6 research outputs found

    Searching in a web-based infrastructure for smart things

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    Abstract—Given the expected high number of accessible digi-tally augmented devices and their communication requirements, this paper presents our work on creating a Web-based infrastruc-ture for smart things to facilitate the integration, look-up, and interaction with such devices for human users and machines. To exploit the locality of interactions with and between smart things, the proposed infrastructure treats the location of a smart thing as its main property and is therefore structured hierarchically according to logical place identifiers. We discuss the infrastruc-ture’s look-up mechanism that leverages Web patterns to foster scalability and load balancing and features an advanced caching mechanism that greatly reduces the response time and number of exchanged messages. These properties are demonstrated in an evaluation in a simulated smart environment. I

    CardioGuard: A Brassiere-based Reliable ECG Monitoring Sensor System for Supporting Daily Smartphone Healthcare Applications

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    We propose CardioGuard, a brassiere-based reliable electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring sensor system, for supporting daily smartphone healthcare applications. It is designed to satisfy two key requirements for user-unobtrusive daily ECG monitoring: reliability of ECG sensing and usability of the sensor. The system is validated through extensive evaluations. The evaluation results showed that the CardioGuard sensor reliably measure the ECG during 12 representative daily activities including diverse movement levels; 89.53% of QRS peaks were detected on average. The questionnaire-based user study with 15 participants showed that the CardioGuard sensor was comfortable and unobtrusive. Additionally, the signal-to-noise ratio test and the washing durability test were conducted to show the high-quality sensing of the proposed sensor and its physical durability in practical use, respectively

    An Event-based BSN Middleware that supports Seamless Switching between Sensor Configurations

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    Recentadvances in wearable sensors havesurged in novel fitness and preventive health care systems that measure step counts, activity levels, and performed exercises with inertial sensors, enabling users to monitor condition and day-to-day lifestyle. This paper presents a middleware designed for a smartphone unit to support health monitoring applications. Its event-driven architecture enables modular system design and seamless switching between sets of embedded sensors. The strengths of the middleware are highlighted in a deployed feasibility study where daily and gym activities are recognized through an interchangeable set of wireless sensors. The study demonstrates that the setup is suitable for daily usage with minimal impact on the phone’s resources

    Energy-efficient Continuous Context Sensing on Mobile Phones

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    With the ever increasing adoption of smartphones worldwide, researchers have found the perfect sensor platform to perform context-based research and to prepare for context-based services to be also deployed for the end-users. However, continuous context sensing imposes a considerable challenge in balancing the energy consumption of the sensors, the accuracy of the recognized context and its latency. After outlining the common characteristics of continuous sensing systems, we present a detailed overview of the state of the art, from sensors sub-systems to context inference algorithms. Then, we present the three main contribution of this thesis. The first approach we present is based on the use of local communications to exchange sensing information with neighboring devices. As proximity, location and environmental information can be obtained from nearby smartphones, we design a protocol for synchronizing the exchanges and fairly distribute the sensing tasks. We show both theoretically and experimentally the reduction in energy needed when the devices can collaborate. The second approach focuses on the way to schedule mobile sensors, optimizing for both the accuracy and energy needs. We formulate the optimal sensing problem as a decision problem and propose a two-tier framework for approximating its solution. The first tier is responsible for segmenting the sensor measurement time series, by fitting various models. The second tier takes care of estimating the optimal sampling, selecting the measurements that contributes the most to the model accuracy. We provide near-optimal heuristics for both tiers and evaluate their performances using environmental sensor data. In the third approach we propose an online algorithm that identifies repeated patterns in time series and produces a compressed symbolic stream. The first symbolic transformation is based on clustering with the raw sensor data. Whereas the next iterations encode repetitive sequences of symbols into new symbols. We define also a metric to evaluate the symbolization methods with regard to their capacity at preserving the systems' states. We also show that the output of symbols can be used directly for various data mining tasks, such as classification or forecasting, without impacting much the accuracy, but greatly reducing the complexity and running time. In addition, we also present an example of application, assessing the user's exposure to air pollutants, which demonstrates the many opportunities to enhance contextual information when fusing sensor data from different sources. On one side we gather fine grained air quality information from mobile sensor deployments and aggregate them with an interpolation model. And, on the other side, we continuously capture the user's context, including location, activity and surrounding air quality. We also present the various models used for fusing all these information in order to produce the exposure estimation

