98,616 research outputs found

    Efficient and Perfect domination on circular-arc graphs

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    Given a graph G=(V,E)G = (V,E), a \emph{perfect dominating set} is a subset of vertices VV(G)V' \subseteq V(G) such that each vertex vV(G)Vv \in V(G)\setminus V' is dominated by exactly one vertex vVv' \in V'. An \emph{efficient dominating set} is a perfect dominating set VV' where VV' is also an independent set. These problems are usually posed in terms of edges instead of vertices. Both problems, either for the vertex or edge variant, remains NP-Hard, even when restricted to certain graphs families. We study both variants of the problems for the circular-arc graphs, and show efficient algorithms for all of them

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle

    Convex Tours of Bounded Curvature

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    We consider the motion planning problem for a point constrained to move along a smooth closed convex path of bounded curvature. The workspace of the moving point is bounded by a convex polygon with m vertices, containing an obstacle in a form of a simple polygon with nn vertices. We present an O(m+n) time algorithm finding the path, going around the obstacle, whose curvature is the smallest possible.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, abstract presented at European Symposium on Algorithms 199

    Forward stagewise regression and the monotone lasso

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    We consider the least angle regression and forward stagewise algorithms for solving penalized least squares regression problems. In Efron, Hastie, Johnstone & Tibshirani (2004) it is proved that the least angle regression algorithm, with a small modification, solves the lasso regression problem. Here we give an analogous result for incremental forward stagewise regression, showing that it solves a version of the lasso problem that enforces monotonicity. One consequence of this is as follows: while lasso makes optimal progress in terms of reducing the residual sum-of-squares per unit increase in L1L_1-norm of the coefficient β\beta, forward stage-wise is optimal per unit L1L_1 arc-length traveled along the coefficient path. We also study a condition under which the coefficient paths of the lasso are monotone, and hence the different algorithms coincide. Finally, we compare the lasso and forward stagewise procedures in a simulation study involving a large number of correlated predictors.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-EJS004 in the Electronic Journal of Statistics (http://www.i-journals.org/ejs/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Task-based Augmented Contour Trees with Fibonacci Heaps

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    This paper presents a new algorithm for the fast, shared memory, multi-core computation of augmented contour trees on triangulations. In contrast to most existing parallel algorithms our technique computes augmented trees, enabling the full extent of contour tree based applications including data segmentation. Our approach completely revisits the traditional, sequential contour tree algorithm to re-formulate all the steps of the computation as a set of independent local tasks. This includes a new computation procedure based on Fibonacci heaps for the join and split trees, two intermediate data structures used to compute the contour tree, whose constructions are efficiently carried out concurrently thanks to the dynamic scheduling of task parallelism. We also introduce a new parallel algorithm for the combination of these two trees into the output global contour tree. Overall, this results in superior time performance in practice, both in sequential and in parallel thanks to the OpenMP task runtime. We report performance numbers that compare our approach to reference sequential and multi-threaded implementations for the computation of augmented merge and contour trees. These experiments demonstrate the run-time efficiency of our approach and its scalability on common workstations. We demonstrate the utility of our approach in data segmentation applications