2,566 research outputs found

    SatERN: a PEP-less solution for satellite communications

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    In networks with very large delay like satellite IPbased networks, standard TCP is unable to correctly grab the available resources. To overcome this problem, Performance Enhancing Proxies (PEPs), which break the end-to-end connection and simulate a receiver close enough to the sender, can be placed before the links with large delay. Although splitting PEPs does not modify the transport protocol at the end nodes, they prevent the use of security protocols such as IPsec. In this paper, we propose solutions to replace the use of PEPs named SatERN. This proposal, based on Explicit Rate Notification (ERN) protocols over IP, does not split connections and is compliant with IP-in-IP tunneling solutions. Finally, we show that the SatERN solution achieves high satellite link utilization and fairness of the satellite traffic

    ABC: A Simple Explicit Congestion Controller for Wireless Networks

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    We propose Accel-Brake Control (ABC), a simple and deployable explicit congestion control protocol for network paths with time-varying wireless links. ABC routers mark each packet with an "accelerate" or "brake", which causes senders to slightly increase or decrease their congestion windows. Routers use this feedback to quickly guide senders towards a desired target rate. ABC requires no changes to header formats or user devices, but achieves better performance than XCP. ABC is also incrementally deployable; it operates correctly when the bottleneck is a non-ABC router, and can coexist with non-ABC traffic sharing the same bottleneck link. We evaluate ABC using a Wi-Fi implementation and trace-driven emulation of cellular links. ABC achieves 30-40% higher throughput than Cubic+Codel for similar delays, and 2.2X lower delays than BBR on a Wi-Fi path. On cellular network paths, ABC achieves 50% higher throughput than Cubic+Codel

    FAST TCP: Motivation, Architecture, Algorithms, Performance

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    We describe FAST TCP, a new TCP congestion control algorithm for high-speed long-latency networks, from design to implementation. We highlight the approach taken by FAST TCP to address the four difficulties which the current TCP implementation has at large windows. We describe the architecture and summarize some of the algorithms implemented in our prototype. We characterize its equilibrium and stability properties. We evaluate it experimentally in terms of throughput, fairness, stability, and responsiveness

    An Efficient Framework of Congestion Control for Next-Generation Networks

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    The success of the Internet can partly be attributed to the congestion control algorithm in the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). However, with the tremendous increase in the diversity of networked systems and applications, TCP performance limitations are becoming increasingly problematic and the need for new transport protocol designs has become increasingly important.Prior research has focused on the design of either end-to-end protocols (e.g., CUBIC) that rely on implicit congestion signals such as loss and/or delay or network-based protocols (e.g., XCP) that use precise per-flow feedback from the network. While the former category of schemes haveperformance limitations, the latter are hard to deploy, can introduce high per-packet overhead, and open up new security challenges. This dissertation explores the middle ground between these designs and makes four contributions. First, we study the interplay between performance and feedback in congestion control protocols. We argue that congestion feedback in the form of aggregate load can provide the richness needed to meet the challenges of next-generation networks and applications. Second, we present the design, analysis, and evaluation of an efficient framework for congestion control called Binary Marking Congestion Control (BMCC). BMCC uses aggregate load feedback to achieve efficient and fair bandwidth allocations on high bandwidth-delaynetworks while minimizing packet loss rates and average queue length. BMCC reduces flow completiontimes by up to 4x over TCP and uses only the existing Explicit Congestion Notification bits.Next, we consider the incremental deployment of BMCC. We study the bandwidth sharing properties of BMCC and TCP over different partial deployment scenarios. We then present algorithms for ensuring safe co-existence of BMCC and TCP on the Internet. Finally, we consider the performance of BMCC over Wireless LANs. We show that the time-varying nature of the capacity of a WLAN can lead to significant performance issues for protocols that require capacity estimates for feedback computation. Using a simple model we characterize the capacity of a WLAN and propose the usage of the average service rate experienced by network layer packets as an estimate for capacity. Through extensive evaluation, we show that the resulting estimates provide good performance

    Explicit congestion control algorithms for time-varying capacity media

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Effective Router Assisted Congestion Control for SDN

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    Router Assisted Congestion Control (RACC) was designed to improve endto- end congestion control performance by using prior knowledge on network condition. However, the traditional Internet does not provide such information, which makes this approach is not feasible to deliver. Our paper addresses this network information deficiency issue by proposing a new congestion control method that works on the Software Defined Network (SDN) framework. We call this proposed method as PACEC (Path Associativity Centralized Congestion Control). In SDN, global view of the network information contains the network topology including link properties (i.e., type, capacity, power consumption, etc.). PACEC uses this information to determine the feedback signal, in order for the source to start sending data at a high rate and to quickly reach fair-share rate. The simulation shows that the efficiency and fairness of PACEC are better than Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Rate Control Protocol (RCP)