remote sensing data are agriculture, forestry, water resources, land use, urban sprawl, geology, environment, coastal zone, marine resources, snow and glacier, disaster monitoring and mitigation, infrastructure development, etc. The paper reviews RS techniques and applications carried out using both optical and microwave sensors. It also analyses the gap areas and discusses the future perspectives

    Theoretical Foundations of Remote Sensing for Glacier Assessment and Mapping

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    The international scientific community is actively engaged in assessing ice sheet and alpine glacier fluctuations at a variety of scales. The availability of stereoscopic, multitemporal, and multispectral satellite imagery from the optical wavelength regions of the electromagnetic spectrum has greatly increased our ability to assess glaciological conditions and map the cryosphere. There are, however, important issues and limitations associated with accurate satellite information extraction and mapping, as well as new opportunities for assessment and mapping that are all rooted in understanding the fundamentals of the radiation transfer cascade. We address the primary radiation transfer components, relate them to glacier dynamics and mapping, and summarize the analytical approaches that permit transformation of spectral variation into thematic and quantitative parameters. We also discuss the integration of satellite-derived information into numerical modeling approaches to facilitate understandings of glacier dynamics and causal mechanisms

    Mapping debris-covered glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru : an object-based image analysis approach.

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    Accurate remote-sensing based inventories of glacial ice are often hindered by the presence of supraglacial debris cover. Attempts at automated mapping of debris-covered glacier areas from remotely-sensed multispectral data have met with limited success due to the spectral similarity of supraglacial debris to nearby bedrock, moraines, and fluvial deposition features. Data-fusion approaches leveraging terrain and/or thermal data with multispectral data have yielded improved results in certain geographic regions, but remain unproven in others. This research builds on the data-fusion approaches from the literature and explores the efficacy of object-based image analysis (OBIA) and tree-based machine learning classifiers using Landsat OLI imagery and SRTM elevation data, in effort to map debris-covered glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca range of Peru. Results suggest that the OBIA and machine learning methods render advantages over traditional methods given the unique morphological settings associated with debris-covered glaciers. Accurate inventories of glacial mass and debris-covered glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca are important for understanding the unique water resource, natural hazards, and climate change implications associated with these tropical mountain glaciers

    Sea Ice Extraction via Remote Sensed Imagery: Algorithms, Datasets, Applications and Challenges

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    The deep learning, which is a dominating technique in artificial intelligence, has completely changed the image understanding over the past decade. As a consequence, the sea ice extraction (SIE) problem has reached a new era. We present a comprehensive review of four important aspects of SIE, including algorithms, datasets, applications, and the future trends. Our review focuses on researches published from 2016 to the present, with a specific focus on deep learning-based approaches in the last five years. We divided all relegated algorithms into 3 categories, including classical image segmentation approach, machine learning-based approach and deep learning-based methods. We reviewed the accessible ice datasets including SAR-based datasets, the optical-based datasets and others. The applications are presented in 4 aspects including climate research, navigation, geographic information systems (GIS) production and others. It also provides insightful observations and inspiring future research directions.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    GLAVITU:A Hybrid CNN-Transformer for Multi-Regional Glacier Mapping from Multi-Source Data

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    Glacier mapping is essential for studying and monitoring the impacts of climate change. However, several challenges such as debris-covered ice and highly variable landscapes across glacierized regions worldwide complicate large-scale glacier mapping in a fully-automated manner. This work presents a novel hybrid CNN-transformer model (GlaViTU) for multi-regional glacier mapping. Our model outperforms three baseline models - SETR-B/16, ResU-Net and TransU-Net - achieving a higher mean IoU of 0.875 and demonstrates better generalization ability. The proposed model is also parameter-efficient, with approximately 10 and 3 times fewer parameters than SETR-B/16 and ResU-Net, respectively. Our results provide a solid foundation for future studies on the application of deep learning methods for global glacier mapping. To facilitate reproducibility, we have shared our data set, codebase and pretrained models on GitHub at https://github.com/konstantin-a-maslov/GlaViTU-IGARSS2023.</p

    Monitoring of spatio‐temporal glaciers dynamics in Bhagirathi Basin, Gharhwal Himalayas using remote sensing data

