22 research outputs found

    Binge-Watching During the Pandemic: An Empirical Study in India

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    Purpose – This study attempts to reveal the motivation of individuals for binge-watching. The motivational factors considered are enjoyment, efficiency, recommendations of others, perceived control, and fandom. The underlying framework used to explore the association of various motivational factors with binge-watching behavior is the Uses and Gratifications theory. The study also aims to contribute additional insight to the current literature on bingewatching by showing the moderating effects that the traits of sensation-seeking and need for cognition have on binge-watching behavior. Design/Methodology/Approach – Data was collected through a survey of 298 respondents who used online digital video platforms during phase I of the lockdown in India in April 2020. Analysis and testing were performed using Warp PLS 20 in order to understand binge-watching behavior during the pandemic. Findings and Implications – The study found enjoyment and efficiency to be the most influential predictors of binge-watching motivation, with fandom as the second most influential. Moreover, a major contribution of this study stems from the finding that sensationseeking and binge-watching behavior do not moderate the relationship between binge-watching motivation and binge-watching behavior. Limitations – The sample consisted of individuals from only one country. Originality – This study focuses on the motivators of binge-watching behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic from the aspect of the Uses and Gratifications theory

    Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Continuation Intention Over The Top: Studi pada Disney Plus

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    Penggunaan layanan SVOD dan OTT menjadi salah satu kebutuhan manusia dalam memperoleh hiburan. Dalam era yang serba digital, penggunaan layanan SVOD dan OTT dibutuhkan untuk menemani pelanggan sehingga tidak merasa bosan. Objek yang difokuskan oleh peneliti adalah pada aplikasi Disney Plus Hotstar. Aplikasi ini berada pada posisi kedua dimana Netflix menjadi peringkat pertama yang paling sering digunakan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori konsumsi yang menjelaskan megnenai perilaku konsumtif dari pelanggan. Metode yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan survei. Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan structural equation model (SEM). Jumlah responden yang digunakan adalah sebanyak 17- responden Hasil menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh antara convenient navigability, binge watching, companionship, social interaction dan information seeking terhadap continuation intention pada pengguna Disney Plus. Namun, entertainment dan relaxation tidak menunjukkan adanya pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap continuation intention pada pengguna Disney Plus. Implikasi manajerial menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi continuation intentnion adalah convenient navigability, binge watching, companionship, social interaction dan information seeking

    Binge‐watching: development and validation of the Binge‐Watching Addiction Questionnaire

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    The approach to the vision of TV series has deeply changed in the last years, and watching multiple episodes of TV content in a single session becomes a popular viewing pattern referred as binge‐watching. Early studies defined binge‐watching as a potentially addictive behavior showing characteristics similar to other behavioral addictions, such as loss of control and pleasure anticipation. This study aims to validate a short self‐report questionnaire focused on assessing binge‐watching behavior and determining whether it shows characteristics similar to addictive behavior, the Binge‐Watching Addiction Questionnaire (BWAQ). An online survey was adopted to administer the questionnaire in the general population (N = 1277). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses assessed both the validity and the structure of the scale in two independent samples. The statistical analyses confirmed a four‐factor model (i.e., “Craving”, “Dependency”, “Anticipation”, “Avoidance”) of the BWAQ with good psychometric properties. The BWAQ can differentiate between people who adopt maladaptive watching activities from those who use TVseries as leisure and entertainment activities. Therefore, this questionnaire may enable researchers to improve this emerging field of research significantly

    Understanding the Intention to Use Netflix: An Extended Technology Acceptance Model Approach

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    Developments in information and communication technologies disrupt the traditional media ecosystem. New media has led to the emergence of many digital platforms such as Netflix. Netflix has become very popular nowadays all over the world. Hence, this paper aims to reveal the determinants of intention to use Netflix based on the technology acceptance model. For this purpose, a survey of 251 respondents in Istanbul was conducted. The findings indicate that (i) self-efficacy and knowledge is positively related to perceived ease of use, (ii) knowledge and perceived ease of use is positively associated with perceived usefulness, (iii) perceived usefulness predicts attitude, (iv) attitude predicts intention to use, and (v) technology anxiety attenuates the positive effect of perceived usefulness on attitude. Keywords: Technology acceptance model, Digital platforms, Netflix JEL Classifications: C42, M31 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.877

