Economia politica. Journal of analytical and institutional economics
Income per capita differences have increased dramatically over the last fifty years. Many economists seem to recognize knowledge differences as the main factor in this worldwide economic performance divergence.
Developing countries suffer significantly from lagging labour productivity and managerial efficiency related in part to the failure to adopt the latest technology or to update their labour force, and such an evidence has recently led to a huge debate about which channel is most effective in stimulating technology transfer and acquisition. In this paper we will review the policy tools that have been effective
in reducing the international knowledge-gap between Developed and Developing countries, and the role played by institutional factors in accomplishing such an issue.J.e.l. codes: F4, K2, O2, O3 Economia Politica is covered by Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition (Thomson Reuters – ISI Web of Know ledge); Econlit/Journal of Economic Literature (AEA); Elsevier’s Abstracting & Indexing database – SCOPUS
ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking 2009 Economics: 98/245.
Impact Factor: 0,91