1,221 research outputs found

    Ultrasound IMT measurement on a multi-ethnic and multi-institutional database: Our review and experience using four fully automated and one semi-automated methods

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    Automated and high performance carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) measurement is gaining increasing importance in clinical practice to assess the cardiovascular risk of patients. In this paper, we compare four fully automated IMT measurement techniques (CALEX, CAMES, CARES and CAUDLES) and one semi-automated technique (FOAM). We present our experience using these algorithms, whose lumen-intima and media-adventitia border estimation use different methods that can be: (a) edge-based; (b) training-based; (c) feature-based; or (d) directional Edge-Flow based. Our database (DB) consisted of 665 images that represented a multi-ethnic group and was acquired using four OEM scanners. The performance evaluation protocol adopted error measures, reproducibility measures, and Figure of Merit (FoM). FOAM showed the best performance, with an IMT bias equal to 0.025 ± 0.225 mm, and a FoM equal to 96.6%. Among the four automated methods, CARES showed the best results with a bias of 0.032 ± 0.279 mm, and a FoM to 95.6%, which was statistically comparable to that of FOAM performance in terms of accuracy and reproducibility. This is the first time that completely automated and user-driven techniques have been compared on a multi-ethnic dataset, acquired using multiple original equipment manufacturer (OEM) machines with different gain settings, representing normal and pathologic case

    Multimodality carotid plaque tissue characterization and classification in the artificial intelligence paradigm: a narrative review for stroke application

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States of America and globally. Carotid arterial plaque, a cause and also a marker of such CVD, can be detected by various non-invasive imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computer tomography (CT), and ultrasound (US). Characterization and classification of carotid plaque-type in these imaging modalities, especially into symptomatic and asymptomatic plaque, helps in the planning of carotid endarterectomy or stenting. It can be challenging to characterize plaque components due to (I) partial volume effect in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or (II) varying Hausdorff values in plaque regions in CT, and (III) attenuation of echoes reflected by the plaque during US causing acoustic shadowing. Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have become an indispensable part of healthcare and their applications to the non-invasive imaging technologies such as MRI, CT, and the US. In this narrative review, three main types of AI models (machine learning, deep learning, and transfer learning) are analyzed when applied to MRI, CT, and the US. A link between carotid plaque characteristics and the risk of coronary artery disease is presented. With regard to characterization, we review tools and techniques that use AI models to distinguish carotid plaque types based on signal processing and feature strengths. We conclude that AI-based solutions offer an accurate and robust path for tissue characterization and classification for carotid artery plaque imaging in all three imaging modalities. Due to cost, user-friendliness, and clinical effectiveness, AI in the US has dominated the most

    A Powerful Paradigm for Cardiovascular Risk Stratification Using Multiclass, Multi-Label, and Ensemble-Based Machine Learning Paradigms: A Narrative Review

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    Background and Motivation: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) causes the highest mortality globally. With escalating healthcare costs, early non-invasive CVD risk assessment is vital. Conventional methods have shown poor performance compared to more recent and fast-evolving Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods. The proposed study reviews the three most recent paradigms for CVD risk assessment, namely multiclass, multi-label, and ensemble-based methods in (i) office-based and (ii) stress-test laboratories. Methods: A total of 265 CVD-based studies were selected using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) model. Due to its popularity and recent development, the study analyzed the above three paradigms using machine learning (ML) frameworks. We review comprehensively these three methods using attributes, such as architecture, applications, pro-and-cons, scientific validation, clinical evaluation, and AI risk-of-bias (RoB) in the CVD framework. These ML techniques were then extended under mobile and cloud-based infrastructure. Findings: Most popular biomarkers used were office-based, laboratory-based, image-based phenotypes, and medication usage. Surrogate carotid scanning for coronary artery risk prediction had shown promising results. Ground truth (GT) selection for AI-based training along with scientific and clinical validation is very important for CVD stratification to avoid RoB. It was observed that the most popular classification paradigm is multiclass followed by the ensemble, and multi-label. The use of deep learning techniques in CVD risk stratification is in a very early stage of development. Mobile and cloud-based AI technologies are more likely to be the future. Conclusions: AI-based methods for CVD risk assessment are most promising and successful. Choice of GT is most vital in AI-based models to prevent the RoB. The amalgamation of image-based strategies with conventional risk factors provides the highest stability when using the three CVD paradigms in non-cloud and cloud-based frameworks