    Personality traits and motivation as factors associated with symptoms of problematic binge-watching

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    Advance in new technologies has created a new form of consuming television. Binge-watching can be highly entertaining behavior, but its excessive forms could lead to development of risk of addiction. The aim of the study was to identify psychological factors associated with symptoms of problematic binge-watching and to establish on what devices and platforms young people tend to binge-watch. The results of the study indicate that Polish university students usually binge-watch on laptops and smartphones by using the Internet - streaming platforms or other websites. Low Conscientiousness was the strongest variable related to symptoms of binge-watching from all the personality traits. Furthermore, results show that there is a significant relationship between low Agreeableness, low Emotional Stability, low Intellect and problematic binge-watching. Moreover, escape motivation was the strongest factor from all motivational variables

    The binge-watcher’s journey: Investigating motivations, contexts, and affective states surrounding Netflix viewing

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    The growth of Internet-distributed TV services has transformed video consumption, enhancing the level of control that viewers have over what they watch. Along with the release of entire seasons of programming at once, this has led to the phenomenon of ‘binge-watching’, in which several episodes of a program are viewed in one sitting. This article presents the results of a novel exploratory study focused on 40 Netflix viewing sessions from 11 millennials in their homes. Methodologically, we employed a novel mixed-methods approach that combines objective data (collected through a browser extension) and subjective data (collected via questionnaires completed before and after viewing). This novel approach allowed us to describe the binge-watcher’s experience in a holistic fashion. Results suggest that binge-watching is an individual activity mainly performed at the end of the day to relax, for boredom relief purposes, or for escapism. Furthermore, a binge-watching session lasts for an average of 2 h and 10 min, and variations on binge-watchers’ affective states were identified after Netflix exposure. Participants’ levels of valence (unhappy–happy) significantly decreased after binge-watching; their positive affect values increased primarily after watching sci-fi, while their negative affect values decreased after watching comedy and slightly increased after watching drama. However, the levels of arousal (relaxed–stimulated) remained the same. This study extends our current understanding of binge-watching in terms of viewer motivations, how it affects their viewing experiences, and participants’ subjective affective states. The investigation contributes, thus

    Identifying the psychological processes delineating non-harmful from problematic binge-watching: A machine learning analytical approach

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    As on-demand streaming technology rapidly expanded, binge-watching (i.e., watching multiple episodes of TV series back-to-back) has become a widespread activity, and substantial research has been conducted to explore its potential harmfulness. There is, however, a need for differentiating non-harmful and problematic binge-watching. This is the first study using a machine learning analytical strategy to further investigate the distinct psychological predictors of these two binge-watching patterns. A total of 4275 TV series viewers completed an online survey assessing sociodemographic variables, binge-watching engagement, and relevant predictor variables (i.e., viewing motivations, impulsivity facets, and affect). In one set of analyses, we modeled intensity of non-harmful involvement in binge-watching as the dependent variable, while in a following set of analyses, we modeled intensity of problematic involvement in binge-watching as the dependent variable. Emotional enhancement motivation, followed by enrichment and social motivations, were the most important variables in modeling non-harmful involvement. Coping/escapism motivation, followed by urgency and lack of perseverance (two impulsivity traits), were found as the most important predictors of problematic involvement. These findings indicate that non-harmful involvement is characterized by positive reinforcement triggered by TV series watching, while problematic involvement is linked to negative reinforcement motives and impulsivity traits

    Zašto baš binge-watching? Istaknuti motivi i analiza motivirajućih hedonističkih i eudamonijskih elemenata emocionalnog zadovoljenja u iskustvu binge-watchinga

