17 research outputs found

    Classification and biomarker identification using gene network modules and support vector machines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Classification using microarray datasets is usually based on a small number of samples for which tens of thousands of gene expression measurements have been obtained. The selection of the genes most significant to the classification problem is a challenging issue in high dimension data analysis and interpretation. A previous study with SVM-RCE (Recursive Cluster Elimination), suggested that classification based on groups of correlated genes sometimes exhibits better performance than classification using single genes. Large databases of gene interaction networks provide an important resource for the analysis of genetic phenomena and for classification studies using interacting genes.</p> <p>We now demonstrate that an algorithm which integrates network information with recursive feature elimination based on SVM exhibits good performance and improves the biological interpretability of the results. We refer to the method as SVM with Recursive Network Elimination (SVM-RNE)</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Initially, one thousand genes selected by t-test from a training set are filtered so that only genes that map to a gene network database remain. The Gene Expression Network Analysis Tool (GXNA) is applied to the remaining genes to form <it>n </it>clusters of genes that are highly connected in the network. Linear SVM is used to classify the samples using these clusters, and a weight is assigned to each cluster based on its importance to the classification. The least informative clusters are removed while retaining the remainder for the next classification step. This process is repeated until an optimal classification is obtained.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>More than 90% accuracy can be obtained in classification of selected microarray datasets by integrating the interaction network information with the gene expression information from the microarrays.</p> <p>The Matlab version of SVM-RNE can be downloaded from <url>http://web.macam.ac.il/~myousef</url></p

    A copula method for modeling directional dependence of genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genes interact with each other as basic building blocks of life, forming a complicated network. The relationship between groups of genes with different functions can be represented as gene networks. With the deposition of huge microarray data sets in public domains, study on gene networking is now possible. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the reconstruction of gene networks from gene expression data. Recent work includes linear models, Boolean network models, and Bayesian networks. Among them, Bayesian networks seem to be the most effective in constructing gene networks. A major problem with the Bayesian network approach is the excessive computational time. This problem is due to the interactive feature of the method that requires large search space. Since fitting a model by using the copulas does not require iterations, elicitation of the priors, and complicated calculations of posterior distributions, the need for reference to extensive search spaces can be eliminated leading to manageable computational affords. Bayesian network approach produces a discretely expression of conditional probabilities. Discreteness of the characteristics is not required in the copula approach which involves use of uniform representation of the continuous random variables. Our method is able to overcome the limitation of Bayesian network method for gene-gene interaction, i.e. information loss due to binary transformation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We analyzed the gene interactions for two gene data sets (one group is eight histone genes and the other group is 19 genes which include DNA polymerases, DNA helicase, type B cyclin genes, DNA primases, radiation sensitive genes, repaire related genes, replication protein A encoding gene, DNA replication initiation factor, securin gene, nucleosome assembly factor, and a subunit of the cohesin complex) by adopting a measure of directional dependence based on a copula function. We have compared our results with those from other methods in the literature. Although microarray results show a transcriptional co-regulation pattern and do not imply that the gene products are physically interactive, this tight genetic connection may suggest that each gene product has either direct or indirect connections between the other gene products. Indeed, recent comprehensive analysis of a protein interaction map revealed that those histone genes are physically connected with each other, supporting the results obtained by our method.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results illustrate that our method can be an alternative to Bayesian networks in modeling gene interactions. One advantage of our approach is that dependence between genes is not assumed to be linear. Another advantage is that our approach can detect directional dependence. We expect that our study may help to design artificial drug candidates, which can block or activate biologically meaningful pathways. Moreover, our copula approach can be extended to investigate the effects of local environments on protein-protein interactions. The copula mutual information approach will help to propose the new variant of ARACNE (Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Accurate Cellular Networks): an algorithm for the reconstruction of gene regulatory networks.</p

