32 research outputs found

    Visualization of Post-Processed CFD Data in a Virtual Environment

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    This paper discusses the development of a virtual reality (VR) interface for the visualization of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) data. The application, VR-CFD, provides an immersive and interactive graphical environment in which users can examine the analysis results from a CFD analysis of a flow field in three-dimensional space. It has been tested and implemented with virtual reality devices such as the C2, head mounted display (HMD) and desktop VR. The application is designed to read PLOT3D structured grid data and to display the flow field parameters using features such as streamlines, cutting planes, iso-surfaces, rakes, vector fields and scalar fields. Visualization Toolkit (VTK), a data visualization library, is used along with OpenGL and the C2 VR interface libraries, to develop the application. Analysts and designers have used VRCFD to visualize and understand complex three-dimensional fluid flow phenomena. The combination of three-dimensional interaction capability and the C2 virtual reality environment has been shown to facilitate collaborative discussions between analysts and engineers concerning the appropriateness of the CFD model and the characteristics of the fluid flow

    Visualization and approximation of post processed computational fluid dynamics data in a virtual environment

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    Proceedings of the 1993 Conference on Intelligent Computer-Aided Training and Virtual Environment Technology

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    The volume 2 proceedings from the 1993 Conference on Intelligent Computer-Aided Training and Virtual Environment Technology are presented. Topics discussed include intelligent computer assisted training (ICAT) systems architectures, ICAT educational and medical applications, virtual environment (VE) training and assessment, human factors engineering and VE, ICAT theory and natural language processing, ICAT military applications, VE engineering applications, ICAT knowledge acquisition processes and applications, and ICAT aerospace applications

    Interactive interrogation of computational mixing data in a virtual environment

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    Mixing processes are essential in the chemical process industries, including food processors, consumer products corporations, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. The increased use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) during the design and analysis of static and stirred mixers has provided increased insight into mixing processes. However, the velocities, temperatures, and pressures are insufficient to completely quantify a mixing process. A more complete understanding of mixing processes is given by the material spatial distribution of massless particles as they move through the flow field. This research seeks to combine surround-screen virtual reality and particle tracing of massless particles into an interactive virtual environment to explore the benefits these tools bring to engineers seeking to understand the behavior of fluids in mixing processes. Surround-screen virtual reality (VR) provides a means to immerse users into the mixing data where they can collaboratively investigate the flow features as displayed on a large scale stereo-projection system. This work integrates the particle tracing computation power of the HyperTrace[Superscript TM] commercial software application with new data interrogation techniques made possible by the use of virtual reality technology. Parallel processing to facilitate interactive placement of particles in the flow, volume data selection using a convex hull approach, cutting plane generation, and the integration of voice control and a tablet PC will be presented. Both a stirred mixing vessel and flow through a duct will be used as examples. Finally, the benefits of VR applied to mixing analysis are presented, along with some suggestions for future work in this area

    Teamwork collaboration around CAE models in an industrial context

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    2015 - 2016Medium and Large Companies must compete every day in a global context. To achieve greater efficiency in their products/processes they are forced to globalize by opening multiple locations in geographically distant places. In this context, people from the same team or different teams must work together regardless of the time zone and where they are located. Therefore, a "virtual" team consists of groups of geographically distant people who can coordinate with the help of new technologies. The tools and methodologies supporting "Computer Supported Cooperative Work" (CSCW) can facilitate collaboration by reducing distance and time related issues. The main goals CSCW aims to achieve within a complex organization are listed below: • Schedule, track, and chart the steps in a project as it is being completed (Project Management) • Share, review, approve or reject project proposals from other workgroup members (Authoring Systems) • Collaborative management of tasks and documents within a knowledge-based business process (Workflow Management) • Collect, organize, manage, and share various forms of information (Knowledge Management) • Collaborative bookmarking engine to tag, organize, share, and search enterprise data (Enterprise Bookmarking) • Collect, organize, manage and share information associated with the delivery of a project (Extranet Systems) • Quickly share company information to members within a company via Internet (Intranet Systems) • Organize social relations of groups (Social Network) • Collaborate and share structured data and information (Online SpreadSheet) This work is based on the main objectives outlined through a specific research experience that verifies compliance and ensures its applicability. The real context consists of virtual team of engineers and the way they cooperate within the automotive industry. The research “iter” can be summarized as follows: (1) the main collaborative and engineering requirements have been identified by referring to a real use case within Fiat Chrysler Automobiles; (2) each requirement has been met by implementing an integrated, modular and extensible architecture; (3) Floasys platform for collecting, centralizing and sharing simulations has been designed, implemented and tested; (4) a tool called ExploraTool has been designed to visually explore a simulation repository within Floasys; (5) the possible extension of the platform has been identified in terms of multidisciplinarity and multisectorality; (6) downstream of the whole process, all the requirements a CSCW intended to meet were verified. The initial phase of the work has focused on collecting collaborative requirements and related needs that emerge when different virtual teams find themselves collaborating to pursue a common result. The collaborative requirements identified to support collaboration between geographically remote teams are: centralizing simulation data, providing annotation and adding metadata to files, providing a search engine for simulations completed by other analysts, providing data versioning and support their sharing. In line with the requirements identified, a collaborative platform prototype (CSCW) called Floasys was developed. Floasys customers are all industries using CAE simulations to design their products, so the automotive, aeronautical and naval industries, etc. Floasys collects simulation data, stores them in open XML format and centralizes them into a shared repository; It also provides additional services on collected data stored in open format, such as the ability to annotate files or search within the repository regardless of the simulator with which they were generated. It is extremely useful to be able to retrieve simulations from other members of the same team or different teams in order to compare the performance of a current project. In order to provide these services, various aspects must be considered: surely the services listed above must be immersed in an existing business environment with existing practices, workflows and software systems. To bring a concrete example, the only centralization of simulation data involves communication with existing simulation software by mitigating the problem of Vendor Lock-In, which is the strong dependence on the simulators themselves. From an architectural point of view, Floasys meets the non-functional extensibility and modularity requirements. This way the system can be tailored to the needs of customers, open to meet future needs and be used in other departments. The modular and extensible Floasys architecture was obtained based on the concept of plug-in. Although the research activity directly concerns the automotive industry, the requirements and the difficulties described are common to other sectors as described in the literature. So many of the considerations made in this work and the solutions adopted can be reused for other types of simulation as well as for data obtained from experiments. Finally, within Floasys, an interactive tool called "ExploraTool" was integrated for viewing, exploring, and querying simulation repositories. Although the idea of this tool was born in the context of simulation repository navigation, it is generic and can be used with any dataset. The tool is based on Eulero-Venn diagrams. The universe is the set of all simulations stored in one or more repositories. Simulation groups are represented by grafted ellipses. Using this tool, analysts can explore the repository through drill-down and roll-up operations to get more or less detail. Going down in the hierarchy, the user filters the items within the dataset and performs a graphical query. In this way, the user explores the repository by finally obtaining two or more simulations to be compared. After the design, implementation and implementation phase, the tool was tested with real users to gain data on its usability. [edited by author]XV n.s

