7,793 research outputs found

    SoftBound: Highly Compatible and Complete Spatial Memory Safety for C

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    The serious bugs and security vulnerabilities facilitated by C/C++’s lack of bounds checking are well known. Yet, C and C++ remain in widespread use. Unfortunately, C’s arbitrary pointer arithmetic, conflation of pointers and arrays, and programmer-visible memory layout make retrofitting C/C++ with spatial safety guarantees extremely challenging. Existing approaches suffer from incompleteness, have high runtime overhead, or require non-trivial changes to the C source code. Thus far, these deficiencies have prevented widespread adoption of such techniques. This paper proposes SoftBound, a compile time transformation for enforcing complete spatial safety of C. SoftBound records base and bound information for every pointer as disjoint metadata. This decoupling enables SoftBound to provide complete spatial safety while requiring no changes to C source code. Moreover, SoftBound performs metadata manipulation only when loading or storing pointer values. A formal proof shows this is sufficient to provide complete spatial safety even in the presence of wild casts. SoftBound’s full checking mode provides complete spatial violation detection. To further reduce overheads, SoftBound has a store-only checking mode that successfully detects all the security vulnerabilities in a test suite while adding 15% or less overhead to half of the benchmarks

    Leveraging Static Analysis Tools for Improving Usability of Memory Error Sanitization Compilers

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    Memory errors such as buffer overruns are notorious security vulnerabilities. There has been considerable interest in having a compiler to ensure the safety of compiled code either through static verification or through instrumented runtime checks. While certifying compilation has shown much promise, it has not been practical, leaving code instrumentation as the next best strategy for compilation. We term such compilers Memory Error Sanitization Compilers (MESCs). MESCs are available as part of GCC, LLVM and MSVC suites. Due to practical limitations, MESCs typically apply instrumentation indiscriminately to every memory access, and are consequently prohibitively expensive and practical to only small code bases. This work proposes a methodology that applies state-of-the-art static analysis techniques to eliminate unnecessary runtime checks, resulting in more efficient and scalable defenses. The methodology was implemented on LLVM\u27s Safecode, Integer Overflow, and Address Sanitizer passes, using static analysis of Frama-C and Codesurfer. The benchmarks demonstrate an improvement in runtime performance that makes incorporation of runtime checks a viable option for defenses

    CETS: Compiler-Enforced Temporal Safety for C

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    Temporal memory safety errors, such as dangling pointer dereferences and double frees, are a prevalent source of software bugs in unmanaged languages such as C. Existing schemes that attempt to retrofit temporal safety for such languages have high runtime overheads and/or are incomplete, thereby limiting their effectiveness as debugging aids. This paper presents CETS, a compile-time transformation for detecting all violations of temporal safety in C programs. Inspired by existing approaches, CETS maintains a unique identifier with each object, associates this metadata with the pointers in a disjoint metadata space to retain memory layout compatibility, and checks that the object is still allocated on pointer dereferences. A formal proof shows that this is sufficient to provide temporal safety even in the presence of arbitrary casts if the program contains no spatial safety violations. Our CETS prototype employs both temporal check removal optimizations and traditional compiler optimizations to achieve a runtime overhead of just 48% on average. When combined with a spatial-checking system, the average overall overhead is 116% for complete memory safety

    Everything You Want to Know About Pointer-Based Checking

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    Lack of memory safety in C/C++ has resulted in numerous security vulnerabilities and serious bugs in large software systems. This paper highlights the challenges in enforcing memory safety for C/C++ programs and progress made as part of the SoftBoundCETS project. We have been exploring memory safety enforcement at various levels - in hardware, in the compiler, and as a hardware-compiler hybrid - in this project. Our research has identified that maintaining metadata with pointers in a disjoint metadata space and performing bounds and use-after-free checking can provide comprehensive memory safety. We describe the rationale behind the design decisions and its ramifications on various dimensions, our experience with the various variants that we explored in this project, and the lessons learned in the process. We also describe and analyze the forthcoming Intel Memory Protection Extensions (MPX) that provides hardware acceleration for disjoint metadata and pointer checking in mainstream hardware, which is expected to be available later this year

    Implementing SoftBound on Binary Executables

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    Though languages like C and C++ are known to be memory unsafe, they are still used widely in industry because of their memory management features, low level nature and performance benefits. Also, as most of the systems software has been written using these languages, replacing them with memory safe languages altogether is currently impossible. Memory safety violations are commonplace, despite the fact that that there have been numerous attempts made to conquer them using source code, compiler and post compilation based approaches. SoftBound is a compiler-based technique that enforces spatial memory safety for C/C++ programs. However, SoftBound needs and depends on program information available in the high-level source code. The goal of our work is to develop a mechanism to efficiently and effectively implement a technique, like SoftBound, to provide spatial memory safety for binary executables. Our approach employs a combination of static-time analysis (using Ghidra) and dynamic-time instrumentation checks (using PIN). Softbound is a pointer based approach, which stores base and bound information per pointer. Our implementation determines the array and pointer access patterns statically using reverse engineering techniques in Ghidra. This static information is used by the Pin dynamic binary instrumentation tool to check the correctness of each load and store instruction at run-time. Our technique works without any source code support and no hardware or compiler alterations are needed. We evaluate the effectiveness, limitations, and performance of our implementation. Our tool detects spatial memory errors in about 57% of the test cases and induces about 6% average overhead over that caused by a minimal Pintool
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