    bNEAT: a Bayesian network method for detecting epistatic interactions in genome-wide association studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Detecting epistatic interactions plays a significant role in improving pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of complex human diseases. A recent study in automatic detection of epistatic interactions shows that Markov Blanket-based methods are capable of finding genetic variants strongly associated with common diseases and reducing false positives when the number of instances is large. Unfortunately, a typical dataset from genome-wide association studies consists of very limited number of examples, where current methods including Markov Blanket-based method may perform poorly.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>To address small sample problems, we propose a Bayesian network-based approach (bNEAT) to detect epistatic interactions. The proposed method also employs a Branch-and-Bound technique for learning. We apply the proposed method to simulated datasets based on four disease models and a real dataset. Experimental results show that our method outperforms Markov Blanket-based methods and other commonly-used methods, especially when the number of samples is small.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show bNEAT can obtain a strong power regardless of the number of samples and is especially suitable for detecting epistatic interactions with slight or no marginal effects. The merits of the proposed approach lie in two aspects: a suitable score for Bayesian network structure learning that can reflect higher-order epistatic interactions and a heuristic Bayesian network structure learning method.</p

    Construction of gene regulatory networks using biclustering and bayesian networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Understanding gene interactions in complex living systems can be seen as the ultimate goal of the systems biology revolution. Hence, to elucidate disease ontology fully and to reduce the cost of drug development, gene regulatory networks (GRNs) have to be constructed. During the last decade, many GRN inference algorithms based on genome-wide data have been developed to unravel the complexity of gene regulation. Time series transcriptomic data measured by genome-wide DNA microarrays are traditionally used for GRN modelling. One of the major problems with microarrays is that a dataset consists of relatively few time points with respect to the large number of genes. Dimensionality is one of the interesting problems in GRN modelling.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we develop a biclustering function enrichment analysis toolbox (BicAT-plus) to study the effect of biclustering in reducing data dimensions. The network generated from our system was validated via available interaction databases and was compared with previous methods. The results revealed the performance of our proposed method.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Because of the sparse nature of GRNs, the results of biclustering techniques differ significantly from those of previous methods.</p

    Quantitative utilization of prior biological knowledge in the Bayesian network modeling of gene expression data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bayesian Network (BN) is a powerful approach to reconstructing genetic regulatory networks from gene expression data. However, expression data by itself suffers from high noise and lack of power. Incorporating prior biological knowledge can improve the performance. As each type of prior knowledge on its own may be incomplete or limited by quality issues, integrating multiple sources of prior knowledge to utilize their consensus is desirable.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We introduce a new method to incorporate the quantitative information from multiple sources of prior knowledge. It first uses the Naïve Bayesian classifier to assess the likelihood of functional linkage between gene pairs based on prior knowledge. In this study we included cocitation in PubMed and schematic similarity in Gene Ontology annotation. A candidate network edge reservoir is then created in which the copy number of each edge is proportional to the estimated likelihood of linkage between the two corresponding genes. In network simulation the Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling algorithm is adopted, and samples from this reservoir at each iteration to generate new candidate networks. We evaluated the new algorithm using both simulated and real gene expression data including that from a yeast cell cycle and a mouse pancreas development/growth study. Incorporating prior knowledge led to a ~2 fold increase in the number of known transcription regulations recovered, without significant change in false positive rate. In contrast, without the prior knowledge BN modeling is not always better than a random selection, demonstrating the necessity in network modeling to supplement the gene expression data with additional information.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>our new development provides a statistical means to utilize the quantitative information in prior biological knowledge in the BN modeling of gene expression data, which significantly improves the performance.</p

    Assessing reliability of protein-protein interactions by integrative analysis of data in model organisms

