21 research outputs found

    Symbolic computation of solitary wave solutions and solitons through homogenization of degree

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    A simplified version of Hirota's method for the computation of solitary waves and solitons of nonlinear PDEs is presented. A change of dependent variable transforms the PDE into an equation that is homogeneous of degree. Solitons are then computed using a perturbation-like scheme involving linear and nonlinear operators in a finite number of steps. The method is applied to a class of fifth-order KdV equations due to Lax, Sawada-Kotera, and Kaup-Kupershmidt. The method works for non-quadratic homogeneous equations for which the bilinear form might not be known. Furthermore, homogenization of degree allows one to compute solitary wave solutions of nonlinear PDEs that do not have solitons. Examples include the Fisher and FitzHugh-Nagumo equations, and a combined KdV-Burgers equation. When applied to a wave equation with a cubic source term, one gets a bi-soliton solution describing the coalescence of two wavefronts. The method is largely algorithmic and is implemented in Mathematica.Comment: Proceedings Conference on Nonlinear and Modern Mathematical Physics (NMMP-2022) Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 60pp, Springer-Verlag, New York, 202

    Symbolic Software for the Painleve Test of Nonlinear Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

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    The automation of the traditional Painleve test in Mathematica is discussed. The package PainleveTest.m allows for the testing of polynomial systems of ordinary and partial differential equations which may be parameterized by arbitrary functions (or constants). Except where limited by memory, there is no restriction on the number of independent or dependent variables. The package is quite robust in determining all the possible dominant behaviors of the Laurent series solutions of the differential equation. The omission of valid dominant behaviors is a common problem in many implementations of the Painleve test, and these omissions often lead to erroneous results. Finally, our package is compared with the other available implementations of the Painleve test.Comment: Published in the Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (http://www.sm.luth.se/math/JNMP/), vol. 13(1), pp. 90-110 (Feb. 2006). The software can be downloaded at either http://www.douglasbaldwin.com or http://www.mines.edu/fs_home/wherema

    Integrability, rational solitons and symmetries for nonlinear systems in Biology and Materials Physics

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    [ES] Los sistemas no lineales constituyen un tema de investigación de creciente interés en las últimas décadas dada su versatilidad en la descripción de fenómenos físicos en diversos campos de estudio. Generalmente, dichos fenómenos vienen modelizados por ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales, cuya estructura matemática ha demostrado ser sumamente rica, aunque de gran complejidad respecto a su análisis. Dentro del conjunto de los sistemas no lineales, cabe destacar un reducido grupo, pero a la vez selecto, que se distingue por las propiedades extraordinarias que presenta: los denominados sistemas integrables. La presente tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio de algunas de las propiedades más relevantes observadas para los sistemas integrables. En esta tesis se pretende proporcionar un marco teórico unificado que permita abordar ecuaciones diferenciales no lineales que potencialmente puedan ser consideradas como integrables. En particular, el análisis de integralidad de dichas ecuaciones se realiza a través de técnicas basadas en la Propiedad de Painlevé, en combinación con la subsiguiente búsqueda de los problemas espectrales asociados y la identificación de soluciones analíticas de naturaleza solitónica. El método de la variedad singular junto con las transformaciones de auto-Bäcklund y de Darboux jugarán un papel fundamental en este estudio. Además, también se lleva a cabo un análisis complementario basado en las simetrías de Lie y reducciones de similaridad, que nos permitirán estudiar desde esta nueva perspectiva los problemas espectrales asociados. Partiendo de la archiconocida ecuación de Schrödinger no lineal, se han investigado diferentes generalizaciones integrables de dicha ecuación con numerosas aplicaciones en diversos campos científicos, como la Física Matemática, Física de Materiales o Biología.[EN] Nonlinear systems emerge as an active research topic of growing interest during the last decades due to their versatility when it comes to describing physical phenomena. Such scenarios are typically modelled by nonlinear differential equations, whose mathematical structure has proved to be incredibly rich, but highly nontrivial to treat. In particular, a narrow but surprisingly special group of this kind stands out: the so-called integrable systems. The present doctoral thesis focuses on the study of some of the extraordinary properties observed for integrable systems. The ultimate purpose of this dissertation lies in providing a unified theoretical framework that allows us to approach nonlinear differential equations that may potentially be considered as integrable. In particular, their integrability characterization is addressed by means of Painlevé analysis, in conjunction with the subsequent quest of the associated spectral problems and the identification of analytical solutions of solitonic nature. The singular manifold method together with auto-Bäckund and Darboux transformations play a critical role in this setting. In addition, a complementary methodology based on Lie symmetries and similarity reductions is proposed so as to analyze integrable systems by studying the symmetry properties of their associated spectral problems. Taking the ubiquitous nonlinear Schrödinger equation as the starting point, we have investigated several integrable generalizations of this equation that possess copious applications in distinct scientific fields, such as Mathematical Physics, Material Sciences and Biology

    Mathematical analysis for tumor growth model of ordinary differential equations

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    Special functions occur quite frequently in mathematical analysis and lend itself rather frequently in physical and engineering applications. Among the special functions, gamma function seemed to be widely used. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the various properties of gamma function and use these properties and its definition to derive and tackle some integration problem which occur quite frequently in applications. It should be noted that if elementary techniques such as substitution and integration by parts were used to tackle most of the integration problems, then we will end up with frustration. Due to this, importance of gamma function cannot be denied