15 research outputs found

    An enterprise architecture framework for electronic requirements information management

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    © 2017 Elsevier LtdManaging information about client requirements effectively can contribute to improve the quality of built facilities, and their related services. However, the process has been challenging to construction project management often resulting in failed projects. This necessitates an overwhelming need for a better approach. This paper presents a novel enterprise architecture framework for managing information about client requirements across all phases of a construction project and through-life of a built facility. The Integrated electronic Requirements Information Management Framework (eRIM) defines an information-centric, and process and service-oriented enterprise architecture approach to requirements management. It also describes how Information and Communication Technology (ICT)/Information Systems (IS) can support this information management. In developing the framework, findings from three case study projects were collated through observations, a questionnaire and interviews of construction practitioners. It is concluded that when implemented and incorporated in the management of construction projects, the eRIM architecture framework can potentially contribute towards improved and more efficient and effective management of client requirements across all stages of a project. Further work is outlined to operationalize the framework

    Where We Are With Enterprise Architecture

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    Enterprise architecture has been continuously developing since the mid-1980s. Although there is now 35 years of research and use, there is still a lack consistent definitions and standards. This is apparent in the proliferation of so many different enterprise architecture frameworks. Despite the significant body of research, there is a need for standardization of terminology based upon a meta-analysis of the literature. Enterprise architecture programs require commitment throughout an organization to be effective and must be perceived to add value. This research offers an initial basis for researchers who need to expand and continue this research topic with an actual meta-analysis, and for practitioners who would like to use an efficient method for EA projects

    Survey Paper tentang Enterprise Architecture di Sektor Publik

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    Saat ini, ketika organisasi menghadapi transformasi konstan, mereka harus menyesuaikan strategi dan aktivitas mereka dengan cepat. Situasi ini melibatkan transformasi bisnis yang berkelanjutan. Namun, mengelola transformasi semacam itu bisa menjadi tugas yang menakutkan karena kompleksitas yang penting dalam organisasi. Oleh karena itu, organisasi dapat menggunakan Enterprise Architecture (EA) untuk membantu membimbing mereka dalam mengatasi kompleksitas dan mencapai tujuan transformasi mereka. Tujuan penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi jenis umum EA, seperti definisi, komponen, manfaat, kerangka kerja, dan hambatan penggunaan EA. Hasil studi tersebut diharapkan dapat memberikan gambaran dan tolak ukur dalam merencanakan dan mengembangkan EA yang sukses, terutama di sektor publik yang penting untuk efektivitas dan efisiensi layanan yang dibutuhkan

    Generation Z, Learning Preferences, and Technology: An Academic Technology Framework Based on Enterprise Architecture

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    This work provides an overview of Generation X, Y (Millennials), and Z and their characteristics in academia. We present the ways that mobile technology is infused into their lifestyle. We reference how Generation Y and Z in particular expect technology to be integrated into their educational experience, as well as how it helps faculty to facilitate both synchronous and asynchronous learning. Furthermore, an overview is provided of how technology currently contributes to learning and provides a framework for how educators can better engage current students. The conceptual academic technology framework (ATF) put forth in this work will provide an immediate impact in several key areas. This framework enhances structure during course design, which may be based directly on learning outcomes and department/school objectives. It will also directly improve consistency in faculty/student communication by closely monitoring how changes in communication methods have evolved. Finally, we describe how to integrate technology in a meaningful way, in a manner that does not distract students while preparing them for careers in business

    Requirement Text Detection from Contract Packages to Support Project Definition Determination

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    Project requirements are wishes and expectations of the client toward the design, construction, and other project management processes. The project definition is typically specified in a contract package including a contract document and many other related documents such as drawings, specifications, and government codes. Project definition determination is critical to the success of a project. Due to the lack of efficient tools for requirement processing, the current practices regarding project scoping still heavily rely on a manual basis which is tedious, time-consuming, and error-prone. This study aims to fill that gap by developing an automated method for identifying requirement texts from contractual documents. The study employed Naïve Bayes to train a classification model that can be used to separate requirement statements from non-requirement statements. An experiment was conducted on a manually labeled dataset of 1191 statements. The results revealed that the developed requirement detection model achieves a promising accuracy of over 90%

    Identifikasi Domain Enterprise Architecture untuk Grand Design Riau Digital: Ulasan Literatur Sistematis

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    Pemerintah Provinsi Riau sebagai sebuah organisasi perlu melakukan penyelarasan antara strategi bisnis dan strategi teknologi informasi. Grand Design Riau Digital merupakan salah satu wujud upaya penyelarasan strategi tersebut sesuai dengan kaidah Enterprise Architecture (EA). Penelitian-penelitian yang memfokuskan pada EA framework yang paling cocok dengan karakteristik pemerintah daerah masih terbatas jumlahnya. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan identifikasi domain EA yang dapat direkomendasikan sebagai dasar pengembangan Grand Design Riau Digital. Tahapan penelitian yaitu mendefinisikan pertanyaan penelitian (research question), sumber penelitian, menentukan kata kunci pencarian literatur, pemilihan literatur, sintesis dan ekstraksi data. Hasil penelitian ini mengulas 59 penelitian dan mengidentifikasi kerangka kerja EA yang telah digunakan. Ada 5 domain dalam transformasi digital menjadi rekomendasi Grand Design Riau Digital yaitu digital talent dan culture, tata kelola, kebijakan, infrastruktur TI, dan manajemen data.  Penelitian selanjutnya dapat mengidentifikasi lebih lanjut variabel masing-masing domain, dan menguji pada pemerintahan di daerah lainny

    Strategies to Improve Adoption of the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework

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    The U.S. federal government spends millions of taxpayer dollars to implement the federal enterprise architecture framework (FEAF). This qualitative multiple case study extracted successful FEAF implementation strategies used by agencies in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. The population for this study included 10 information technology (IT) planners in 3 federal agencies. Data were collected from semistructured interviews and triangulated in comparison to 33 public documents. General system theory was used as a conceptual framework for the study, and data analysis included reviews of the academic literature, thematic analysis, and member checking to identify themes and codes related to successful aspects of the strategies collected. Key themes emerging from data analysis included critical leadership support for implementation, organizational culture, practices for maintaining an accurate organizational history, and means to maintain this knowledge. Based on the findings, the implications of this study for positive social change include efficient, effective, and reliable government services for U.S. citizens and a significant reduction in IT spending in federal agencies. In turn, the results may result in effective federal services and effective use of taxpayer money