185 research outputs found

    Energy Saving Drives New Approaches to Telecommunications Power System

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    Design of LLC resonant converter with silicon carbide MOSFET switches and nonlinear adaptive sliding controller for brushless DC motor system

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    Introduction. The high voltage gain DC-DC converters are increasingly used in many power electronics application systems, due to their benefits of increased voltage output, reduced noise contents, uninterrupted power supply, and ensured system reliability. Most of the existing works are highly concentrated on developing the high voltage DC-DC converter and controller topologies for goal improving the steady state response of brushless DC motor driving system and also obtain the regulated voltage with increased power density and reduced harmonics, the LLC resonant DC-DC converter is implemented with the silicon carbide MOSFET switching devices Problem. Yet, it facing the major problems of increased switching loss, conduction loss, error outputs, time consumption, and reduced efficiency. Also the existing works are mainly concentrating on improving the voltage gain, regulation, and operating performance of the power system with reduced loss of factors by using the different types of converters and controlling techniques. The goal of this work is to obtain the improved voltage gain output with reduced loss factors and harmonic distortions. Method. Because, this type of converter has the ability to generate the high gain DC output voltage fed to the brushless DC motor with reduced harmonics and loss factors. Also, the nonlinear adaptive sliding controller is implemented to generate the controlling pulses for triggering the switching components properly. For this operation, the best gain parameters are selected based on the duty cycle, feedback DC voltage and current, and gain of silicon carbide MOSFET. By using this, the controlling signals are generated and given to the converter, which helps to control the brushless DC motor with steady state error. Practical value. The simulation results of the proposed LLC silicon carbide MOSFET incorporated with nonlinear adaptive sliding controller controlling scheme are validated and compared by using various evaluation indicators. Вступ. Високовольтні перетворювачі постійного струму з високим коефіцієнтом посилення напруги все частіше використовуються в багатьох прикладних системах силової електроніки через їх переваги, пов'язані з підвищеною вихідною напругою, зниженим рівнем шуму, безперебійним живленням і гарантованою надійністю системи. Більшість існуючих робіт значною мірою зосереджені на розробці топологій високовольтного перетворювача постійного струму і контролера з метою поліпшення усталеного відгуку системи приводу безщіткового двигуна постійного струму, а також отримання регульованої напруги з підвищеною щільністю потужності і зменшеними гармоніками; резонансний LLC-перетворювач постійного струму, реалізований на перемикаючих пристроях на основі польових МОП-транзисторах з карбіду кремнію. Проблема. Тим не менш, це стикається з основними проблемами, пов'язаними зі збільшенням втрат при перемиканні, втратами провідності, помилками на виході, витратами часу та зниженням ефективності. Крім того, існуючі роботи в основному зосереджені на покращенні коефіцієнта посилення напруги, регулювання та робочих характеристик енергосистеми із зменшенням факторів втрат за рахунок використання різних типів перетворювачів та методів управління. Метою роботи є отримання покращеного коефіцієнта посилення напруги зі зниженими коефіцієнтами втрат і гармонійних спотворень. Метод. Таким чином, цей тип перетворювача здатний генерувати вихідну постійну напругу з високим коефіцієнтом посилення, що подається на безщітковий двигун постійного струму, зі зменшеними коефіцієнтами гармонік та втрат. Крім того, реалізований нелінійний адаптивний ковзний регулятор для генерування керуючих імпульсів для належного спрацьовування перемикаючих компонентів. Для цієї операції вибираються найкращі параметри посилення на основі робочого циклу, постійної напруги та струму зворотного зв'язку, а також коефіцієнта посилення польового МОП-транзистора з карбіду кремнію. При цьому керуючі сигнали генеруються і передаються на перетворювач, який допомагає керувати безщітковим двигуном постійного струму з помилкою, що встановилася. Практична цінність. Результати моделювання запропонованого LLC-перетворювача на основі польових МОП-транзисторів з карбіду кремнію зі схемою управління нелінійним адаптивним ковзним регулятором перевіряються та порівнюються з використанням різних показників оцінки.&nbsp

