23 research outputs found

    Status of Electronic Resources in Libraries: A Review Study

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    Abstract: Information sources and in turn electronic resources form the basis of all the sectors of society especially healthcare. They represent a framework to describe the wide spread management of health science information across the globe via computerized systems and its secured and scrutinized exchange between the health science professionals and various associated personals. The overall worth, security and competence of the health research and health services are known to be well determined by means of quality health information sources. Electronic resources in health sciences play a vital role by enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of the information. It is evident that Information is the energy that drives health science (healthcare) decision making. The healthcare field is information intensive, because quality healthcare depends on quality information. Information is intrinsically inseparable from the operations and decisions made in healthcare.Electronic resources are the primary source of information in health science libraries & act as the backbone in every sector of the modern ICT (Information communication technology) based environment. Number of libraries throughout world have incorporated the electronic resources in their collection. The present review paper investigates the status of these electronic resources in various libraries

    Management Preparedness towards the Implementation of Mobile Technology Library Services in Academic Libraries

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    Despite the growing usage of mobile devices and the availability of mobile broadband and WIFI internet almost everywhere in the academic libraries of developing countries, academic libraries in Ghana are yet to fully exploit this opportunity and provide mobile technology (m-tech) based library services. This study thus set to assess the preparedness’ of library management towards the implementation of m-tech library services in academic libraries in Ghana. The study employed a descriptive survey and the mixed method in collecting data from 365 respondents. The study established that the majority of respondents were aware that mobile devices could be used to access library services, and were willing to be trained, adapt; and upgrade their skills to suit any mobile service technological change undertaken in academic libraries. The main mobile devices available and used to provide services to the patrons comprise handheld tablets, smartphones, iPod, cell phones, PDA’s and e-book readers. However, the study found a lack of a culture of training for staff and requisite skills as the inhibitors towards the adoption of m-tech in librarie

    Examining E-readiness In Libraries of Public Sector Universities Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan

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    This research has investigated the level of e-readiness in public sector university libraries located in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan. The study aimed to assess the presence of human resources, electronic infrastructure, network services, and programs in these libraries. The target population consisted of twenty-seven public sector university libraries in the region. The research utilized a quantitative approach and employed a questionnaire-based survey to gather data from the librarians or individuals in charge of these libraries. The collected data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22 (SPSS). The findings revealed that the respondents\u27 satisfaction regarding their knowledge of libraries was low or moderate, as indicated by mean scores below 3. Similarly, the satisfaction levels concerning electronic infrastructure, network services, and programs, as well as the role of libraries in the digital world, were rated as average or below. Based on the results, the study recommended significant transformations in various aspects of public-sector university libraries. To achieve this, the government should allocate necessary resources and provide facilities to meet the informational and recreational needs of the population. Improvements are required in the Information Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure of these libraries, including the availability of computer equipment, databases, network servers, multimedia projectors, digital cameras, uninterruptible power supply, scanners, and backup devices such as hard discs and Digital Video Disc/compact Dis

    Impacts of Information and Communication Technology on Libraries In Ghana: A Review

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    The purpose of this article was to provide a review of literature on the impacts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Libraries in Ghana. Some of the ICT impacts identified were in the area of cataloguing and classification, online public access catalogue, acquisitions, video conferencing, web 2.0 and social media tools, online searching and retrieval, electronic resources, digitization, electronic/digital libraries and institutional repositories, library website, indexing and abstracting, technical services, bibliographic instruction/library instruction, mobile digital library, interlibrary loan and document delivery, information access and video and photo libraries. Our review indicates that despite the tremendous changes brought about by ICT to Ghanaian libraries, they are still faced with a lot of challenges that needs to be addressed to enable these libraries to operate efficiently to provide the required information resources to its users. It also proposes recommendations for policy makers especially management of institutions with libraries, practitioners especially Librarians, researchers, students and all others who have an interest in library activities. Some of these recommendations include the provision of funding for ICT equipment and infrastructure, maintenance and updating of ICT equipment, training of users and staff, involvement of Management in ICT related issues in libraries, provision of uninterrupted power supply supplemented with standby generators and the provision of fast and uninterrupted bandwidth

    Impacts of Information and Communication Technology on Libraries In Ghana: A Review

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    The purpose of this article was to provide a review of literature on the impacts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Libraries in Ghana. Some of the ICT impacts identified were in the area of cataloguing and classification, online public access catalogue, acquisitions, video conferencing, web 2.0 and social media tools, online searching and retrieval, electronic resources, digitization, electronic/digital libraries and institutional repositories, library website, indexing and abstracting, technical services, bibliographic instruction/library instruction, mobile digital library, interlibrary loan and document delivery, information access and video and photo libraries. Our review indicates that despite the tremendous changes brought about by ICT to Ghanaian libraries, they are still faced with a lot of challenges that needs to be addressed to enable these libraries to operate efficiently to provide the required information resources to its users. It also proposes recommendations for policy makers especially management of institutions with libraries, practitioners especially Librarians, researchers, students and all others who have an interest in library activities. Some of these recommendations include the provision of funding for ICT equipment and infrastructure, maintenance and updating of ICT equipment, training of users and staff, involvement of Management in ICT related issues in libraries, provision of uninterrupted power supply supplemented with standby generators and the provision of fast and uninterrupted bandwidth

