19,959 research outputs found

    Network analysis of correlation strength between the most developed countries

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    A new algorithm of the analysis of correlation among economy time series is proposed. The algorithm is based on the power law classification scheme (PLCS) followed by the analysis of the network on the percolation threshold (NPT). The algorithm was applied to the analysis of correlations among GDP per capita time series of 19 most developed countries in the periods (1982, 2011), (1992, 2011) and (2002, 2011). The representative countries with respect to strength of correlation, convergence of time series and stability of correlation are distinguished. The results are compared with ultrametric distance matrix analysed by NPT.Comment: submitted to Acta Physica Polonica

    Improved sorting networks with O(log n) depth

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    The sorting network described by Ajtai, KomlOs and Szemeredi was the first to achieve a depth of O(Iog n). The networks introduced here are simplifications and improvements based strongly on their work. While the constants obtained for the depth bound still prevent the construction being of practical value, the structure of the presentation offers a convenient basis for further development

    An Enhanced Multiway Sorting Network Based on n-Sorters

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    Merging-based sorting networks are an important family of sorting networks. Most merge sorting networks are based on 2-way or multi-way merging algorithms using 2-sorters as basic building blocks. An alternative is to use n-sorters, instead of 2-sorters, as the basic building blocks so as to greatly reduce the number of sorters as well as the latency. Based on a modified Leighton's columnsort algorithm, an n-way merging algorithm, referred to as SS-Mk, that uses n-sorters as basic building blocks was proposed. In this work, we first propose a new multiway merging algorithm with n-sorters as basic building blocks that merges n sorted lists of m values each in 1 + ceil(m/2) stages (n <= m). Based on our merging algorithm, we also propose a sorting algorithm, which requires O(N log2 N) basic sorters to sort N inputs. While the asymptotic complexity (in terms of the required number of sorters) of our sorting algorithm is the same as the SS-Mk, for wide ranges of N, our algorithm requires fewer sorters than the SS-Mk. Finally, we consider a binary sorting network, where the basic sorter is implemented in threshold logic and scales linearly with the number of inputs, and compare the complexity in terms of the required number of gates. For wide ranges of N, our algorithm requires fewer gates than the SS-Mk.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Environmental, human health and socio-economic effects of cement powders: The multicriteria analysis as decisional methodology

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    The attention to sustainability-related issues has grown fast in recent decades. The experience gained with these themes reveals the importance of considering this topic in the construction industry, which represents an important sector throughout the world. This work consists on conducting a multicriteria analysis of four cement powders, with the objective of calculating and analysing the environmental, human health and socio-economic effects of their production processes. The economic, technical, environmental and safety performances of the examined powders result from official, both internal and public, documents prepared by the producers. The Analytic Hierarchy Process permitted to consider several indicators (i.e., environmental, human health related and socio-economic parameters) and to conduct comprehensive and unbiased analyses which gave the best, most sustainable cement powder. As assumed in this study, the contribution of each considered parameter to the overall sustainability has a different incidence, therefore the procedure could be used to support on-going sustainability efforts under different conditions. The results also prove that it is not appropriate to regard only one parameter to identify the ‘best’ cement powder, but several impact categories should be considered and analysed if there is an interest for pursuing different, often conflicting interests

    Modeling and Optimal Design of Machining-Induced Residual Stresses in Aluminium Alloys Using a Fast Hierarchical Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm

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    The residual stresses induced during shaping and machining play an important role in determining the integrity and durability of metal components. An important issue of producing safety critical components is to find the machining parameters that create compressive surface stresses or minimise tensile surface stresses. In this paper, a systematic data-driven fuzzy modelling methodology is proposed, which allows constructing transparent fuzzy models considering both accuracy and interpretability attributes of fuzzy systems. The new method employs a hierarchical optimisation structure to improve the modelling efficiency, where two learning mechanisms cooperate together: NSGA-II is used to improve the model’s structure while the gradient descent method is used to optimise the numerical parameters. This hybrid approach is then successfully applied to the problem that concerns the prediction of machining induced residual stresses in aerospace aluminium alloys. Based on the developed reliable prediction models, NSGA-II is further applied to the multi-objective optimal design of aluminium alloys in a ‘reverse-engineering’ fashion. It is revealed that the optimal machining regimes to minimise the residual stress and the machining cost simultaneously can be successfully located

    Renormalization group flows of Hamiltonians using tensor networks

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    A renormalization group flow of Hamiltonians for two-dimensional classical partition functions is constructed using tensor networks. Similar to tensor network renormalization ([G. Evenbly and G. Vidal, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 180405 (2015)], [S. Yang, Z.-C. Gu, and X.-G Wen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 110504 (2017)]) we obtain approximate fixed point tensor networks at criticality. Our formalism however preserves positivity of the tensors at every step and hence yields an interpretation in terms of Hamiltonian flows. We emphasize that the key difference between tensor network approaches and Kadanoff's spin blocking method can be understood in terms of a change of local basis at every decimation step, a property which is crucial to overcome the area law of mutual information. We derive algebraic relations for fixed point tensors, calculate critical exponents, and benchmark our method on the Ising model and the six-vertex model.Comment: accepted version for Phys. Rev. Lett, main text: 5 pages, 3 figures, appendices: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Sign and amplitude representation of the forex networks

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    We decompose the exchange rates returns of 41 currencies (incl. gold) into their sign and amplitude components. Then we group together all exchange rates with a common base currency, construct Minimal Spanning Trees for each group independently, and analyze properties of these trees. We show that both the sign and the amplitude time series have similar correlation properties as far as the core network structure is concerned. There exist however interesting peripheral differences that may open a new perspective to view the Forex dynamics.Comment: Article based on talk by S. Gworek given at FENS'08 Conference, Rzeszow, Polan

    A Decision Making Framework for Reverse Logistics Network Design

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    The main objective of this research is to answer the following research question “How should a company design their reverse logistics network in a more efficient or responsive way?” In this research, a conceptual framework has been developed based on several key factors for network design. Through the analysis of each key factor affecting network design decision, we have built a conceptual framework for reverse logistics network for companies to decide on whether to centralize versus decentralize their reverse logistics operations, and whether to outsource or insource some of their operations? Some existing studies are able to fit well in our proposed framework, giving us better insights to decision making in reverse logistics network design. The proposed conceptual framework is helpful for the companies or organizations to make better decisions when designing their reverse logistics operations to achieve a lean or responsive network