2,050 research outputs found

    Seminar Users in the Arabic Twitter Sphere

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    We introduce the notion of "seminar users", who are social media users engaged in propaganda in support of a political entity. We develop a framework that can identify such users with 84.4% precision and 76.1% recall. While our dataset is from the Arab region, omitting language-specific features has only a minor impact on classification performance, and thus, our approach could work for detecting seminar users in other parts of the world and in other languages. We further explored a controversial political topic to observe the prevalence and potential potency of such users. In our case study, we found that 25% of the users engaged in the topic are in fact seminar users and their tweets make nearly a third of the on-topic tweets. Moreover, they are often successful in affecting mainstream discourse with coordinated hashtag campaigns.Comment: to appear in SocInfo 201

    Simulated evaluation of faceted browsing based on feature selection

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    In this paper we explore the limitations of facet based browsing which uses sub-needs of an information need for querying and organising the search process in video retrieval. The underlying assumption of this approach is that the search effectiveness will be enhanced if such an approach is employed for interactive video retrieval using textual and visual features. We explore the performance bounds of a faceted system by carrying out a simulated user evaluation on TRECVid data sets, and also on the logs of a prior user experiment with the system. We first present a methodology to reduce the dimensionality of features by selecting the most important ones. Then, we discuss the simulated evaluation strategies employed in our evaluation and the effect on the use of both textual and visual features. Facets created by users are simulated by clustering video shots using textual and visual features. The experimental results of our study demonstrate that the faceted browser can potentially improve the search effectiveness

    Classifying the suras by their lexical semantics :an exploratory multivariate analysis approach to understanding the Qur'an

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    PhD ThesisThe Qur'an is at the heart of Islamic culture. Careful, well-informed interpretation of it is fundamental both to the faith of millions of Muslims throughout the world, and also to the non-Islamic world's understanding of their religion. There is a long and venerable tradition of Qur'anic interpretation, and it has necessarily been based on literary-historical methods for exegesis of hand-written and printed text. Developments in electronic text representation and analysis since the second half of the twentieth century now offer the opportunity to supplement traditional techniques by applying the newly-emergent computational technology of exploratory multivariate analysis to interpretation of the Qur'an. The general aim of the present discussion is to take up that opportunity. Specifically, the discussion develops and applies a methodology for discovering the thematic structure of the Qur'an based on a fundamental idea in a range of computationally oriented disciplines: that, with respect to some collection of texts, the lexical frequency profiles of the individual texts are a good indicator of their semantic content, and thus provide a reliable criterion for their conceptual categorization relative to one another. This idea is applied to the discovery of thematic interrelationships among the suras that constitute the Qur'an by abstracting lexical frequency data from them and then analyzing that data using exploratory multivariate methods in the hope that this will generate hypotheses about the thematic structure of the Qur'an. The discussion is in eight main parts. The first part introduces the discussion. The second gives an overview of the structure and thematic content of the Qur'an and of the tradition of Qur'anic scholarship devoted to its interpretation. The third part xvi defines the research question to be addressed together with a methodology for doing so. The fourth reviews the existing literature on the research question. The fifth outlines general principles of data creation and applies them to creation of the data on which the analysis of the Qur'an in this study is based. The sixth outlines general principles of exploratory multivariate analysis, describes in detail the analytical methods selected for use, and applies them to the data created in part five. The seventh part interprets the results of the analyses conducted in part six with reference to the existing results in Qur'anic interpretation described in part two. And, finally, the eighth part draws conclusions relative to the research question and identifies directions along which the work presented in this study can be developed

    mARC: Memory by Association and Reinforcement of Contexts

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    This paper introduces the memory by Association and Reinforcement of Contexts (mARC). mARC is a novel data modeling technology rooted in the second quantization formulation of quantum mechanics. It is an all-purpose incremental and unsupervised data storage and retrieval system which can be applied to all types of signal or data, structured or unstructured, textual or not. mARC can be applied to a wide range of information clas-sification and retrieval problems like e-Discovery or contextual navigation. It can also for-mulated in the artificial life framework a.k.a Conway "Game Of Life" Theory. In contrast to Conway approach, the objects evolve in a massively multidimensional space. In order to start evaluating the potential of mARC we have built a mARC-based Internet search en-gine demonstrator with contextual functionality. We compare the behavior of the mARC demonstrator with Google search both in terms of performance and relevance. In the study we find that the mARC search engine demonstrator outperforms Google search by an order of magnitude in response time while providing more relevant results for some classes of queries

    Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining

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    Due to the growth of computer technologies and web technologies, we can easily collect and store large amounts of text data. We can believe that the data include useful knowledge. Text mining techniques have been studied aggressively in order to extract the knowledge from the data since late 1990s. Even if many important techniques have been developed, the text mining research field continues to expand for the needs arising from various application fields. This book is composed of 9 chapters introducing advanced text mining techniques. They are various techniques from relation extraction to under or less resourced language. I believe that this book will give new knowledge in the text mining field and help many readers open their new research fields

    Emotional Tendency Analysis of Twitter Data Streams

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    The web now seems to be an alive and dynamic arena in which billions of people across the globe connect, share, publish, and engage in a broad range of everyday activities. Using social media, individuals may connect and communicate with each other at any time and from any location. More than 500 million individuals across the globe post their thoughts and opinions on the internet every day. There is a huge amount of information created from a variety of social media platforms in a variety of formats and languages throughout the globe. Individuals define emotions as powerful feelings directed toward something or someone as a result of internal or external events that have a personal meaning. Emotional recognition in text has several applications in human-computer interface and natural language processing (NLP). Emotion classification has previously been studied using bag-of words classifiers or deep learning methods on static Twitter data. For real-time textual emotion identification, the proposed model combines a mix of keyword-based and learning-based models, as well as a real-time Emotional Tendency Analysi

    A systematic survey of online data mining technology intended for law enforcement

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    As an increasing amount of crime takes on a digital aspect, law enforcement bodies must tackle an online environment generating huge volumes of data. With manual inspections becoming increasingly infeasible, law enforcement bodies are optimising online investigations through data-mining technologies. Such technologies must be well designed and rigorously grounded, yet no survey of the online data-mining literature exists which examines their techniques, applications and rigour. This article remedies this gap through a systematic mapping study describing online data-mining literature which visibly targets law enforcement applications, using evidence-based practices in survey making to produce a replicable analysis which can be methodologically examined for deficiencies


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    The speed of technology change is faster now compared to the past ten to fifteen years. It changes the way people live and force them to use the latest devices to match with the speed. In communication perspectives nowadays, use of electronic mail (e-mail) for people who want to communicate with friends, companies or even the universities cannot be avoided. This makes it to be the most targeted by the spammer and hackers and other bad people who want to get the benefit by sending spam emails. The report shows that the amount of emails sent through the internet in a day can be more than 10 billion among these 45% are spams. The amount is not constant as sometimes it goes higher than what is noted here. This indicates clearly the magnitude of the problem and calls for the need for more efforts to be applied to reduce this amount and also minimize the effects from the spam messages. Various measures have been taken to eliminate this problem. Once people used social methods, that is legislative means of control and now they are using technological methods which are more effective and timely in catching spams as these work by analyzing the messages content. In this paper we compare the performance of machine learning algorithms by doing the experiment for testing English language dataset, Swahili language dataset individual and combined two dataset to form one, and results from combined dataset compared them with the Gmail classifier. The classifiers which the researcher used are Naïve Bayes (NB), Sequential Minimal Optimization (SMO) and k-Nearest Neighbour (k-NN). The results for combined dataset shows that SMO classifier lead the others by achieve 98.60% of accuracy, followed by k-NN classifier which has 97.20% accuracy, and Naïve Bayes classifier has 92.89% accuracy. From this result the researcher concludes that SMO classifier can work better in dataset that combined English and Swahili languages. In English dataset shows that SMO classifier leads other algorism, it achieved 97.51% of accuracy, followed by k-NN with average accuracy of 93.52% and the last but also good accuracy is Naïve Bayes that come with 87.78%. Swahili dataset Naïve Bayes lead others by getting 99.12% accuracy followed by SMO which has 98.69% and the last was k-NN which has 98.47%
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