8 research outputs found

    Sustaining Participant Involvement in Crowdsourcing Contests through Collaboration

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    With the advances in internet technologies and the emergence of crowdsourcing, organizations are now increasingly looking outside their boundaries for solving problems. Yet, the success of crowdsourcing processes depends on the sustained participation of crowdsourcing individuals. Previous studies have mainly focused on understanding individuals’ initial motivation for participation with few focusing on the factors that affect individuals’ sustained participation in crowdsourcing contests. None of these studies examined how collaboration affects individuals’ participation behavior in crowdsourcing contests. This study attempts to understand how individuals’ collaboration (in the form of comments and votes) affects their sustained participation in online problem solving contests. This study uses data from the Kaggle website that holds online data science competitions in which individuals submit their proposed solutions with the best solutions being rewarded. Our results show that individuals who receive more attention from other members tend to come back and maintain their participation in the platform

    Crowdsourcing in Software Development: A State-of-the-Art Analysis

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    As software development cycles become shorter and shorter, while software complexity increases and IT budgets stagnate, many companies are looking for new ways of acquiring and sourcing knowledge outside their boundaries. One promising solution to aggregate know-how and manage large distributed teams in software development is crowdsourcing. This paper analyzes the existing body of knowledge regarding crowdsourcing in software development. As a result, we propose a fundamental framework with five dimensions to structure the existing insights of crowdsourcing in the context of software development and to derive a research agenda to guide further research

    Users' intellectual property rights in crowdsourced software engineering tasks

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    Online crowdsourced software engineering (CSE) platforms users comprise of task requesters and workers (or participants).It is critical for the users to acquire the Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) for CSE tasks in order to maintain and encourage software crowdsourcing practices. This paper aims to examine the different CSE tasks and IPRs to help researchers understand better how these IPRs can be effectively applied to CSE platforms.A mapping table between CSE tasks and their IPRs is offered in this paper as the results of a comprehensive review of IPRs (copyrights, patents, trade secrets, trademarks, industrial design and database rights) and CSE tasks (in different phases of software engineering) from a number of relevant researchers.The results of the study are expected to be beneficial to crowdsourcing participants in understanding their rights and to existing crowdsourcing platforms owners as well as companies that are planning to launch, particularly, new CSE platforms to leverage the crowd power of the software engineering society

    Framework para comercialização de soluções de smart cities: o caso PT

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    Mestrado em GestãoCom um número cada vez maior de cidadãos a viver em grandes aglomerados urbanos, as cidades necessitam de se adaptar e tornar mais inteligentes por forma a serem sustentáveis. Desta forma, o conceito de smart city implica a integração de várias dimensões da gestão da cidade, mediante uma abordagem integrada e sustentada, criando um novo mercado per si. Mas, para responder a estas necessidades e conquistar este novo mercado, as empresas têm que se organizar por forma a sustentar as suas decisões estratégicas com ferramentas que permitem a análise e avaliação deste novo paradigma. Baseado nos conceitos de smart cities/cidades inteligentes, este trabalho desenvolve um conjunto de ferramentas que permitem a análise e avaliação de novos mercados pela empresa PTInovação, criando um modelo para a implementação de um mapa de calor/heat map que apresenta as cidades com maior potencial de mercado a nível mundial. Com base neste modelo, é então efetuada uma instanciação do modelo que permite analisar 7 casos diferentes de cidades localizadas na América, África, Ásia e Europa. A partir da análise realizada, é efetuado um caso de estudo para a cidade de Cartagena das Índias, na Colômbia. Este caso de estudo efetua a análise do portfólio de oferta da PTInovação, estuda as necessidades específicas dos utilizadores locais e analisa os potenciais competidores no mercado local, permitindo a realização de uma análise SWOT/TOWS que induz a criação de um plano de ação que permite mapear o processo de entrada da empresa neste mercado.With more and more people living in large urban areas, the cities need to adapt and become smarter in order to be sustainable. Thus the smart cities approach involves the integration of several dimensions of a city through integrated and sustained approach, constituting a new market on its own. But. in order to address these needs and conquer market share, companies must organize themselves in order to make strategic options with tools that enable the analysis and evaluation of this new paradigm. Based on theoretical concepts of smart cities, in this work a set of tools are developed in order to enable the analysis and evaluation of new markets for PT Inovação in the smart cities market, creating a model for the implementation of a heat map of most promising “smart cities” at a worldwide level. With it, an instantiation of the model is performed, analysing 7 different cities located in America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Based on this analysis, a case study is performed for the city of Cartagena das Índias, in Colombia, through the analysis of the existing company product portfolio, local user needs and existing potential competitors in the local marketplace, thus enabling a SWOT/TOWS analysis that leads to the generation of an action plan for the company to enter this market

    Impact of New Method for Laying Separate Sewer System on Pavement Layers

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    The method of installing underground infrastructure has a significant influence on road resistance and performance under live loads such as traffic. This research presents a new method for laying separate sewer systems by using one trench to sit both sanitary pipe and storm pipe and considers the effects of this approach on the pavement strength. Experimental tests have been conducted in the laboratory using a trench 2.5x0.45x1 metre to install two pipes one over the other (sanitary pipe in the bottom and storm pipe on top). Two cases have tested, the first case using 5 cm surface layer of cold mix asphalt while the second is using soil. A series of loads were applied to test the behaviour of this new system and its effects on the pavement surface layer and the buried pipe. The comparison between the rut print of the live load on the soil layer and the pavement layer was conducted. Results demonstrated that using the cold mix asphalt is still insufficient to provide enough safety to protect buried pipe as a reason of needing to relatively long time to acquire high stiffness. Therefore, minimum cover depth to protect pipelines still required

    An evaluation of the challenges of Multilingualism in Data Warehouse development

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    In this paper we discuss Business Intelligence and define what is meant by support for Multilingualism in a Business Intelligence reporting context. We identify support for Multilingualism as a challenging issue which has implications for data warehouse design and reporting performance. Data warehouses are a core component of most Business Intelligence systems and the star schema is the approach most widely used to develop data warehouses and dimensional Data Marts. We discuss the way in which Multilingualism can be supported in the Star Schema and identify that current approaches have serious limitations which include data redundancy and data manipulation, performance and maintenance issues. We propose a new approach to enable the optimal application of multilingualism in Business Intelligence. The proposed approach was found to produce satisfactory results when used in a proof-of-concept environment. Future work will include testing the approach in an enterprise environmen