829 research outputs found


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    The detecting and clustering of data and users into communities on the social web are important and complex issues in order to develop smart marketing models in changing and evolving social ecosystems. These marketing models are created by individual decision to purchase a product and are influenced by friends and acquaintances. This leads to novel marketing models, which view users as members of online social network communities, rather than the traditional view of marketing to individuals. This thesis starts by examining models that detect communities in online social networks. Then an enhanced approach to detect community which clusters similar nodes together is suggested. Social relationships play an important role in determining user behavior. For example, a user might purchase a product that his/her friend recently bought. Such a phenomenon is called social influence and is used to study how far the action of one user can affect the behaviors of others. Then an original metric used to compute the influential power of social network users based on logs of common actions in order to infer a probabilistic influence propagation model. Finally, a combined community detection algorithm and suggested influence propagation approach reveals a new influence maximization model by identifying and using the most influential users within their communities. In doing so, we employed a fuzzy logic based technique to determine the key users who drive this influence in their communities and diffuse a certain behavior. This original approach contrasts with previous influence propagation models, which did not use similarity opportunities among members of communities to maximize influence propagation. The performance results show that the model activates a higher number of overall nodes in contemporary social networks, starting from a smaller set of key users, as compared to existing landmark approaches which influence fewer nodes, yet employ a larger set of key users

    Clustering in Geo-Social Networks

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    The rapid growth of Geo-Social Networks (GeoSNs) provides a new and rich form of data. Users of GeoSNs can capture their geographic locations and share them with other users via an operation named checkin. Thus, GeoSNs can track the connections (and the time of these connections) of geographic data to their users. In addition, the users are organized in a social network, which can be extended to a heterogeneous network if the connections to places via checkins are also considered. The goal of this paper is to analyze the opportunities in clustering this rich form of data. We first present a model for clustering geographic locations, based on GeoSN data. Then, we discuss how this model can be extended to consider temporal information from checkins. Finally, we study how the accuracy of community detection approaches can be improved by taking into account the checkins of users in a GeoSN.published_or_final_versio

    Evolutionary clustering and community detection algorithms for social media health surveillance

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    The prominent rise of social networks within the past decade have become a gold mine for data mining operations seeking to model the real world through these virtual worlds. One of the most important applications that has been proposed is utilizing information generated from social networks as a supplemental health surveillance system to monitor disease epidemics. At the time this research was conducted in 2020, the COVID- 19 virus had evolved into a global pandemic, forcing many countries to implement preventative measures to halt its expanse. Health surveillance has been a powerful tool in placing further preventative measures, however it is not a perfect system, and slowly collected, misidentified information can prove detrimental to these efforts. This research proposes a new potential surveillance avenue through unsupervised machine learning using dynamic, evolutionary variants of clustering algorithms DBSCAN and the Louvain method to allow for community detection in temporal networks. This technique is paired with geographical data collected directly from the social media Twitter, to create an effective and accurate health surveillance system that grows as time passes. The experimental results show that the proposed system is promising and has the potential to be an advancement on current machine learning health surveillance techniques

    Illegal Community Detection in Bitcoin Transaction Networks

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    Community detection is widely used in social networks to uncover groups of related vertices (nodes). In cryptocurrency transaction networks, community detection can help identify users that are most related to known illegal users. However, there are challenges in applying community detection in cryptocurrency transaction networks: (1) the use of pseudonymous addresses that are not directly linked to personal information make it difficult to interpret the detected communities; (2) on Bitcoin, a user usually owns multiple Bitcoin addresses, and nodes in transaction networks do not always represent users. Existing works on cluster analysis on Bitcoin transaction networks focus on addressing the later using different heuristics to cluster addresses that are controlled by the same user. This research focuses on illegal community detection containing one or more illegal Bitcoin addresses. We first investigate the structure of Bitcoin transaction networks and suitable community detection methods, then collect a set of illegal addresses and use them to label the detected communities. The results show that 0.06% of communities from daily transaction networks contain one or more illegal addresses when 2,313,344 illegal addresses are used to label the communities. The results also show that distance-based clustering methods and other methods depending on them, such as network representation learning, are not suitable for Bitcoin transaction networks while community quality optimization and label-propagation-based methods are the most suitable