156 research outputs found

    Structural Entropy and Metamorphic Malware

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    Metamorphic malware is capable of changing its internal structure without al- tering its functionality. A common signature is nonexistent in highly metamorphic malware. Consequently, such malware may remain undetected even under emulation and signature scanning combined. In this project, we use the concept of structural entropy to analyze variations in the complexity of data within a file. The process consists of two stages, namely, file segmentation and sequence comparison. In the file segmentation stage, we use entropy measurements and wavelet analysis to segment a file. The second stage measures the similarity of files by computing the edit distance between sequence segments. We apply this technique to the metamorphic detection problem and show that we can obtain strong results in certain challenging cases

    Similarity-based Android Malware Detection Using Hamming Distance of Static Binary Features

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    In this paper, we develop four malware detection methods using Hamming distance to find similarity between samples which are first nearest neighbors (FNN), all nearest neighbors (ANN), weighted all nearest neighbors (WANN), and k-medoid based nearest neighbors (KMNN). In our proposed methods, we can trigger the alarm if we detect an Android app is malicious. Hence, our solutions help us to avoid the spread of detected malware on a broader scale. We provide a detailed description of the proposed detection methods and related algorithms. We include an extensive analysis to asses the suitability of our proposed similarity-based detection methods. In this way, we perform our experiments on three datasets, including benign and malware Android apps like Drebin, Contagio, and Genome. Thus, to corroborate the actual effectiveness of our classifier, we carry out performance comparisons with some state-of-the-art classification and malware detection algorithms, namely Mixed and Separated solutions, the program dissimilarity measure based on entropy (PDME) and the FalDroid algorithms. We test our experiments in a different type of features: API, intent, and permission features on these three datasets. The results confirm that accuracy rates of proposed algorithms are more than 90% and in some cases (i.e., considering API features) are more than 99%, and are comparable with existing state-of-the-art solutions.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 11 tables, FGCS Elsevier journa

    Mal-Netminer: Malware Classification Approach based on Social Network Analysis of System Call Graph

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    As the security landscape evolves over time, where thousands of species of malicious codes are seen every day, antivirus vendors strive to detect and classify malware families for efficient and effective responses against malware campaigns. To enrich this effort, and by capitalizing on ideas from the social network analysis domain, we build a tool that can help classify malware families using features driven from the graph structure of their system calls. To achieve that, we first construct a system call graph that consists of system calls found in the execution of the individual malware families. To explore distinguishing features of various malware species, we study social network properties as applied to the call graph, including the degree distribution, degree centrality, average distance, clustering coefficient, network density, and component ratio. We utilize features driven from those properties to build a classifier for malware families. Our experimental results show that influence-based graph metrics such as the degree centrality are effective for classifying malware, whereas the general structural metrics of malware are less effective for classifying malware. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed system performs well in detecting and classifying malware families within each malware class with accuracy greater than 96%.Comment: Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol 201

    Malware Resistant Data Protection in Hyper-connected Networks: A survey

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    Data protection is the process of securing sensitive information from being corrupted, compromised, or lost. A hyperconnected network, on the other hand, is a computer networking trend in which communication occurs over a network. However, what about malware. Malware is malicious software meant to penetrate private data, threaten a computer system, or gain unauthorised network access without the users consent. Due to the increasing applications of computers and dependency on electronically saved private data, malware attacks on sensitive information have become a dangerous issue for individuals and organizations across the world. Hence, malware defense is critical for keeping our computer systems and data protected. Many recent survey articles have focused on either malware detection systems or single attacking strategies variously. To the best of our knowledge, no survey paper demonstrates malware attack patterns and defense strategies combinedly. Through this survey, this paper aims to address this issue by merging diverse malicious attack patterns and machine learning (ML) based detection models for modern and sophisticated malware. In doing so, we focus on the taxonomy of malware attack patterns based on four fundamental dimensions the primary goal of the attack, method of attack, targeted exposure and execution process, and types of malware that perform each attack. Detailed information on malware analysis approaches is also investigated. In addition, existing malware detection techniques employing feature extraction and ML algorithms are discussed extensively. Finally, it discusses research difficulties and unsolved problems, including future research directions.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables, no where submitted ye

    MDFRCNN: Malware Detection using Faster Region Proposals Convolution Neural Network

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    Technological advancement of smart devices has opened up a new trend: Internet of Everything (IoE), where all devices are connected to the web. Large scale networking benefits the community by increasing connectivity and giving control of physical devices. On the other hand, there exists an increased ‘Threat’ of an ‘Attack’. Attackers are targeting these devices, as it may provide an easier ‘backdoor entry to the users’ network’.MALicious softWARE (MalWare) is a major threat to user security. Fast and accurate detection of malware attacks are the sine qua non of IoE, where large scale networking is involved. The paper proposes use of a visualization technique where the disassembled malware code is converted into gray images, as well as use of Image Similarity based Statistical Parameters (ISSP) such as Normalized Cross correlation (NCC), Average difference (AD), Maximum difference (MaxD), Singular Structural Similarity Index Module (SSIM), Laplacian Mean Square Error (LMSE), MSE and PSNR. A vector consisting of gray image with statistical parameters is trained using a Faster Region proposals Convolution Neural Network (F-RCNN) classifier. The experiment results are promising as the proposed method includes ISSP with F-RCNN training. Overall training time of learning the semantics of higher-level malicious behaviors is less. Identification of malware (testing phase) is also performed in less time. The fusion of image and statistical parameter enhances system performance with greater accuracy. The benchmark database from Microsoft Malware Classification challenge has been used to analyze system performance, which is available on the Kaggle website. An overall average classification accuracy of 98.12% is achieved by the proposed method

    a framework for automated similarity analysis of malware

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    Malware, a category of software including viruses, worms, and other malicious programs, is developed by hackers to damage, disrupt, or perform other harmful actions on data, computer systems and networks. Malware analysis, as an indispensable part of the work of IT security specialists, aims to gain an in-depth understanding of malware code. Manual analysis of malware is a very costly and time-consuming process. As more malware variants are evolved by hackers who occasionally use a copy-paste-modify programming style to accelerate the generation of large number of malware, the effort spent in analyzing similar pieces of malicious code has dramatically grown. One approach to remedy this situation is to automatically perform similarity analysis on malware samples and identify the functions they share in order to minimize duplicated effort in analyzing similar codes of malware variants. In this thesis, we present a framework to match cloned functions in a large chunk of malware samples. Firstly, the instructions of the functions to be analyzed are extracted from the disassembled malware binary code and then normalized. We propose a new similarity metric and use it to determine the pair-wise similarity among malware samples based on the calculated similarity of their functions. The developed tool also includes an API class recognizer designed to determine probable malicious operations that can be performed by malware functions. Furthermore, it allows us to visualize the relationship among functions inside malware codes and locate similar functions importing the same API class. We evaluate this framework on three malware datasets including metamorphic viruses created by malware generation tools, real-life malware variants in the wild, and two well-known botnet trojans. The obtained experimental results confirm that the proposed framework is effective in detecting similar malware code
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