    An Event-Based Synchronization Framework for Controller Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation of Electric Railway Power Electronics Systems

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    The Controller Hardware_in_the_loop (CHIL) simulation is gaining popularity as a cost_effective, efficient, and reliable tool in the design and development process of fast_growing electrified transportation power converters. However, it is challenging to implement the conventional CHIL simulations on the railway power converters with complex topologies and high switching frequencies due to strict real_time constraints. Therefore, this paper proposes an event-based synchronization CHIL (ES_CHIL) framework for high_fidelity simulation of these electrified railway power converters. Different from conventional CHIL simulations synchronized through the time axis, the ES_CHIL framework is synchronized through the event axis. Therefore, it can ease the real_time constraint and broaden the upper bound on the system size and switching frequency. Besides, models and algorithms with higher accuracy, such as the diode model with natural commutation processes, can be used in the ES-CHIL framework. The proposed framework is validated for a 350 kW wireless power transformer system containing 24 fully controlled devices and 36 diodes by comparing it with Simulink and physical experiments. This research improves the fidelity and application range of the power converters CHIL simulation. Thus, it helps to accelerate the prototype design and performance evaluation process for electrified railways and other applications with such complex converters

    Advances in Bidirectional DC-DC Converters for Future Energy Systems

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    Long Life Single Stage PFC/SLC Converter driving LEDs

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    Licht emittierende Dioden (LEDs) sind heutzutage für Beleuchtungsanwendungen Stand der Technik und daher allgegenwärtig. Langlebige Beleuchtungsanwendungen erfordern allerdings ein robustes Systemdesign. Daher wurde die typische Ausfallursache von LED-Leuchten ermittelt: Die Stromversorgung ist mit 52% die wahrscheinlichste Ausfallursache. In manchen Anwendungen muss der LED Treiber theoretisch zehn Mal ausgetauscht werden, bevor die Lebensdauergrenze des LED-Moduls erreicht wird. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich daher mit der Entwicklung eines langlebigen, einstufigen LED Treibers, welcher aus einer Leistungsfaktorkorrektur (PFC) und einem Serien LC (SLC) Wandler besteht. Ein Großteil der Ausfälle des LED-Treibers wird dabei durch den Elektrolytkondensator verursacht. Durch den Ersatz des Elektrolytkondensators durch einen Filmkondensator wird prognostiziert, dass die Lebensdauer der Leuchte deutlich erhöht werden kann. Im Abschnitt 4 werden verschiedene LED-Treibertechnologien und Topologien