4,569 research outputs found

    Quadratic Projection Based Feature Extraction with Its Application to Biometric Recognition

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    This paper presents a novel quadratic projection based feature extraction framework, where a set of quadratic matrices is learned to distinguish each class from all other classes. We formulate quadratic matrix learning (QML) as a standard semidefinite programming (SDP) problem. However, the con- ventional interior-point SDP solvers do not scale well to the problem of QML for high-dimensional data. To solve the scalability of QML, we develop an efficient algorithm, termed DualQML, based on the Lagrange duality theory, to extract nonlinear features. To evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed framework, we conduct extensive experiments on biometric recognition. Experimental results on three representative biometric recogni- tion tasks, including face, palmprint, and ear recognition, demonstrate the superiority of the DualQML-based feature extraction algorithm compared to the current state-of-the-art algorithm

    Dimension Reduction by Mutual Information Discriminant Analysis

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    In the past few decades, researchers have proposed many discriminant analysis (DA) algorithms for the study of high-dimensional data in a variety of problems. Most DA algorithms for feature extraction are based on transformations that simultaneously maximize the between-class scatter and minimize the withinclass scatter matrices. This paper presents a novel DA algorithm for feature extraction using mutual information (MI). However, it is not always easy to obtain an accurate estimation for high-dimensional MI. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for feature extraction that is based on one-dimensional MI estimations. We will refer to this algorithm as mutual information discriminant analysis (MIDA). The performance of this proposed method was evaluated using UCI databases. The results indicate that MIDA provides robust performance over different data sets with different characteristics and that MIDA always performs better than, or at least comparable to, the best performing algorithms.Comment: 13pages, 3 tables, International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Application

    Sparse multinomial kernel discriminant analysis (sMKDA)

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    Dimensionality reduction via canonical variate analysis (CVA) is important for pattern recognition and has been extended variously to permit more flexibility, e.g. by "kernelizing" the formulation. This can lead to over-fitting, usually ameliorated by regularization. Here, a method for sparse, multinomial kernel discriminant analysis (sMKDA) is proposed, using a sparse basis to control complexity. It is based on the connection between CVA and least-squares, and uses forward selection via orthogonal least-squares to approximate a basis, generalizing a similar approach for binomial problems. Classification can be performed directly via minimum Mahalanobis distance in the canonical variates. sMKDA achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of accuracy and sparseness on 11 benchmark datasets