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    Binge-watching is a popular form of media consumption, and entertainment is one of the main drivers of this activity. This research aims to examine the prominent reasons for binge-watching by re-examining the established television viewing motives, by deepening the analysis of entertainment motives, and by introducing a new possible motive – the need for narrative understanding. Therefore, the researcher combines the factors of the established television viewing motives, the factors of hedonic and eudaimonic emotional gratification in an entertainment experience and introduces the motive of the ease of following storylines. The results of an online survey with 833 participants over the age of eighteen conducted in Croatia suggest that the motives of relaxation, fun (hedonic), habit, easier following of intricate storylines, escape, and thrill (hedonic) are prominent. Eudaimonic motives are less pronounced than hedonic ones, however, these clusters are positively related, which indicates the complexity of enjoyment in binge-watching entertainment.Binge-watching je popularan oblik medijske konzumacije, a zabava je jedan od izraženih pokretača te aktivnosti. Cilj je istraživanja predočenog u članku istražiti razloge binge-watchinga preispitivanjem etabliranih motiva gledanja televizije, produbljivanjem istraživanja motiva zabave te uvođenjem novoga mogućeg motiva: potrebe za narativnim razumijevanjem. Stoga istraživanje kombinira čimbenike već prije utvrđenih motiva gledanja televizije i čimbenike emocionalnog zadovoljenja hedonističkim i eudamonijskim elementima zabave te uvodi motiv lakšeg praćenja zamršenih linija priče. Rezultati internetskog istraživanja provedenog u Hrvatskoj na 833 sudionika starija od 18 godina pokazuju da su istaknuti motivi binge-watchinga: opuštanje, dobar provod (hedonistički), navika, laganije praćenje zapetljanih linija priče, bijeg i uzbuđenje (hedonistički). Eudamonijski motivi su slabije izraženi od hedonističkih, ali te su skupine motiva u pozitivnoj korelaciji, što upućuje na složenost uživanja u zabavi binge-watchinga

    Motif Subscriber Menonton Channel Youtube(Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Motif Subscriber Menonton Channel Youtube Presiden Joko Widodo)

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    Subcribers' interest in watching President Joko Widodo's Youtube channel is influenced by many motives. The motives of the subscribers watching President Joko Widodo's Youtube channel are different from person to person, but the ability of people to capture messages can form a motive in someone to watch. The research method uses descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques uses in-depth interviews by selecting Youtube channel subscribers of President Joko Widodo as interviewee. The technique of determining the informant with purposive sampling technique. Data analysis method in this study uses interactive analysis by data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing or verification. The result of the study revealed that the subscriber of Joko widodo's Youtube channel had 4 motives, namely the motive of entertainment and relaxation, personal identity motives, motives for seeking information and motives for friendship. From the four motives, the informants tend to watch President Jokowi's Youtube channel primarily because of the motive of information and entertainment

    Decreasing the Problematic Use of an Information System: A Conceptual Replication in the Context of Digital Streaming Services

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    This study is a conceptual replication of Chen, Zhang, Gong, Lee, and Wang’s (2020) study that examines factors influencing the intention to decrease problematic Information Systems (IS) use. In contrast with Chen et al.’s smartphone gaming context, we apply their theoretical model to the context of digital streaming services. Aligned with the original study, we tested the model using a scenario-based survey. Results are largely consistent with the original study, albeit with several exceptions. Our findings support that protection motivation theory (PMT) is useful in explaining decreasing problematic use in situations of threats. Threats are the negative consequences caused by problematic streaming service use. Users experience fear when they believe the negative consequences are likely to occur, and the consequential harm will be serious if they occur. When threatened, users are more motivated to decrease use if they believe decreasing use is effective in mitigating the threat and they have confidence in executing it. However, such motivation is not influenced by costs incurred by decreasing use. Further, we validate that invoking fear can break users’ viewing habits, which promotes their intention to decrease use. Yet, such an effect is limited. Future research might explore other factors that are effective in breaking users’ viewing habits