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    Glacier retreat represents a highly sensitive indicator of climate change and global warming. Therefore, timely mapping and monitoring of glacier dynamics is strategic for water budget forecasting and sustainable management of water resources. In this study, Landsat satellite images of 2000 and 2015 have been used to estimate area extent variations in 29 glaciers of the Bhagirathi basin, Garhwali Himalayas. ASTER DEM has been used for extraction of glacier terrain features, such as elevation, slope, area, etc. It is observed from the analysis that Bhagirathi sub-basin has a maximum glaciated area of ~ 35% and Pilang has the least with ~ 3.2%, whereas Kaldi sub-basin has no glacier. In this region, out of 29 glaciers, 25 glaciers have shown retreat, while only 4 glaciers have shown advancement resulting in a total glacier area loss of ~ 0.5%, while the retreat rate varies from ~ 0.06 m/yr to ~ 19.4 m/yr. Dokarni glacier has maximum retreat rate (~ 19.4 m/yr), whereas Dehigad has maximum advancing rate (~ 10.1 m/yr). Glaciers retreat and advance have also been analyzed based on terrain parameters and observed that northern and southern orientations have shown retreat, whereas the area change is highly correlated with glacier length. The study covers more than 65% of the total glaciated area and based on the existing literature represents one of the most exhaustive studies to cover the highest number of glaciers in all sub-basins of the Bhagirathi basin

    Sensing Mountains

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    Sensing mountains by close-range and remote techniques is a challenging task. The 4th edition of the international Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2022 – Close-range Sensing Techniques in Alpine Terrain brings together early career and experienced scientists from technical-, geo- and environmental-related research fields. The interdisciplinary setting of the summer school creates a creative space for exchanging and learning new concepts and solutions for mapping, monitoring and quantifying mountain environments under ongoing conditions of change

    Trimline Mapping from Multispectral Landsat ETM+ Imagery

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    Multispectral Landsat ETM+ imagery is used to study the ice-marginal region in the vicinity of Jakobshavn Isfjord, west Greenland. In particular, the trimline indicating margin retreat since the maximum stand attained during the Little Ice Age maximum is reconstructed, and compared with earlier maps based on aerial photogrammetry and ground surveys. Applying supervised classification, fourteen different surface types were identified, ranging from snow and ice, debris-covered ice and water with differing turbidities, to different types of vegetative landcover. After similar classes were merged into five, distinctively different classes, a digitized geomorphologic map was used to assess the accuracy of the classification. The positional accuracy of the trimline was checked by using results from a GPS survey along northern slope of the Jakobshavn fjord. By merging three spectral bands with the panchromatic band, a pan-sharpened image with a spatial resolution of 15 m is obtained that clearly shows morphological features on the ice surface, as well as increased resolution of glacial geomorphology.La zone proglaciaire de la rĂ©gion de Jakobshavn Isfjorf, au Groenland occidental, est Ă©tudiĂ©e par l’imagerie multispectrale Landsat ETM+, avec un accent sur la limite atteinte par les glaces durant le Petit Âge Glaciaire. L’extension maximale des glaces est reconstituĂ©e par tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection satellitaire et comparĂ©e aux donnĂ©es cartographiques basĂ©es sur la photogrammĂ©trie et des mesures de terrain. Une classification dirigĂ©e a permis d’identifier 14 types de surfaces allant de la neige et de la glace, avec ou sans dĂ©bris en surface, Ă  divers types de couverture vĂ©gĂ©tale, en passant par divers degrĂ©s de turbiditĂ© de l’eau. Une carte morphologique digitale de synthĂšse, avec cinq classes distinctes, est produite pour dĂ©terminer la justesse de la classification. La prĂ©cision de l’emplacement de la trimline est validĂ©e par des mesures au GPS le long du versant nord du fjord de Jakobshavn. AprĂšs la fusion de trois bandes spectrales avec la bande panchromatique, une image avec une rĂ©solution spatiale de 15 m montre clairement la morphologie des glaces, avec une finesse accrue de la gĂ©omorphologie glaciaire dans la zone marginale attenante