    Use of ICT in Collection Management of Public Libraries in Punjab, Pakistan

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    Abstract Objectives of the study: This study is about the assessing of use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) in Collection Management (CM) of Public Libraries in Punjab (PLsP), Pakistan. Research Design:The study was conducted in seventeen PLsP. Target population was the Head Librarians(HLs) of the selected PLsP. Data regarding current status of ICT apparatus, IT staff, available ICT resources and usage of ICT in CM was collected from the concerned HLs through a comprehensive questionnaire. The questionnaire having mostly closed ended questions was constructed in the light of extensive literature review. The data collected from HLs was analyzed and interpreted manually. Key Findings: Present status of ICT apparatus, IT staff & available ICT resources like internet in PLs was found unsatisfactory and lack of IT professionals & skilled IT staff was note over there. The respondents found convinced about the importance of ICT in CM. Status of usage of ICT in CM was found poor. Absence of required ICT related staff training was also noted. Scarcity of needed funds for ICT and interrupted power supply were found as the pressing issues in PLsP. Practical Implication: PLsP were recommended to develop their ICT apparatus, ensure qualified IT staff, and enrich their available ICT resources to improve their status of usage of ICT in CM. ICT training of staff, availability of needed funds and arrangements for uninterrupted power supply were also recommended

    Information systems evaluation in Ghanaian academic libraries using DandM IS success model

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    The use of Information Systems (ISs) has been widely accepted and proven to increase the service quality in many organizations. Academic libraries have embraced the use of ISs and have implemented them to perform different activities. The efficient utilization and management of ISs in libraries will help libraries to derive maximum benefit from adopted ISs. The researchers therefore used the DeLone and McLean IS success theory to determine the impact of IS management on the quality of the IS and the use of the IS

    Information Systems evaluation in Ghanaian academic Libraries using DandM IS success model

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    The use of Information Systems (ISs) has been widely accepted and proven to increase the service quality in many organizations. Academic libraries have embraced the use of ISs and have implemented them to perform different activities. The efficient utilization and management of ISs in libraries will help libraries to derive maximum benefit from adopted ISs. The researchers therefore used the DeLone and McLean IS success theory to determine the impact of IS management on the quality of the IS and the use of the IS. The researchers solicited responses using questionnaire from all the staff members who use any electronic system in libraries that were purposively selected. The research revealed that the management of ISs affects the quality thereof. Quality of ISs affects use, and use affects the benefits gained from use

    International Technology Gap and Technology Transmission: The Policy Implications

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    Income per capita differences have increased dramatically over the last fifty years. Many economists seem to recognize knowledge differences as the main factor in this worldwide economic performance divergence. Developing countries suffer significantly from lagging labour productivity and managerial efficiency related in part to the failure to adopt the latest technology or to update their labour force, and such an evidence has recently led to a huge debate about which channel is most effective in stimulating technology transfer and acquisition. In this paper we will review the policy tools that have been effective in reducing the international knowledge-gap between Developed and Developing countries, and the role played by institutional factors in accomplishing such an issue.J.e.l. codes: F4, K2, O2, O3 Economia Politica is covered by Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition (Thomson Reuters – ISI Web of Know ledge); Econlit/Journal of Economic Literature (AEA); Elsevier’s Abstracting & Indexing database – SCOPUS ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking 2009 Economics: 98/245. Impact Factor: 0,91


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    Maturity model adalah suatu metode untuk mengukur level pengembangan manajemen proses, yang berarti adalah mengukur sejauh mana kapabilitas manajemen tersebut. pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menanalisisi tingkat kematangan (maturity level) sistem informasi perpustakaan (simpus) menggunakan metode COBIT 4.1. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini dengan melakukan assesment maturity level untuk mengetahui tingkat kematangan sistem informasi perpustakaan di UPT. Perpustakaam Universitas Lancang Kuning menggunakan Domain Deliver and Support (DS) dan sun Domain DS7 (Mendidik dan Melatih Pengguna). Teknik pengambilan data dengan menyebarkan angket dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 6 pengguna. Angket bersifat tertutup yang disebarkan sesuai dengan RACI chart dengan menggunakan Nilai Kepatuhan as-is (yang sedang terjadi) dan to-be (yang diharapkan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai maturity as-is yaitu 3,00 level 3 Define Process program pelatihan dan pendidikan hanya kadang-kadang diterapkan sedangkan nilai Maturity to-be yaitu 3,30. Hal ini membuktikan betapa pentingnya pelatihan dan pendidikan pengguna supaya berada di level 5 Optimised Pelatihan dan hasil pendidikan dalam peningkatan kinerja individu dimana adanya program pelatihan dan pendidikan yang komprehensif yang menghasilkan hasil yang terukur. Kata Kunci: COBIT4.1,Deliver and Support, DS7, SIMPUS, RACI