43 research outputs found

    Life cycle assessment of a plastic part injected with recycled Polypropylene: a comparison with alternative virgin materials

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    Plastics recycling is becoming a common action to reduce our products and processes'' environmental impact, and it is of the utmost importance to introduce circular economy strategies. However, for most of the different types of thermoplastics, recycling is not currently its usual end of life due to the technical difficulties in the sorting and recycling processes. This paper presents the complete life cycle assessment of an industrial component made with three different thermoplastics; two virgin thermoplastics typically used for similar parts in the market as Polyamide 6 and Polypropylene, and an alternative source of 100% recycled Polypropylene. All life cycle stages are included in the study. After carrying out the life cycle inventory, calculations of the environmental impact of each life cycle steps have been performed with ReCiPe 2016 EndPoint (H/A) v1.03/World and with IPCC 2013 GWP 100a v1.03 methodologies, comparing all three materials under the same conditions. A sensibility assessment has also been performed, calculating a worst-case scenario of the recycled material, and considering higher material acquisition distances. This study shows that recycled Polypropylene contributes to reducing the overall environmental impact of the component life cycle by 29.8% under ReCiPe, and by 42.8% under Carbon Footprint when compared to virgin Polypropylene. For the worst-case scenario, these reductions in the environmental impact of the component life cycle are also significant: 23.2% and 36.4%, respectively, showing that the use of recycled polymers is a key approach to reduce the environmental impact of plastic components

    Переклад термінології у галузі електроніки, електротехніки та енергетики з англійської на українську мову

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    У посібнику подано аутентичні матеріали та вправи з письмового та усного перекладу в галузі електротехніки, електроніки та енергетики; тексти для самостійної роботи, контрольні завдання з перекладу, а також англо-український та українсько-англійський словник термінів та понять електротехніки, електроніки та енергетики. Розраховано на студентів спеціальності "Переклад (англійська мова)" і аспірантів технічних спеціальностей.The book presents authentic materials and exercises in written and oral translation in the field of electronics, electrical engineering and power engineering; texts for independent home translation, English–Ukrainian and Ukrainian-English vocabularies of specific terms. For the students of "Translation and Interpreting" departments and post-graduate students of technical specialities

    Infrared sensor-based temperature control for domestic induction cooktops

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    In this paper, a precise real-time temperature control system based on infrared (IR) thermometry for domestic induction cooking is presented. The temperature in the vessel constitutes the control variable of the closed-loop power control system implemented in a commercial induction cooker. A proportional-integral controller is applied to establish the output power level in order to reach the target temperature. An optical system and a signal conditioning circuit have been implemented. For the signal processing a microprocessor with 12-bit ADC and a sampling rate of 1 Ksps has been used. The analysis of the contributions to the infrared radiation permits the definition of a procedure to estimate the temperature of the vessel with a maximum temperature error of 5 °C in the range between 60 and 250 °C for a known cookware emissivity. A simple and necessary calibration procedure with a black-body sample is presented

    Thermal characterization of electric stoves

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    Ignition risks associated with cooktops have increased despite the advancement in the cooktop technologies. The fires caused by cooktops cannot be completely avoided, but with significant research there can be potential decrease in kitchen fires incidents associated with cooktops. In this work, we try to improve our understanding of cooktop ignitions and the effects of the cooktop types on the ignition risk. A series of experiments were conducted to thermally characterize several types of electric cooktops which can be useful for assessing the cause for ignitions in future. Furthermore, the thermal responses of cooking pans of different materials are analyzed on heating elements of all three cooktop types. Three commonly used cooktops were tested including an electric coil cooktop with cast iron plate, ceramic glass cooktop and an induction cooktop. The electric power and temperature of the heating element of cooktops were measured at different knob settings using power analyzer. Temperature at different parts of cooktops was measured by using thermocouple, and infrared camera. Additionally, radiant heat flux was measured for electric coil and ceramic glass cooktop by using heat flux sensor. The results showed that the maximum surface temperature in electric coil and ceramic glass cooktop can reach to 620\°C and 590\°C respectively and can easily ignite different cooking oils and solid materials. In all three cooktops, within first few minutes, different frying pans (cast iron, carbon steel and aluminum) can reach to the ignition temperature of different cooking oils and solid substances. This study provides information to evaluate the competency of different types of electric cooktops in terms of igniting a variety of common kitchen items

    Design for sustainable behaviour : implications for innovation on major cooking appliances

