6 research outputs found

    Influence of negotiators' spatial behavior on their image in the sample sales situation : the method and results of experiments

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    Proxemics has profoundly investigated determinants and functions of interpersonal distance. Despite considerable empirical knowledge gathered in this science, it has not much investigated image and self presentation functions of spatial behavior in negotiations. This paper discusses methods of and reports empirical study on the impact of spatial behavior on the image and self-presentation of negotiators in an exemplary and standardized sale situation. The study investigates the impact of spatial behavior on the image of credibility, confidence, aggressiveness, friendliness, tactfulness, lovability, preoccupation in the transaction, willingness to compromise (submission), cognitive skills related to the subject of negotiations, power, social status, physical attractiveness

    Agent-Based Facilitation of Water Allocation: Case Study in the Drome River Valley

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    International audienceThe purpose of the 1992 French Water Act is to encourage negotiation and dialogue among local stakeholderswithin a framework which is very similar to a patrimonial approach. Potential use of models in such post-normalapproaches is analyzed. Two kinds of models are compared: one is agent-based, the other follows a more classicalapproach. They are compared according to their contributions as negotiation support tools. This comparisonis based on a specific collective decision process dealing with water allocation at the sub-basin scale, in whichauthors are involved. Both are used to support collective decision processes through simulation of resource usedynamics. Agent-Based Models entail the broadening of spatial information of actors in the process, revealinginter-connected topics not taken into consideration earlier. This makes it possible to remain relevant, despite thesometimes rapidly evolving stakes. The central point of this paper is the implementation, within a practical application,of theories advocating the use of ABM as a collective decision support system. This application promotesa better understanding of the kind of support ABM provides and the way it does so. This is broughtabout more by re-framing the discussion and modifying the representation of the system on the part of thestakeholders than by providing specific agreements

    The conceptual model of construction and real estate negotiation

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    Negotiations are common in many activities; the sectors of construction and real estate are not an exception: here the negotiations are an inseparable part of the real estate buying and selling process. The article analyses scientific research related to negotiations and presents the developed model for multiple criteria analysis of construction and real estate negotiations. The analysis of the negotiation processes in construction and real estate and the analysis of the relevant support for decision‐making in negotiations must be thorough; it must consider not only economic but also political, legal, socio‐cultural, psychological, consumer behaviour, technological, quality of life and other issues. The developed model enables to analyse the combination of the real estate negotiation process, the improvement of its efficiency through use of decision support and voice stress analysis technology and the participating stakeholder groups seeking their goals together with the influencing external macro and micro environment. The paper dwells on the components of this model. Santruka Derybos nuolatos vyksta daugelyje veiklos sričiu, neaplenkdamos ir statybos bei NT sektoriu, kur jos yra neatsiejama nekilnojamojo turto pirkimo ir pardavimo proceso dalis. Straipsnyje analizuojami mokslininku tyrimai derybu srityje ir pristatomas sukurtas statybos ir NT derybu daugiakriterines analizes modelis. Nagrinejant statybos ir NT derybu procesa bei taikoma parama derybu sprendimams priimti, būtina tai nagrineti išsamiai, kreipiant demesi ne tik i ekonominius, bet ir i politinius, teisinius, socialinius, kultūrinius, psichologinius, vartotoju elgsenos, technologinius, gyvenimo kokybes ir pan. klausimus. Sukurtas modelis leidžia analizuoti NT derybu procesa, jo efektyvumo didinima, taikant sprendimu paramos ir balso analizes technologijas, joje dalyvaujančias ir savo tikslus norinčias igyvendinti suinteresuotas grupes bei jas veikiančia išorine makro‐ ir mikroaplinka kaip visuma. Straipsnyje aptartos sukurta modeli sudarančios sudetines dalys. First Publish Online: 18 Oct 201

    An experimental investigation of the impact of NSS and proximity on negotiation outcomes

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    10.1080/014492900750000036Behaviour and Information Technology195329-338BEIT

    Collaborators and Competitors Negotiating in Gains and Losses

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    The economy is driven by everyday negotiations between sellers and buyers. Electronic Negotiation Systems (ENSs) are embedded with features and methods that help users better manage their negotiation processes, and work with their counterparts in order to achieve superior outcomes. As ENSs inevitably mediate the information exchange, the representation of this information plays a crucial role in decision support. Still, there is a lack of empirical research on ENSs, especially on the impact of information framing on the process, as well as on the outcomes of interactions. Research in this area is further complicated when the interactions of users with dissimilar motivations are taken into account. This project aims at investigating how framing by the ENS impacts the negotiation process and outcomes for different motivational orientations. It proposes a research framework that examines the effects of ENS framing of outcomes (i.e., as gains or losses) and motivational orientation (i.e., competitive or collaborative) on the negotiation process and consequences at the dyadic and individual levels. An experimental 2X2 factor design was used to test the underlying hypotheses, which: (1) examined the outcomes (i.e., higher joint outcome and contract balance) and the process (i.e., greater number of offers and cooperativeness) affected by different ENS frames for different motivational orientations; (2) contrasted the difference between the gain and loss frames for collaborative and competitive dyads; and (3) detailed the impact of ENS framing and motivational orientation on individual perceptions (i.e., cognitive effort, discussion climate, outcome satisfaction and relationship). The experiments were conducted in two environments (laboratory with 276 and quasi-field with 490 participants) to increase external validity of the results. In general, the findings showed that: (1) collaborative dyads have higher joint outcome in the loss than gain frame, while the opposite was found for competitive ones (i.e., higher joint outcome in the gain rather than loss frame); (2) the impacts of ENS framing was stronger for collaborative dyads; (3) loss frame caused less disparities in terms of number of offers and joint outcome between the two orientations; and (4) negotiators did not perceive any differences of framing despite the dissimilarities in objective measures (e.g., joint outcome and number of offers)

    E-Negotiation systems: A theoretical framework and empirical investigation

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