6 research outputs found

    Smart information retrieval: domain knowledge centric optimization approach

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    In the age of Internet of Things (IoT), online data has witnessed significant growth in terms of volume and diversity, and research into information retrieval has become one of the important research themes in the Internet oriented data science research. In information retrieval, machine-learning techniques have been widely adopted to automate the challenging process of relation extraction from text data, which is critical to the accuracy and efficiency of information retrieval-based applications including recommender systems and sentiment analysis. In this context, this paper introduces a novel, domain knowledge centric methodology aimed at improving the accuracy of using machine-learning methods for relation classification, and then utilise Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to optimise the feature selection for the learning algorithms. The proposed methodology makes significant contribution to the processes of domain knowledge-based relation extraction including interrogating Linked Open Datasets to generate the relation classification training-data, addressing the imbalanced classification in the training datasets, determining the probability threshold of the best learning algorithm, and establishing the optimum parameters for the genetic algorithm utilised in feature selection. The experimental evaluation of the proposed methodology reveals that the adopted machine-learning algorithms exhibit higher precision and recall in relation extraction in the reduced feature space optimised by the implementation. The considered machine learning includes Support Vector Machine, Perceptron Algorithm Uneven Margin and K-Nearest Neighbours. The outcome is verified by comparing against the Random Mutation Hill-Climbing optimisation algorithm using Wilcoxon signed-rank statistical analysis

    Optimisation of hedging-integrated rule curves for reservoir operation

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    Reservoir managers use operational rule curves as guides for managing and operating reservoir systems. However, this approach saves no water for impending droughts, resulting in large shortages during such droughts. This problem can be tempered by integrating hedging with the rule curves to curtail the water releases during normal periods of operation and use the saved water to limit the amount and impact of water shortages during droughts. However, determining the timing and amount of hedging is a challenge. This thesis presents the application of genetic algorithms (GA) for the optimisation of hedging-integrated reservoir rule curves. However, due to the challenge of establishing the boundary of feasible region in standard GA (SGA), a new development of the GA i.e. the dynamic GA (DGA), is proposed. Both the new development and its hedging policies were tested through extensive simulations of the Ubonratana reservoir (Thailand). The first observation was that the new DGA was faster and more efficient than the SGA in arriving at an optimal solution. Additionally, the derived hedging policies produced significant changes in reservoir performance when compared to no-hedging policies. The performance indices analysed were reliability (time and volume), resilience, vulnerability and sustainability; the results showed that the vulnerability (i.e. average single periods shortage) in particular was significantly reduced with the optimised hedging rules as compared to using the no-hedging rule curves. This study also developed a monthly inflow forecasting model using artificial neural networks (ANN) to aid reservoir operational decision-making. Extensive testing of the model showed that it was able to provide inflow forecasts with reasonable accuracy. The simulated effect on reservoir performance of forecasted inflows vis-à-vis other assumed reservoir inflow knowledge situations showed that the ANN forecasts were superior, further reinforcing the importance of good inflow information for reservoir operation. The ability of hedging to harness the inherent buffering capacity of existing water resources systems for tempering water shortage (or vulnerability) without the need for expensive new-builds is a major outcome of this study. Although applied to Ubonratana, the study has utility for other regions of the world, where e.g. climate and other environmental changes are stressing the water availability situation