20 research outputs found

    Interactive virtual indoor navigation system using visual recognition and pedestrian dead reckoning techniques

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    Finding a destination in an unfamiliar indoor environment requires cumbersome effort to refer to a physical floor plan or directory to locate the intended destination. With the advancements of mobile technologies, a navigational system using mobile computing devices such as mobile phone or tablet could aid users in locating the desired destination with ease. This paper presented an interactive virtual indoor navigation system which is developed for Sunway University campus. In order to provide an interactive and context-sensitive navigation platform, a hybrid solution has been proposed by blending the sensor capabilities on the mobile devices to work in an indoor environment. These sensors include utilizing the built-in accelerometer, compass and camera capabilities to create an interactive content of indoor navigation system using visual recognition and pedestrian dead reckoning for Augmented Reality (AR). Furthermore, user satisfaction and feedback survey have been collected for further improvement the proposed solution

    Prospects for use of extended reality technology for ship passenger evacuation simulation

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    Safety of passengers on ships is usually investigated based on data available from post-accident reports, experimental research and/or numerical modelling of emergencies. As for the numerical modelling, ship passenger evacuation falls within a greater set of pedestrian evacuation research in which extended reality (XR) technology is playing important role lately. However, XR still strives to find its place in the modelling of ship passenger evacuation. This paper brings review of literature published on the topic of XR in pedestrian evacuation with special focus on the use of these technologies (e.g. virtual reality, augmented reality) in shipping industry. Findings are put in the context of IMO’s guidelines for evacuation analysis and prospect for use of XR for ship passenger evacuation simulation are presented

    Peningkatan Efektivitas Peta Jalur Evakuasi Gedung Bertingkat dengan Menggunakan Virtual Walk Augmented Reality (Studi Kasus : Gedung Teknik Industri ITS)

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    Pemahaman para pengguna gedung terhadap jalur evakuasi pada gedung bertingkat yang sering mereka gunakan sangat penting diperhatikan. Kecelakaan pada gedung yang dapat terjadi secara tiba-tiba menyebabkan para pangguna gedung harus menemukan jalan keluar menggunakan peta kognitif yang ada di dalam kepala mereka. Peta kognitif tersebut dapat dilatih dengan latihan evakuasi maupun dengan memahami peta evakuasi yang berada di dalam ruangan-ruangan gedung. Namun pada kenyataannya, banyak diantara para pengguna gedung yang tidak memperdulikan keberadaan peta evakuasi tersebut yang dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai hal. Penelitian ini merancang sebuah media edukasi bernama Virtual Walk yang bertujuan sebagai media pembelajaran bagi para pengguna gedung bertingkat mengenai jalur evakuasi yang harus digunakan dengan lebih interaktif. Terdapat beberapa tahapan dalam penelitian ini, diantaranya adalah identifikasi penyebab para pengguna gedung enggan untuk memahami peta evakuasi, perancangan dan pembangunan media edukasi, dan pengujian usabilitas yang melibatkan 30 responden untuk mencoba Virtual Walk. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah media edukasi virtual berbasis augmented reality yang digunakan untuk membantu para pengguna gedung bertingkat dalam memahami jalur evakuasi. Dalam media edukasi ini digunakan dua buah media, yaitu marker dan juga smartphone. Marker berfungsi seperti barcode yang apabila dipindai maka akan menampilkan objek visual berupa animasi arah evakuasi. Sedangkan smartphone berfungsi sebagai pemindai dan sebagai user interface dalam memahami jalur evakuasi. Proses pembuatan animasi menggunakan software 3ds Max sebagai pembangun model gedung dan Unity sebagai platform untuk menciptakan aplikasi berbasis augmnted reality. Berdasarkan uji usabilitas yang dilakukan, sebanyak 90,28% responden merasa terbantu dengan Virtual Walk dalam memahami peta evakuasi dan sebanyak 27 dari 30 responden mengatakan tertarik untuk mencoba Virtual Walk saat pertama kali ditunjukkan ====================================================================================================== Multi-floor building occupants’ understanding against evacuation route is an important aspect to be considered. Evacuation route is the key for the occupants to escape from hazard when earthquake or fire occurs. A cognitive map will guide the occupants to the assembly point during evacuation. The cognitve map can be trained through understanding the evacuation map. Unfortunately, there are major number of the building occupants who ignoring the maps during the real evacuation drill. This research aims to design a virtual educational media to provide building occupants an easier understanding of evacuation route through an augmented reality based evacuation map. Augmented reality based evacuation map is used as occupants attention catcher and as an effective way to comprehend the map. The media is named Virtual Walk. Several stages are conducted in this research to develop the media. One of the stages is investigating occupants’ ignoring behaviour. The result from this research is the virtual educational media based on augmented reality which can be used to help building occupants to understand evacuation map effectively. The media consists of two main elements, a marker and a camera. Marker is used as a target for camera to be scanned at. Camera works as system processing and user interace to identify the marker position and pattern and to project evacuation route animation on camera display. The process of building Virtual Walk is conducted by combining the objective building model and the evacuation route animation using 3Ds Max and Unity. Based on usability testing with 30 respondents, as many as 90,28% of respondents are satisfied with Virtual Wal

    Interactive Virtual Indoor Navigation System using Visual Recognition and Pedestrian Dead Reckoning Techniques

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    Personalized Behavior Pattern Recognition and Unusual Event Detection for Mobile Users

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