5 research outputs found


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    The study was designed to identify basic factors required to deepen adoption of internet banking in the delivery of banking services to a rapidly growing market characterized by complexities in service requirements. Analysis of data collected from selected customers of 5 DMBs in Lagos, Ogun and Ebonyi States of Nigeria showed that alternative service channels offered by technology-based applications enhanced the delivery of banking services to bank customers. Specifically, the result showed significant impact of ease of access, cost, reliability, and security/integrity of technology-driven service delivery channels on the adoption of engineering technology-based applications in Nigeria's banking industry

    Functional barriers to the adoption of electronic banking: The moderating effect of gender

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    The adoption of electronic banking in Spain is lower compared to other countries. This study analyzes the barriers that prevent its adoption, with the conceptual framework of the theory of resistance to innovation. In addition, it analyzes the moderating effect of gender on these barriers. Using structural equations, through PLS and multi-group analysis, the results confirm consumer resistance to electronic banking adoption by functional barriers. It highlights the importance of the value barrier, being this aspect of particular relevance for men, while women are more affected by the complexity in the use of electronic banking. These results have implications for management in overcoming non-adopters’ resistance to the innovation. La adopción de la banca electrónica en España es menor en comparación con otros países. Este estudio analiza las barreras que impiden su adopción, con el marco conceptual de la teoría de la resistencia a la innovación. Además, analiza el efecto moderador del género sobre estas barreras. Utilizando ecuaciones estructurales, a través de PLS y análisis multi-grupo, los resultados confirman la resistencia del consumidor a la adopción de la banca electrónica por barreras funcionales. Destaca la importancia de la barrera de valor, siendo este aspecto de especial relevancia para los hombres, mientras que a las mujeres les impacta más la complejidad en el uso de la banca electrónica. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones para la gestión para superar la resistencia de los no adoptantes a la innovación

    The determinants of customer internet banking resistance and the role of mediating variables in Yemeni Universities

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    Although internet banking has been widely adopted in developed countries, there is still a low percentage of internet banking adoption in Yemen, indicating a probable high resistance to internet banking. Hence, the objective of this research was to determine the direct predictors (attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control (PBC), credibility, trust, compatibility, self-efficacy and government support) of customer resistance, attitude, subjective norm, PBC and credibility towards internet banking. Additionally, this study examined the mediating effects of attitude, subjective norm, PBC, and credibility on the relationship between predictors and customer resistance to internet-banking behavior using Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB). A quantitative research survey was used whereby 900 questionnaires were distributed randomly to University employees. 451questionnaires were returned, representing a 50% response rate. After screening, 372 useable data sets were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study found five significant predictors of customer resistance (attitude, credibility, compatibility, selfefficacy, and government support); three significant factors predicting attitude (government support, subjective norm and PBC); two significant predictors of SN (government support and self-efficacy); two significant predictors of PBC (compatibility and self-efficacy); and three predictors of credibility (trust, government support and PBC). It was also found that attitude fully mediated the relationship between subjective norm and customer resistance as well as between PBC and customer resistance. Contrastingly, attitude was a partial mediator between the relationship of government support and customer resistance. Likewise, credibility is a full mediator on the relationship between trust and customer resistance; PBC and customer resistance. Credibility also partially mediated the relationship between government support and customer resistance. Finally, the study contributes empirically by validating DTBP as an effective underpinning theory in explaining the internet banking resistance and that government should enact more stringent laws and policies to control the internet banking in Yemen

    Understanding the mechanism of consumer resistance to innovation : the moderating role of consumption values

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    Although previous research has established different types of barriers that lead to consumer resistance to innovation, little has been done to understand the effects of some scarcely researched barriers and how these different barriers can be mitigated. Further, there is scant empirical research examining the detrimental impact of resistance to innovation. Therefore, drawing on prospect theory and innovation resistance literature, this study develops and tests a conceptual framework to address the above-noted gaps in the literature. The key aims of the study are to understand: 1) the mechanism of consumer resistance in the context of smart payment services; 2) the development of consumer resistance to smart payment services due to different barrier perceptions; 3) the detrimental impact of consumer resistance to smart payment services by empirically establishing its consequence in the form of negative word of mouth (NWOM); 4) the role of consumer resistance to smart payment services as an underlying mechanism that explicates the translation of perceived barriers into NWOM; and 5) the role of perceived consumption values in buffering the effects of barrier perceptions on consumer resistance to smart payment services. Based on an online survey, data from n = 356 consumers (laggards) were collected and analysed in the context of smart payment services. The findings revealed that although most barriers from the extended Ram and Sheth framework influence resistance, the effects of the commonly investigated value and tradition barriers are, surprisingly, not found to be significant. Resistance is found to mediate the relationship between most barriers and NWOM, implying resistance is the key underlying mechanism that explicates why laggards who perceive barriers spread NWOM about smart payment services. Most importantly, consumption values are found to buffer the effects of some of the perceived barriers on resistance, which extends our understanding of the mechanism of resistance. Based on these results, theoretical and managerial contributions are discussed