analysiert. Nach einer ganzheitlichen Topologieanalyse wurde die PFC/SLC-Topologie gewählt. Die dabei verwendete diskontinuierliche totem pole Leistungsfaktorkorrektur (PFC) und der Serien LC Wandler wurden im Zeitbereich analysiert. Für beide Wandler wird der durchschnittliche Eingangsstrom bzw. der durchschnittliche Ausgangsstrom bestimmt. Da zwei Stellgrößen gleichzeitig eingestellt werden müssen, der AC-Eingangsstrom und der DC-Ausgangsstrom, sind für die Steuerung zwei Freiheitsgrade erforderlich. Die PFC- und SLC-Übertragungsfunktionen werden jeweils durch Frequenz und Tastgrad gesteuert. Dazu wurde eine Lösungsfunktion entwickelt, welche die Frequenz und den Tastgrad in Abhängigkeit von Eingangsleitwert, Ausgangsstrom und mehreren Messwerten berechnet. Durch die Erfassung der Zwischenkreisspannung und der Ausgangsspannung wirken sich deren Änderungen nur minimal auf den Ausgangsstrom aus. Dies erlaubt einen höheren Spannungsripple am Zwischenkreiskondensator, und damit den Ersatz von Elektrolytkondensatoren durch Folienkondensatoren. Die Lebensdauer des LED-Treibers wird dadurch deutlich steigert. Für den verwendeten Regelalgorithmus müssen mehrere Spannungen und Ströme gleichzeitig gemessen und digital gefiltert werden. Beispielsweise wird die Zwischenkreisspannung zuerst analog gefiltert, dann AD gewandelt und erneut digital durch einen resonanten Beobachter gefiltert. So kann die doppelte Netzfrequenz im Zwischenkreiskondensator herausgefiltert werden. Weiterhin wird ein Verfahren zur galvanisch getrennten Spannungsmessung entwickelt. Dadurch kann die Steuerung auf der Primärseite platziert werden, während die Sekundärseite genau gemessen werden kann. Auf Grundlage der vorgeschlagenen Messschaltung werden Schutzkonzepte entwickelt, um eine Selbstzerstörung oder Schädigung während des Betriebs vorzubeugen. Um die Anzahl der LEDs in einem LED-Modules zu erhöhen, z. B. um kleinere MidPower-LEDs anstelle von HighPower-LEDs einzusetzen, wird eine neuartige Parallelschaltungskonzept für LEDs entwickelt. Die Schaltung misst die einzelnen Strangströme, bildet dann einen Mittelwert aus den einzelnen Strangströmen, welcher wiederum dann als Vorgabewert genutzt wird. Auf diese Weise können LEDs sicher, und ohne Beeinträchtigung der Effizienz und Lebensdauer parallel geschaltet werden. Für den Betrieb des LED-Treibers wird ein ausgeklügeltes Hilfsspannungskonzept zur Selbstversorgung entwickelt. Da die Regelung digital implementiert ist, ist ein tiefgreifendes Softwareengineering erforderlich, um die Echtzeitperformance der CPU sicherzustellen. Eine unzureichende Implementierung der Regelungssoftware führt zu einem instabilen Regelkreis. Die Messungen am Ende der Arbeit zeigen, dass ein langlebiger, flimmerfreier LED-Treiber entwickelt wurde. Der Netzeingangsstrom ist dabei sinusförmig, während der LED Ausgangsstrom nahezu konstant ist. Der maximale Wirkungsgrad des LED-Treibers wurde zu 93% bestimmt