    Three-dimensional user interfaces for scientific visualization

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    The focus of this grant was to experiment with novel user interfaces for scientific visualization applications using both desktop and virtual reality (VR) systems, and thus to advance the state of the art of user interface technology for this domain. This technology has been transferred to NASA via periodic status reports and papers relating to this grant that have been published in conference proceedings. This final report summarizes the research completed over the past three years, and subsumes all prior reports

    Teamwork collaboration around simulation data in an industrial context

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    2013 - 2014Nowadays even more small, medium and large enterprises are world-wide and com- pete on a global market. In order to face the new challenges, industries have multiple co-located and geographically dispersed teams that work across time, space, and organ- isational boundaries. A virtual team or a dispersed team is a group of geographically, organisationally and/or time dispersed knowledge workers who coordinate their work using electronic technologies to accomplish a common goal. The advent of Internet and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) technologies can reduce the distances between these teams and are used to support the collaboration among them. The topic of this thesis concerns the engineering dispersed teams and their collaboration within enterprises. In this context, the contributions of this thesis are the following: I was able to (1) identify the key collaborative requirements analysing a real use case of two engineering dispersed teams within Fiat Chrysler Automobiles; (2) address each of them with an integrated, extensible and modular architecture; (3) implement a working in- dustrial prototype called Floasys to collect, centralise, search, and share simulations as well as automate repetitive, error-prone and time-consuming tasks like the document generation; (4) design a tool called ExploraTool to visually explore a repository of sim- ulations provided by Floasys, and (5) identify the possible extensions of this work to other contexts (like aeronautic, rail and naval sectors). The rst research aim of this work is the analysis of the key collaborative require- ments within a real industrial use case of geographically dispersed teams. In order to gather these requirements, I worked closely with two geographically separated en- gineering teams in Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA): one team located in Pomigliano D'Arco (Italy) and the other one in Torino (Italy). Both teams use computer numerical Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations to design vehicle products simulating physical phenomenons, such as vehicle aerodynamic and its drag coefficient, or the in- ternal ow for the passengers thermal comfort. The applied methodology to collect the collaborative and engineering requirements is based on an extensive literature review, on site directly observations, stakeholders' interviews and an user survey. The identi ed key collaborative requirements as actions to perform to improve the collaboration among dispersed teams are: centralise simulation data, provide metadata over simulation data, provide search facility, simulation data versioning, and data sharing... [edited by Author]XIII n.s

    A simulation-based performance analysis tool for aircraft design workflows

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    A simulation-based approach for take-off and landing performance assessments is presented in this work. In the context of aircraft design loops, it provides a detailed and flexible formulation that can be integrated into a wider simulation methodology for a complete commercial aviation mission. As a matter of fact, conceptual and preliminary aircraft design activities require iterative calculations to quickly make performance predictions on a set of possible airplane configurations. The goal is to search for a design that best fits all top level aircraft requirements among the results of a great number of multi-disciplinary analyses, as fast as possible, and with a certain grade of accuracy. Usually, such a task is carried out using statistical or semi-empirical approaches which can give pretty accurate results in no time. However, those prediction methods may be inappropriate when dealing with innovative aircraft configurations or whenever a higher level of accuracy is necessary. Simulation-based design has become crucial to make the overall process affordable and effective in cases where higher fidelity analyses are required. A common example when flight simulations can be effectively used to support a design loop is given by aircraft mission analyses and performance predictions. These usually include take-off, climb, en route, loiter, approach, and landing simulations. This article introduces the mathematical models of aircraft take-off and landing and gives the details of how they are implemented in the software library JPAD. These features are not present in most of the currently available pieces of preliminary aircraft design software and allow one to perform high fidelity, simulation-based take-off and landing analyses within design iterations. Although much more detailed than classical semi-empirical approaches, the presented methodologies require very limited computational effort. An application of the proposed formulations is introduced in the second part of the article. The example considers the Airbus A220-300 as a reference aircraft model and includes complete take-off and landing performance studies, as well as the simulation of both take-off and landing certification noise trajectories