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    BACKGROUND: Protein-protein interactions play vital roles in nearly all cellular processes and are involved in the construction of biological pathways such as metabolic and signal transduction pathways. Although large-scale experiments have enabled the discovery of thousands of previously unknown linkages among proteins in many organisms, the high-throughput interaction data is often associated with high error rates. Since protein interaction networks have been utilized in numerous biological inferences, the inclusive experimental errors inevitably affect the quality of such prediction. Thus, it is essential to assess the quality of the protein interaction data. RESULTS: In this paper, a novel Bayesian network-based integrative framework is proposed to assess the reliability of protein-protein interactions. We develop a cross-species in silico model that assigns likelihood scores to individual protein pairs based on the information entirely extracted from model organisms. Our proposed approach integrates multiple microarray datasets and novel features derived from gene ontology. Furthermore, the confidence scores for cross-species protein mappings are explicitly incorporated into our model. Applying our model to predict protein interactions in the human genome, we are able to achieve 80% in sensitivity and 70% in specificity. Finally, we assess the overall quality of the experimentally determined yeast protein-protein interaction dataset. We observe that the more high-throughput experiments confirming an interaction, the higher the likelihood score, which confirms the effectiveness of our approach. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that model organisms certainly provide important information for protein-protein interaction inference and assessment. The proposed method is able to assess not only the overall quality of an interaction dataset, but also the quality of individual protein-protein interactions. We expect the method to continually improve as more high quality interaction data from more model organisms becomes available and is readily scalable to a genome-wide application


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    To understand the underlying molecular mechanisms of cancer and therefore to improve pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, it is necessary to explore the activities of cancer-related genes and the interactions among these genes. In this dissertation, I use machine learning and computational methods to identify differential gene relations and detect gene-gene interactions. To identify gene pairs that have different relationships in normal versus cancer tissues, I develop an integrative method based on the bootstrapping K-S test to evaluate a large number of microarray datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that my method can find meaningful alterations in gene relations. For gene-gene interaction detection, I propose to use two Bayesian Network based methods: DASSO-MB (Detection of ASSOciations using Markov Blanket) and EpiBN (Epistatic interaction detection using Bayesian Network model) to address the two critical challenges: searching and scoring. DASSO-MB is based on the concept of Markov Blanket in Bayesian Networks. In EpiBN, I develop a new scoring function, which can reflect higher-order gene-gene interactions and detect the true number of disease markers, and apply a fast Branch-and-Bound (B&B) algorithm to learn the structure of Bayesian Network. Both DASSO-MB and EpiBN outperform some other commonly-used methods and are scalable to genome-wide data

    Parallel Algorithms for Bayesian Networks Structure Learning with Applications in Systems Biology

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    The expression levels of thousands to tens of thousands of genes in a living cell are controlled by internal and external cues which act in a combinatorial manner that can be modeled as a network. High-throughput technologies, such as DNA-microarrays and next generation sequencing, allow for the measurement of gene expression levels on a whole-genome scale. In recent years, a wealth of microarray data probing gene expression under various biological conditions has been accumulated in public repositories, which facilitates uncovering the underlying transcriptional networks (gene networks). Due to the high data dimensionality and inherent complexity of gene interactions, this task inevitably requires automated computational approaches. Various models have been proposed for learning gene networks, with Bayesian networks (BNs) showing promise for the task. However, BN structure learning is an NP-hard problem and both exact and heuristic methods are computationally intensive with limited ability to produce large networks. To address these issues, we developed a set of parallel algorithms. First, we present a communication efficient parallel algorithm for exact BN structure learning, which is work-optimal provided that 2^n \u3e p.log(p), where n is the total number of variables, and p is the number of processors. This algorithm has space complexity within 1.41 of the optimal. Our empirical results demonstrate near perfect scaling on up to 2,048 processors. We further extend this work to the case of bounded node in-degree, where a limit d on the number of parents per variable is imposed. We characterize the algorithm\u27s run-time behavior as a function of d, establishing the range [n/3 - log(mn), ceil(n/2)) of values for d where it affects performance. Consequently, two plateaus regions are identified: for d \u3c n/3 - log(mn), where the run-time complexity remains the same as for d=1, and for d \u3e= ceil(n/2), where the run-time complexity remains the same as for d=n-1. Finally, we present a parallel heuristic approach for large-scale BN learning. This approach aims to combine the precision of exact learning with the scalability of heuristic methods. Our empirical results demonstrate good scaling on various high performance platforms. The quality of the learned networks for both exact and heuristic methods are evaluated using synthetically generated expression data. The biological relevance of the networks learned by the exact algorithm is assessed by applying it to the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana


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    This dissertation presents two applications of discrete-event simulation (DES) to represent clinical processes: (1) a model to quantify the risk of the maternal obese and diabetic intrauterine environment influence on progression to adult obesity and diabetes, and (2) a model to evaluate health and economic outcomes of different smoking cessation strategies. The first application considers the public health impact of the diabetic and obese intrauterine environment\u27s effect on the prevalence of diabetes and obesity across subsequent generations. We first develop a preliminary DES model to investigate and characterize the epidemiology of diabetes during pregnancy and birth outcomes related to maternal obesity and diabetes. Using data from the San Antonio Heart Study (SAHS), the 1980 Census and the NCHS we are able to verify a simplified initial version of our model. Our methodology allows us to quantify the impact of maternal disparities between different racial/ethnic groups on future health disparities at the generational level and to estimate the extent to which intrauterine exposure to diabetes and obesity could be driving these health disparities. The populace of interest in this model is women of child-bearing age. The preliminary model is next modified to accommodate data and assumptions representing the United States population. We use a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both statistical methods and discrete event simulation, to examine trends in weight-gain over time among white and black women of child-bearing age in the US from 1980 to 2008 using United States Census projections and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data. We use BMI as a measure of weight adjusted for height. We establish an underlying population representative of the population prior to the onset of the obesity epidemic. Assessing the rate of change in body mass index (BMI) of the population prior to the obesity epidemic allows us to make \u27unadjusted\u27 projections, assuming that subsequent generations carry the same risk as the initial cohort. Unadjusted projections are compared to actual trends in the US population. This comparison allows us to quantify the trends in weight-gain over time. This model is interesting as a first step in understanding the trans-generational impact of obesity during pregnancy at the population level. The aim of the second application is to understand the impact of different pharmacologic interventions for smoking cessation in achieving long-term abstinence from cigarette smoking is an important health and economic issue. We design and develop a clinically-based DES model to provide predictive estimates of health and economic outcomes associated with different smoking cessation interventions. Interventions assessed included nicotine replacement therapy, oral medications (bupropion and varenicline), and abstinence without pharmacologic assistance. We utilized data from multiple sources to simulate patients\u27 actions and associated responses to different interventions along with co-morbidities associated with smoking. Outcomes of interest included estimates of sustained abstinence from smoking, quality adjusted life years, cost of treatment, and additional health-related costs due to long-term effects of smoking (lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, stroke, coronary heart disease). Understanding the comparative effectiveness and intrinsic value of alternative smoking cessation strategies can improve clinical and patient decision-making and subsequent health and economic outcomes at the population level. This dissertation contributes to the field of industrial engineering in healthcare. US population-level data structures are not always available in the desired format and there is not one method for managing the data. The key element is to be able to link the mathematical model with the available data. We illustrate various methods (i.e. bootstrap techniques, mixed-effects regression, application of probability distributions) for extracting information from different types of data (i.e. longitudinal data, cross-sectional data, incidence rates) to make population-level predictions. Methods used in cost-effectiveness evaluations (i.e. incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, bootstrap confidence intervals, cost-effectiveness plane) are applied to output measures obtained from the simulation to compare alternative smoking cessation strategies to deduce additional information. While the estimates resulting from the two models are topic-specific, many of the modules created for these studies are generic and can easily be transferred to other disease models. It is believed that these two models will aid decision makers in recognizing the impact that preventative-care initiatives will have, and to evaluate possible alternatives