    Integrated circuit control of resonant and hard switched dc/dc converters for industrial and educational applications

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 127-128).This thesis presents an integrated secondary side synchronous rectification controller, designed on a modern industrial silicon IC process, for use in the LLC resonant converter topology. The controller is intended to function in systems with output power levels up to 500 W and switching frequencies up to 1 MHz. Simulation data for this controller indicates high degrees of performance over a input voltage range of 12-48 V and an operating temperature range of -50° C to 150° C. Significant improvement over existing synchronous rectication controllers is observed. In addition, a simulation and written exercise framework, intended to couple with circuits in a pre-existing discrete hardware kit, has been developed for a proposed class on power IC design. SPICE schematics of important circuit modules as well as relevant coursework is presented and explained. The course itself is motivated by the challenges of the industrial design process, and goals include teaching students about practical power IC design techniques and developing their intuition for high level circuit function. The end result is student construction of a working controller for a traditional hard-switched dc/dc converter.by Victor Samuel Sinow.M.Eng

    DC/DC converter for offshore DC collection network

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    Large wind farms, especially large offshore wind farms, present a challenge for the electrical networks that will provide interconnection of turbines and onward transmission to the onshore power network. High wind farm capacity combined with a move to larger wind turbines will result in a large geographical footprint requiring a substantial sub-sea power network to provide internal interconnection. While advanced HVDC transmission has addressed the issue of long-distance transmission, internal wind farm power networks have seen relatively little innovation. Recent studies have highlighted the potential benefits of DC collection networks. First with appropriate selection of DC voltage, reduced losses can be expected. In addition, the size and weight of the electrical plant may also be reduced through the use of medium- or high-frequency transformers to step up the generator output voltage for connection to a medium-voltage network suitable for wide-area interconnection. However, achieving DC/DC conversion at the required voltage and power levels presents a significant challenge for wind-turbine power electronics.This thesis first proposes a modular DC/DC converter with input-parallel output-series connection, consisting of full-bridge DC/DC modules. A new master-slave control scheme is developed to ensure power sharing under all operating conditions, including during failure of a master module by allowing the status of master module to be reallocated to another healthy module. Secondly, a novel modular DC/DC converter with input-series-input-parallel output-series connection is presented. In addition, a robust control scheme is developed to ensure power sharing between practical modules even where modules have mismatched parameters or when there is a faulted module. Further, the control strategy is able to isolate faulted modules to ensure fault ride-through during internal module faults, whilst maintaining good transient performance. The ISIPOS connection is then applied to a converter with bidirectional power flow capability, realised using dual-active bridge modules.The small- and large-signal analyses of the proposed converters are performed in order to deduce the control structure for the converter input and output stages. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate and validate the proposed converters and associated control schemes.Large wind farms, especially large offshore wind farms, present a challenge for the electrical networks that will provide interconnection of turbines and onward transmission to the onshore power network. High wind farm capacity combined with a move to larger wind turbines will result in a large geographical footprint requiring a substantial sub-sea power network to provide internal interconnection. While advanced HVDC transmission has addressed the issue of long-distance transmission, internal wind farm power networks have seen relatively little innovation. Recent studies have highlighted the potential benefits of DC collection networks. First with appropriate selection of DC voltage, reduced losses can be expected. In addition, the size and weight of the electrical plant may also be reduced through the use of medium- or high-frequency transformers to step up the generator output voltage for connection to a medium-voltage network suitable for wide-area interconnection. However, achieving DC/DC conversion at the required voltage and power levels presents a significant challenge for wind-turbine power electronics.This thesis first proposes a modular DC/DC converter with input-parallel output-series connection, consisting of full-bridge DC/DC modules. A new master-slave control scheme is developed to ensure power sharing under all operating conditions, including during failure of a master module by allowing the status of master module to be reallocated to another healthy module. Secondly, a novel modular DC/DC converter with input-series-input-parallel output-series connection is presented. In addition, a robust control scheme is developed to ensure power sharing between practical modules even where modules have mismatched parameters or when there is a faulted module. Further, the control strategy is able to isolate faulted modules to ensure fault ride-through during internal module faults, whilst maintaining good transient performance. The ISIPOS connection is then applied to a converter with bidirectional power flow capability, realised using dual-active bridge modules.The small- and large-signal analyses of the proposed converters are performed in order to deduce the control structure for the converter input and output stages. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate and validate the proposed converters and associated control schemes

    Advances in Piezoelectric Systems: An Application-Based Approach.

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    A comprehensive study of key Electric Vehicle (EV) components, technologies, challenges, impacts, and future direction of development

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    Abstract: Electric vehicles (EV), including Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV), Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV), Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV), are becoming more commonplace in the transportation sector in recent times. As the present trend suggests, this mode of transport is likely to replace internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles in the near future. Each of the main EV components has a number of technologies that are currently in use or can become prominent in the future. EVs can cause significant impacts on the environment, power system, and other related sectors. The present power system could face huge instabilities with enough EV penetration, but with proper management and coordination, EVs can be turned into a major contributor to the successful implementation of the smart grid concept. There are possibilities of immense environmental benefits as well, as the EVs can extensively reduce the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the transportation sector. However, there are some major obstacles for EVs to overcome before totally replacing ICE vehicles. This paper is focused on reviewing all the useful data available on EV configurations, battery energy sources, electrical machines, charging techniques, optimization techniques, impacts, trends, and possible directions of future developments. Its objective is to provide an overall picture of the current EV technology and ways of future development to assist in future researches in this sector