649,343 research outputs found

    Nurse Residency Program: Best Practices for Optimizing Organizational Success

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    A nurse residency program’s best practice recommendations are presented within this article and are organized around three processes: establishing the program infrastructure, creating a multistaged evidence-based program, and sustaining the program through appropriate evaluation and dissemination of results. These recommendations represent lessons learned and key findings derived from a team of academic and nursing professional development educators after 7 years of residency program implementation at multiple rural and urban hospital sites. Organizations, regardless of size and resources, can use these recommendations to increase the likelihood of building a successful residency program

    Consumer Cooperatives: An Alternative Institutional Model for Delivery of Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Services?

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    This paper describes the essential characteristics of consumer cooperatives engaged in the provision of basic services and discusses their applicability as a model for water supply and sanitation service provision in urban areas. A cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise. The paper focuses on system-wide urban water supply cooperatives and it is thus not concerned with urban or peri-urban cooperatives that depend on either boreholes or bulk purchases of water from a utility for distribution, nor does it refer to rural water supply cooperatives that are generally small. After a general overview of cooperatives and a discussion of the main characteristics of utility cooperatives, the paper reviews the case of SAGUAPAC, a successful urban WSS cooperative in Bolivia, from which it draws some conclusions in the form of a preliminary assessment of cooperatives as a model for delivery of urban water supply and sanitation (WSS) services

    The influence of distributed leadership on teachers' organizational commitment: a multilevel approach

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    In the present study the effects of a cooperative leadership team, distributed leadership, participative decision-making, and context variables on teachers' organizational commitment are investigated. Multilevel analyses on data from 1522 teachers indicated that 9% of the variance in teachers' organizational commitment is attributable to differences between schools. The analyses revealed that especially the presence of a cooperative leadership team and the amount of leadership support played a significantly positive key role in predicting teachers' organizational commitment. Also, participative decision-making and distribution of the supportive leadership function had a significant positive impact on teachers' organizational commitment. In contrast, distribution of the supervisory leadership function and teachers' job experience had a significant negative impact

    The relation between school leadership from a distributed perspective and teachers' organizational commitment: examining the source of the leadership function

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    Purpose: In this study the relationship between school leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment is examined by taking into account a distributed leadership perspective. The relation between teachers’ organizational commitment and contextual variables of teachers’ perceptions of the quality and the source of the supportive and supervisory leadership function, participative decision making, and cooperation within the leadership team are examined. Research Design: A survey was set up involving 1,522 teachers from 46 large secondary schools in Flanders (Belgium). Because the data in the present study have an inherent hierarchical structure, that is, teachers are nested into schools, hierarchical linear modeling techniques are applied. Findings: The analyses reveal that 9% of the variance in teachers’ organizational commitment is attributable to differences between schools. Teachers’ organizational commitment is mainly related to quality of the supportive leadership, cooperation within the leadership team, and participative decision making. Who performed the supportive leadership function plays only a marginally significant positive role. The quality of the supervisory leadership function and the role of the leadership team members in this function were not significantly related to teachers’ organizational commitment. Conclusions: The implications of the findings are that to promote teachers’ organizational commitment teachers should feel supported by their leadership team and that this leadership team should be characterized by group cohesion, role clarity, and goal orientedness. Recommendations for further research are provided

    Total quality management and public administration: the case of Vila Real town hall

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    The quality movement is based on a main idea: every good and service must have the maximum quality. To get to the bottom of this movement one has to understand in the first place the implications of its assumptions and how they reflect themselves upon the institutions (Connor, 1997). In most countries, public administration is the economic sector which weights more heavily on employment and also the one which produces more goods and creates more services. Naturally one cannot remain indifferent to this Total Quality Management (TQM) movement in public administration. The Government is aware that "quality is now recognized and accepted worldwide as the client’s satisfaction at an adequate cost and an imperative for all public organizations (
) in view of the public’s and consumers’ growing awareness of their rights.” (DL n.Âș 166-A/99 de 13 de Maio). In Portugal, public administration faces new and more complex challenges everyday as a result of economic, social and technologic changes the country is going through. Thus it is the aim of the present paper to try and answer some questions, namely: how can the town hall of Vila Real cope with the TQM implementation in a context of change? Are there any obstacles or else favourable conditions to that implementation

    The organizational change in the italian public personnel management

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    Premise. The importance of the new human resources management. Evolutionary trends in the personnel management. The Italian Public Administration: structural and organizational differences. The organizational public supply's system. The personnel management in the Public Sector. Evolutionary lines of public personnel management. Conclusive considerations. Bibliograph

    Consumer Voices for Coverage: Advocacy Evaluation Toolkit

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    Offers step-by-step guidance on evaluating advocacy projects, including developing a logic model, collecting evaluation data, and using focus groups and interviews to evaluate or inform program performance. Includes surveys on RWJF's advocacy initiative

    Focusing on the Few: the Role of Large Taxpayer Units in the Revenue Strategies of Developing Countries

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    Part I of this paper first reviews the spread of LTUs, and briefly describes the experience of LTUs in a few selected countries. This section takes up the question of the LTU as an enclave administrative reform versus semi-autonomous revenue agencies and "whole of government" reform involving broad based wages, human resources planning and anti-corruption measures.Part II examines the emergence of the LTU and its relationships to the remainder of the tax administration system in different kinds of developing and transition economies, such as (i)capable developing states, (ii) administratively weak but governance improving states, and (iii)captured states. The relative success of LTUs can improve our understanding of the enclave approach to governance reforms as well as yielding insights that are intrinsic to the challenge of improving revenue mobilization. LTUs and their roles in developing country economies can also be interpreted through the prism of recent revisionist writings on best policies for the tax mix in the presence of a major informal sector and a government sector with a highly constrained taxing capacity and high vulnerability to corruption.Working Paper Number 04-44

    The Effect of Organization Restructuring on Organization Performance Viewed From Employee Performance and Leadership Effectiveness at Maluku Provincial Education Office

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    The focus of this research is to comprehensively analyze the effect of organization restructuring on the performance of the organization, directly or indirectly, involving 276 employees in the education office and the Ministry of Education and Culture offices and collected by survey method. Data analysis was done using causal correlation technique to see the effect of organization restructuring on organization performance. The results of the research indicate that there is a direct influence of organization restructuring on organization performance. Another result is that there is an indirect effect of restructuring through employee performance and leadership effectiveness on organization performance. The influence of organization performance improvement is due to, organization restructuring implemented in Maluku Province education office has lead to behavior change, where the employees of education office were able to improve individual performance and can work together with the leadership as an efficient and effective structure. This has an impact on improving organization performance
