4 research outputs found

    Un Squirrel Search Algorithm discreto aplicado al problema Job Shop con operadores calificados

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    Introduction: The Job Shop problem With Skilled Operators (JSSO) is an extension of the classic Job Shop in which, an operation must be executed by a limited set of workers, aiming to minimize jobs total termination time or Makespan. This situation can represent different applications in daily life. JSSO is a complex problem and its classified as NP-HARD.. Objective: In this article, the JSSO problem is addressed. It is made by adapting an algorithm known as Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA). Method:  A discrete encoding scheme is proposed for the SSA algorithm and the Smallest Position Value (SPV) method are used. Also, solutions that can violate the precedent relationships are corrected with the Valid Particle Generator (VPG) method, which guarantees feasible solutions. Two versions of the algorithm were tested in 28 instances proposed in the literature to valid their performance. Results: Computer experiments show that the proposed algorithms reach optimal solutions in 25 and 28 analyzed instances. In addition, for the instances where optimality was not achieved, the average gap does not exceed the 2% for both versions of the proposed algorithms. Conclusions: The proposed encoding scheme guarantees the discretization of the algorithms, generating solutions that converge towards the optimum. In addition, the proposed encoding allows natural use of movement operators originally proposed for the algorithms used. Performance obtained by the algorithms is adequate and of high quality.Introducci贸n: El problema Job Shop Con Operadores Calificados o Job Shop With Skilled Operators (JSSO) es una extensi贸n del problema cl谩sico Job Shop en el cual, una operaci贸n debe ser ejecutada por un conjunto limitados de trabajadores, con el objetivo de minimizar el tiempo de terminaci贸n total de los trabajos o Makespan, situaci贸n que puede representar distintas aplicaciones en la vida cotidiana. Es un problema complejo y es catalogado como NP-HARD. Objetivo: En este art铆culo, se aborda el problema JSSO desde la adaptaci贸n de un algoritmo conocido como Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA). Metodolog铆a: Se propone un esquema de codificaci贸n discreto para el algoritmo SSA utilizando el m茅todo Smallest Position Value (SPV). Adem谩s, para evitar soluciones que violen las relaciones de precedencia; se corrigen con el m茅todo Valid Particle Generator (VPG), el cual garantiza soluciones factibles. Dos versiones del algoritmo se colocan a prueba en 28 instancias propuesta en la literatura para validar su rendimiento. Resultados: Los experimentos computacionales realizados muestran que los dos algoritmos propuestos alcanzan soluciones 贸ptimas en 25 de las 28 instancias analizadas. Adem谩s, para las instancias en donde no se logr贸 soluciones 贸ptimas, el gap promedio no supera el 2% para ambas versiones de los algoritmos propuestos. Conclusiones: El esquema de codificaci贸n propuesto garantiza la discretizaci贸n del algoritmo, generando soluciones que convergen hacia el 贸ptimo. Adem谩s, la codificaci贸n propuesta, permite utilizar de manera natural los operadores de movimiento propuestos originalmente para el algoritmo utilizado. El rendimiento obtenido por los algoritmos es adecuado y de alta calidad

    Un Squirrel Search Algorithm discreto aplicado al problema Job Shop con operadores calificados

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    Introduction: The Job Shop problem With Skilled Operators (JSSO) is an extension of the classic Job Shop in which, an operation must be executed by a limited set of workers, aiming to minimize jobs total termination time or Makespan. This situation can represent different applications in daily life. JSSO is a complex problem and its classified as NP-HARD.. Objective: In this article, the JSSO problem is addressed. It is made by adapting an algorithm known as Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA). Method:  A discrete encoding scheme is proposed for the SSA algorithm and the Smallest Position Value (SPV) method are used. Also, solutions that can violate the precedent relationships are corrected with the Valid Particle Generator (VPG) method, which guarantees feasible solutions. Two versions of the algorithm were tested in 28 instances proposed in the literature to valid their performance. Results: Computer experiments show that the proposed algorithms reach optimal solutions in 25 and 28 analyzed instances. In addition, for the instances where optimality was not achieved, the average gap does not exceed the 2% for both versions of the proposed algorithms. Conclusions: The proposed encoding scheme guarantees the discretization of the algorithms, generating solutions that converge towards the optimum. In addition, the proposed encoding allows natural use of movement operators originally proposed for the algorithms used. Performance obtained by the algorithms is adequate and of high quality.Introducci贸n: El problema Job Shop Con Operadores Calificados o Job Shop With Skilled Operators (JSSO) es una extensi贸n del problema cl谩sico Job Shop en el cual, una operaci贸n debe ser ejecutada por un conjunto limitados de trabajadores, con el objetivo de minimizar el tiempo de terminaci贸n total de los trabajos o Makespan, situaci贸n que puede representar distintas aplicaciones en la vida cotidiana. Es un problema complejo y es catalogado como NP-HARD. Objetivo: En este art铆culo, se aborda el problema JSSO desde la adaptaci贸n de un algoritmo conocido como Squirrel Search Algorithm (SSA). Metodolog铆a: Se propone un esquema de codificaci贸n discreto para el algoritmo SSA utilizando el m茅todo Smallest Position Value (SPV). Adem谩s, para evitar soluciones que violen las relaciones de precedencia; se corrigen con el m茅todo Valid Particle Generator (VPG), el cual garantiza soluciones factibles. Dos versiones del algoritmo se colocan a prueba en 28 instancias propuesta en la literatura para validar su rendimiento. Resultados: Los experimentos computacionales realizados muestran que los dos algoritmos propuestos alcanzan soluciones 贸ptimas en 25 de las 28 instancias analizadas. Adem谩s, para las instancias en donde no se logr贸 soluciones 贸ptimas, el gap promedio no supera el 2% para ambas versiones de los algoritmos propuestos. Conclusiones: El esquema de codificaci贸n propuesto garantiza la discretizaci贸n del algoritmo, generando soluciones que convergen hacia el 贸ptimo. Adem谩s, la codificaci贸n propuesta, permite utilizar de manera natural los operadores de movimiento propuestos originalmente para el algoritmo utilizado. El rendimiento obtenido por los algoritmos es adecuado y de alta calidad

    A systematic review of decision-making in remanufacturing

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    Potential benefits have made remanufacturing attractive over the last decade. Nevertheless, the complexity and uncertainties associated with the process of managing returned products make remanufacturing challenging. Since this process involves enormous decision-making practices, various methods/techniques have been developed. This review is to specify the current challenges and opportunities for decision-making in remanufacturing. To achieve this, we perform a systematic review over decision-making in remanufacturing by classifying decisions into different managerial levels and areas. Adopting a systematic approach which provides a repeatable, transparent and scientific process, 241 key articles have been identified following a multi-stage review process. Our review indicates that most studies focuses on strategic-level(48%) and tactical-level (34%)with only 5% focusing on operational-level and the rest on two levels(13%). Regarding decision-making methods, most studies propose mathematical models (60%) followed by analytical models (31%). Furthermore, only 36% of the studies address uncertainties in which stochastic approach is mostly applied. A total of 21 knowledge gaps are highlighted to direct future research work

    Artificial cognitive architecture with self-learning and self-optimization capabilities. Case studies in micromachining processes

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    Tesis doctoral in茅dita le铆da en la Universidad Aut贸noma de Madrid, Escuela Polit茅cnica Superior, Departamento de Ingenier铆a Inform谩tica. Fecha de lectura : 22-09-201