    An automatic deep learning approach for coronary artery calcium segmentation

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    Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is a significant marker of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events. In this work we present a system for the automatic quantification of calcium score in ECG-triggered non-contrast enhanced cardiac computed tomography (CT) images. The proposed system uses a supervised deep learning algorithm, i.e. convolutional neural network (CNN) for the segmentation and classification of candidate lesions as coronary or not, previously extracted in the region of the heart using a cardiac atlas. We trained our network with 45 CT volumes; 18 volumes were used to validate the model and 56 to test it. Individual lesions were detected with a sensitivity of 91.24%, a specificity of 95.37% and a positive predicted value (PPV) of 90.5%; comparing calcium score obtained by the system and calcium score manually evaluated by an expert operator, a Pearson coefficient of 0.983 was obtained. A high agreement (Cohen's k = 0.879) between manual and automatic risk prediction was also observed. These results demonstrated that convolutional neural networks can be effectively applied for the automatic segmentation and classification of coronary calcifications

    Deep learning applications in coronary anatomy imaging:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: The application of deep learning on medical imaging is growing in prevalence in the recent literature. One of the most studied areas is coronary artery disease (CAD). Imaging of coronary artery anatomy is fundamental, which has led to a high number of publications describing a variety of techniques. The aim of this systematic review is to review the evidence behind the accuracy of deep learning applications in coronary anatomy imaging. Methods: The search for the relevant studies, which applied deep learning on coronary anatomy imaging, was performed in a systematic approach on MEDLINE and EMBASE databases, followed by reviewing of abstracts and full texts. The data from the final studies was retrieved using data extraction forms. A meta-analysis was performed on a subgroup of studies, which looked at fractional flow reserve (FFR) prediction. Heterogeneity was tested using tau2, I2 and Q tests. Finally, a risk of bias was performed using Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) approach. Results: A total of 81 studies met the inclusion criteria. The most common imaging modality was coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) (58%) and the most common deep learning method was convolutional neural network (CNN) (52%). The majority of studies demonstrated good performance metrics. The most common outputs were focused on coronary artery segmentation, clinical outcome prediction, coronary calcium quantification and FFR prediction, and most studies reported area under the curve (AUC) of ≥80%. The pooled diagnostic odds ratio (DOR) derived from 8 studies looking at FFR prediction using CCTA was 12.5 using the Mantel-Haenszel (MH) method. There was no significant heterogeneity amongst studies according to Q test (P=0.2496). Conclusions: Deep learning has been used in many applications on coronary anatomy imaging, most of which are yet to be externally validated and prepared for clinical use. The performance of deep learning, especially CNN models, proved to be powerful and some applications have already translated into medical practice, such as computed tomography (CT)-FFR. These applications have the potential to translate technology into better care of CAD patients.</p

    Cardiovascular/Stroke Risk Assessment in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction—A Role of Carotid Wall Arterial Imaging and Plaque Tissue Characterization Using Artificial Intelligence Paradigm: A Narrative Review

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    Purpose: The role of erectile dysfunction (ED) has recently shown an association with the risk of stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) via the atherosclerotic pathway. Cardiovascular disease (CVD)/stroke risk has been widely understood with the help of carotid artery disease (CTAD), a surrogate biomarker for CHD. The proposed study emphasizes artificial intelligence-based frameworks such as machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) that can accurately predict the severity of CVD/stroke risk using carotid wall arterial imaging in ED patients. Methods: Using the PRISMA model, 231 of the best studies were selected. The proposed study mainly consists of two components: (i) the pathophysiology of ED and its link with coronary artery disease (COAD) and CHD in the ED framework and (ii) the ultrasonic-image morphological changes in the carotid arterial walls by quantifying the wall parameters and the characterization of the wall tissue by adapting the ML/DL-based methods, both for the prediction of the severity of CVD risk. The proposed study analyzes the hypothesis that ML/DL can lead to an accurate and early diagnosis of the CVD/stroke risk in ED patients. Our finding suggests that the routine ED patient practice can be amended for ML/DL-based CVD/stroke risk assessment using carotid wall arterial imaging leading to fast, reliable, and accurate CVD/stroke risk stratification. Summary: We conclude that ML and DL methods are very powerful tools for the characterization of CVD/stroke in patients with varying ED conditions. We anticipate a rapid growth of these tools for early and better CVD/stroke risk management in ED patients
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