    Event-driven Middleware for Body and Ambient Sensor Applications

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    Continuing development of on-body and ambient sensors has led to a vast increase in sensor-based assistance and monitoring solutions. A growing range of modular sensors, and the necessity of running multiple applications on the sensor information, has led to an equally extensive increase in efforts for system development. In this work, we present an event-driven middleware for on-body and ambient sensor networks allowing multiple applications to define information types of their interest in a publish/subscribe manner. Incoming sensor data is hereby transformed into the required data representation which lifts the burden of adapting the application with respect to the connected sensors off the developer's shoulders. Furthermore, an unsupervised on-the-fly reloading of transformation rules from a remote server allows the system's adaptation to future applications and sensors at run-time as well as reducing the number of connected sensors. Open communication channels distribute sensor information to all interested applications. In addition to that, application-specific event channels are introduced that provide tailor-made information retrieval as well as control over the dissemination of critical information. The system is evaluated based on an Android implementation with transformation rules implemented as OSGi bundles that are retrieved from a remote web server. Evaluation shows a low impact of running the middleware and the transformation rules on a phone and highlights the reduced energy consumption by having fewer sensors serving multiple applications. It also points out the behavior and limits of the open and application-specific event channels with respect to CPU utilization, delivery ratio, and memory usage. In addition to the middleware approach, four (preventive) health care applications are presented. They take advantage of the mediation between sensors and applications and highlight the system's capabilities. By connecting body sensors for monitoring physical and physiological parameters as well as ambient sensors for retrieving information about user presence and interactions with the environment, full-fledged health monitoring examples for monitoring a user throughout the day are presented. Vital parameters are gathered from commercially available biosensors and the mediator device running both the middleware and the application is an off-the-shelf smart phone. For gaining information about a user's physical activity, custom-built body and ambient sensors are presented and deployed

    Integration of Event Processing with Service-oriented Architectures and Business Processes

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    Data sources like the Internet of Things or Cyber-physical Systems provide enormous amounts of real-time information in form of streams of events. The use of such event streams enables reactive software components as building blocks in a new generation of systems. Businesses, for example, can benefit from the integration of event streams; new services can be provided to customers, or existing business processes can be improved. The development of reactive systems and the integration with existing application landscapes, however, is challenging. While traditional system components follow a pull-based request/reply interaction style, event-based systems follow a push-based interaction scheme; events arrive continuously and application logic is triggered implicitly. To benefit from push-based and pull-based interactions together, an intuitive software abstraction is necessary to integrate push-based application logic with existing systems. In this work we introduce such an abstraction: we present Event Stream Processing Units (SPUs) - a container model for the encapsulation of event-processing application logic at the technical layer as well as at the business process layer. At the technical layer SPUs provide a service-like abstraction and simplify the development of scalable reactive applications. At the business process layer SPUs make event processing explicitly representable. SPUs have a managed lifecycle and are instantiated implicitly - upon arrival of appropriate events - or explicitly upon request. At the business process layer SPUs encapsulate application logic for event stream processing and enable a seamless transition between process models, executable process representations, and components at the IT layer. Throughout this work, we focus on different aspects of the SPU container model: we first introduce the SPU container model and its execution semantics. Since SPUs rely on a publish/subscribe system for event dissemination, we discuss quality of service requirements in the context of event processing. SPUs rely on input in form of events; in event-based systems, however, event production is logically decoupled, i.e., event producers are not aware of the event consumers. This influences the system development process and requires an appropriate methodology. Fur this purpose we present a requirements engineering approach that takes the specifics of event-based applications into account. The integration of events with business processes leads to new business opportunities. SPUs can encapsulate event processing at the abstraction level of business functions and enable a seamless integration with business processes. For this integration, we introduce extensions to the business process modeling notations BPMN and EPCs to model SPUs. We also present a model-to-execute workflow for SPU-containing process models and implementation with business process modeling software. The SPU container model itself is language-agnostic; thus, we present Eventlets as SPU implementation based on Java Enterprise technology. Eventlets are executed inside a distributed middleware and follow a lifecycle. They reduce the development effort of scalable event processing applications as we show in our evaluation. Since the SPU container model introduces an additional layer of abstraction we analyze the overhead in terms of performance and show that Eventlets can compete with traditional event processing approaches in terms of performance. SPUs can be used to process sensitive data, e.g., in health care environments. Thus, privacy protection is an important requirement for certain use cases and we sketch the application of a privacy-preserving event dissemination scheme to protect event consumers and producers from curious brokers. We also quantify the resulting overhead introduced by a privacy-preserving brokering scheme in an evaluation