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Aguinaldo dos SantosCoorientadora: Prof.ª Dr.ª Debra LilleyDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Artes, Comunicação e Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design. Defesa : Curitiba, 05/05/2023Inclui referênciasResumo: As decisões tomadas na atividade de cozinhar impactam as práticas sociais, econômicas e ambientais ao longo da cadeia de valor do sistema de alimentação sustentável. Na contemporaneidade, a cocção tem incorporado novos valores e práticas, além de atender às necessidades fisiológicas. Concomitante à busca por dietas mais saudáveis, o hábito de cozinhar proporciona experiências que fortalecem as relações interpessoais e a construção de identidades culturais. No entanto, hábitos insustentáveis na atividade de cozinhar podem afetar recursos hídricos, consumo de energia, desperdício de alimentos e as mudanças climáticas, através de emissões de gases de efeito estufa. Neste cenário, o Design para o Comportamento Sustentável visa apoiar soluções orientadas a influenciar comportamentos, durante a fase de uso dos produtos, em prol de decisões mais sustentáveis. Estratégias de Design para o Comportamento Sustentável podem ser aplicadas por profissionais de design no intuito de informar ou conduzir o usuário a comportamentos mais sustentáveis, ou ainda, garantir que a mudança ocorra de forma automática e imperativa. Este estudo apresenta parâmetros guiados por estratégias de Design para o Comportamento Sustentável a fim de assistir designers no âmbito do desenvolvimento de eletrodomésticos, visando uma cocção sustentável. O método de pesquisa selecionado para a condução deste estudo foi o Design Science Research que consistiu em quatro etapas caracterizadas pela compreensão do problema, geração de ideias, desenvolvimento e avaliação. A revisão bibliográfica sistemática e Survey foram utilizados na etapa inicial relativa à compreensão do problema e workshops colaborativos foram adotados nas etapas de geração de ideias e desenvolvimento. A etapa de desenvolvimento envolveu a colaboração de profissionais da Electrolux, fabricante multinacional de eletrodomésticos e parceira neste estudo, que contou também com a contribuição da Universidade de Loughborough, na Inglaterra. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade de conduzir designers a adotarem estratégias de Design para o Comportamento Sustentável adequadas às tomadas de decisão desejadas no hábito de cozinhar, dentro da prática do design.Abstract: Decisions made in the cooking activity impact social, economic, and environmental practices along the value chain of the sustainable food system. In contemporary times, cooking has incorporated new values and practices in addition to meeting physiological needs. Along with the search for healthier diets, cooking provides experiences that strengthen interpersonal relationships and develop cultural identities. However, unsustainable cooking habits can affect water resources, energy consumption, food waste, and climate change through greenhouse gas emissions. In this scenario, Design for Sustainable Behavior aims to support solutions oriented to influence behavior during the use phase of products to achieve more sustainable decisions. Design professionals can apply Design for Sustainable Behavior strategies to inform or guide the user towards more sustainable behaviors or to ensure that change occurs automatically and imperatively. This study presents parameters guided by Design for Sustainable Behavior strategies to assist designers in developing home appliances for sustainable cooking. The research method selected to conduct this study was Design Science Research, which consisted of four stages: problem understanding, idea generation, development, and evaluation. The systematic literature review and the Survey method were applied in the initial stage concerning the understanding of the problem, and collaborative workshops were adopted in the stages of idea generation and development. The development stage involved professionals from Electrolux, a multinational manufacturer of household appliances and a partner in this study, which also included a contribution from Loughborough University, UK. The results point to the need for guidance for designers to adopt Design for Sustainable Behavior strategies appropriate to the desired decision-making in the cooking habit within their practice

    Smart induction cooking system using solar energy.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Solar energy presents a good, clean and a reliable source of energy for the future. The focus includes the department of energy strategy (DoE) to allow solar renewables appliances to grow and contribute to the country’s economy and global environment. This study uses the recent advantage of induction cooking methods in the market to apply more efficient and economical techniques that go in line with the future wishes in the energy sector. Induction cooker is proven to transfer at least 80 % of the power generated to the pot, while electric stove and gas burners generate more to compensate for the power that is transferred to the atmosphere in the form of heat (i.e. about 55 % efficient). The induction cooker is currently presenting best cooking technology thus far. Though all including induction cooker are completely dependent on the grid power. The research comes with the idea of solar energy to fill the big existing gap of completely depending on non-renewable resources. The advantage comes with the idea of making the product a completely standalone, reducing electricity bills, simple and reliable, no fuel costs and spills, flexible in power sources, sustainable development etc. The proposed cooking technology is improved version and it gives more in the customer needs with regard to clean system, ease to use, conservation and price. Though initial system installation price is high but after five years, the user will be saving a large amount of money. The research will improve the annual savings by 45 % as per the DoE analysis in the comparison of cooking technologies. The thesis focuses on the solar as a primary source of energy to promote savings. The grid power is still used as a backup power source as we are not yet 100 % green but gradually adjusting. The design uses the power auto switching method to treat solar power as a primary source of supply and mains to be the system backup. The cooker battery storage is charged by the solar using efficient MPPT technology and supply the stove at the same time. The mains only take over when the solar is completely not available for some time and it will supply the cooker directly via AC to DC power supply unit and also charges the battery storage via AC to DC battery charger. All the above switching is programmed and happens automatically via remote programmable relay. System design includes theoretical background in the form of circuit analysis, power flow and mathematical calculations. The simulation and practical results present eight different power levels that are displayed in the liquid crystal display (LCD) in the form of switching frequency and power consumed by the load. The power mathematical calculations, Simulations and practical results analysis show a similar trend. The pot material is kept constant while changing switching frequency to achieve desired outputs. Theoretical and simulations are in line while practical differ slightly due to many factors like component internal resistances, conductors used and component internal circuit topology. The other adjustments in practical includes a smaller scale of power (600 watts maximum) compared to simulations due to safety reasons on my capacity to implement a prototype and proving the working of the study at a smaller scale which can be extended if required. The general and specific objectives of the study are achieved in simulations and practical though some adjustments were made during practical in order to me general and specific objectives. The study proves the theory of energy savings, being standalone product in the practical results analysis and thus presents many advantages in the commercial sector for the future

    The Future wave: Redefines contemporary meal preparation and food shopping protocols

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