5 research outputs found

    On the side-effects of code abstraction

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    An Empirical Study on How Program Layout affects Cache Miss Rates

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    Cache miss rates are quoted for a specific program, cache configuration, and input set; the effect of program layout on the miss rate has largely been ignored. We examine the variation of the miss rate resulting from randomly chosen layouts, the miss variation, for several cache configurations (cache size, lines size, and set-associativity), input sets, and optimization levels for five programs in the SPEC benchmark suite. We observed miss rates that varied from 0.6m to 1.8m, where m is the mean miss rate. We did not observe any consistently good layouts across different parameters; in contrast, several layouts were consistently bad. Overall, cache line size has little effect on the miss variation, while increasing the cache size (decreasing the miss rate), decreasing the set-assaciativity, or increasing the optimization level increased the miss variation. We question the validity of using a single layout to represent the miss rate of a given program for a directmapped cache

    An Empirical Study on How Program Layout Affects Cache Miss Rates

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    Cache miss rates are quoted for a specific program, cache configuration, and input set; the effect of program layout on the miss rate has largely been ignored. This paper examines the miss variation, that is, the variation of the miss rate for instruction and data caches resulting from randomly chosen layouts. New layouts were generated by changing the order of the modules on the command line when linking, changing compiler version and optimization level, and inserting dummy modules when linking. This analysis is performed for several cache sizes, lines sizes, setassociativities, and input sets for five programs in the SPEC92 benchmark suite. Miss rates were observed that varied from 60% to 180% of the mean miss rate. We did not observe any consistently good layouts across different parameters; in contrast, several layouts were consistently bad. Overall, cache line size and input set has little effect on the miss variation, while increasing the cache size (i.e. decreasing the miss rate..

    An empirical study on how program layout affects cache miss rates

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    PBIW : an encoding technique based on instruction patterns

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    Orientador: Rodolfo Jardim de AzevedoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Trabalhos não muito recentes já mostravam que o aumento de velocidade nas memórias DRAM não acompanha o aumento de velocidade dos processadores. Mesmo assim, pesquisadores na área de arquitetura de computadores continuam buscando novas abordagens para aumentar o desempenho dos processadores. Dentro do objetivo de minimizar essa diferença de velocidade entre memória e processador, este trabalho apresenta um novo esquema de codificação baseado em instruções codificadas e padrões de instruções ¿ PBIW (Pattern Based Instruction Word). Uma instrução codificada não contém redundância de dados e é armazenada em uma I-cache. Os padrões de instrução, de forma diferente, são armazenados em uma nova cache, chamada Pattern cache (P-cache) e são utilizados pelo circuito decodificador na preparação da instrução que será repassada aos estágios de execução. Esta técnica se mostrou uma boa alternativa para estilos arquiteturais conhecidos como arquiteturas VLIW e EPIC. Foi realizado um estudo de caso da técnica PBIW sobre uma arquitetura de alto desempenho chamada de 2D-VLIW. O desempenho da técnica de codificação foi avaliado através de experimentos com programas dos benchmarks MediaBench, SPECint e SPECfp. Os experimentos estáticos avaliaram a eficiência da codificação PBIW no aspecto de redução de código. Nestes experimentos foram alcançadas reduções no tamanho dos programas de até 81% sobre programas codificados com a estratégia de codifica¸c¿ao 2D-VLIW e reduções de até 46% quando comparados á programas utilizando o modelo de codificação EPIC. Experimentos dinâmicos mostraram que a codificação PBIW também é capaz que gerar ganhos com relação ao tempo de execução dos programas. Quando comparada à codificação 2D-VLIW, o speedup alcançado foi de at'e 96% e quando comparada à EPIC, foi de até 69%Abstract: Past works has shown that the increase of DRAM memory speed is not the same of processor speed. Even though, computer architecture researchers keep searching for new approaches to enhance the processor performance. In order to minimize this difference between the processor and memory speed, this work presents a new encoding technique based on encoded instructions and instruction patterns - PBIW (Pattern Based Instruction Word). An encoded instruction contains no redundancy of data and it is stored into an I-cache. The instruction patterns, on the other hand, are stored into a new cache, named Pattern cache (P-cache) and are used by the decoder circuit to build the instruction to be executed in the execution stages. This technique has shown a suitable alternative to well-known architectural styles such as VLIW and EPIC architectures. A case study of this technique was carried out in a high performance architecture called 2D-VLIW. The performance of the encoding technique has been evaluated through trace-driven experiments with MediaBench, SPECint and SPECfp programs. The static experiments have evaluated the PBIW code reduction efficiency. In these experiments, PBIW encoding has achieved up to 81% code reduction over 2D-VLIW encoded programs and up to 46% code reduction over EPIC encoded programs. Dynamic experiments have shown that PBIW encoding can also improve the processor performance. When compared to 2D-VLIW encoding, the speedup was up to 96% while compared to EPIC, the speedup was up to 69%MestradoArquitetura de ComputadoresMestre em Ciência da Computaçã