11,912 research outputs found

    Learning Deep Similarity Metric for 3D MR-TRUS Registration

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    Purpose: The fusion of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) and magnetic resonance (MR) images for guiding targeted prostate biopsy has significantly improved the biopsy yield of aggressive cancers. A key component of MR-TRUS fusion is image registration. However, it is very challenging to obtain a robust automatic MR-TRUS registration due to the large appearance difference between the two imaging modalities. The work presented in this paper aims to tackle this problem by addressing two challenges: (i) the definition of a suitable similarity metric and (ii) the determination of a suitable optimization strategy. Methods: This work proposes the use of a deep convolutional neural network to learn a similarity metric for MR-TRUS registration. We also use a composite optimization strategy that explores the solution space in order to search for a suitable initialization for the second-order optimization of the learned metric. Further, a multi-pass approach is used in order to smooth the metric for optimization. Results: The learned similarity metric outperforms the classical mutual information and also the state-of-the-art MIND feature based methods. The results indicate that the overall registration framework has a large capture range. The proposed deep similarity metric based approach obtained a mean TRE of 3.86mm (with an initial TRE of 16mm) for this challenging problem. Conclusion: A similarity metric that is learned using a deep neural network can be used to assess the quality of any given image registration and can be used in conjunction with the aforementioned optimization framework to perform automatic registration that is robust to poor initialization.Comment: To appear on IJCAR

    Keypoint Transfer for Fast Whole-Body Segmentation

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    We introduce an approach for image segmentation based on sparse correspondences between keypoints in testing and training images. Keypoints represent automatically identified distinctive image locations, where each keypoint correspondence suggests a transformation between images. We use these correspondences to transfer label maps of entire organs from the training images to the test image. The keypoint transfer algorithm includes three steps: (i) keypoint matching, (ii) voting-based keypoint labeling, and (iii) keypoint-based probabilistic transfer of organ segmentations. We report segmentation results for abdominal organs in whole-body CT and MRI, as well as in contrast-enhanced CT and MRI. Our method offers a speed-up of about three orders of magnitude in comparison to common multi-atlas segmentation, while achieving an accuracy that compares favorably. Moreover, keypoint transfer does not require the registration to an atlas or a training phase. Finally, the method allows for the segmentation of scans with highly variable field-of-view.Comment: Accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin

    Medical Image Segmentation Based on Multi-Modal Convolutional Neural Network: Study on Image Fusion Schemes

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    Image analysis using more than one modality (i.e. multi-modal) has been increasingly applied in the field of biomedical imaging. One of the challenges in performing the multimodal analysis is that there exist multiple schemes for fusing the information from different modalities, where such schemes are application-dependent and lack a unified framework to guide their designs. In this work we firstly propose a conceptual architecture for the image fusion schemes in supervised biomedical image analysis: fusing at the feature level, fusing at the classifier level, and fusing at the decision-making level. Further, motivated by the recent success in applying deep learning for natural image analysis, we implement the three image fusion schemes above based on the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with varied structures, and combined into a single framework. The proposed image segmentation framework is capable of analyzing the multi-modality images using different fusing schemes simultaneously. The framework is applied to detect the presence of soft tissue sarcoma from the combination of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) images. It is found from the results that while all the fusion schemes outperform the single-modality schemes, fusing at the feature level can generally achieve the best performance in terms of both accuracy and computational cost, but also suffers from the decreased robustness in the presence of large errors in any image modalities.Comment: Zhe Guo and Xiang Li contribute equally to this wor

    HyperDense-Net: A hyper-densely connected CNN for multi-modal image segmentation

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    Recently, dense connections have attracted substantial attention in computer vision because they facilitate gradient flow and implicit deep supervision during training. Particularly, DenseNet, which connects each layer to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion, has shown impressive performances in natural image classification tasks. We propose HyperDenseNet, a 3D fully convolutional neural network that extends the definition of dense connectivity to multi-modal segmentation problems. Each imaging modality has a path, and dense connections occur not only between the pairs of layers within the same path, but also between those across different paths. This contrasts with the existing multi-modal CNN approaches, in which modeling several modalities relies entirely on a single joint layer (or level of abstraction) for fusion, typically either at the input or at the output of the network. Therefore, the proposed network has total freedom to learn more complex combinations between the modalities, within and in-between all the levels of abstraction, which increases significantly the learning representation. We report extensive evaluations over two different and highly competitive multi-modal brain tissue segmentation challenges, iSEG 2017 and MRBrainS 2013, with the former focusing on 6-month infant data and the latter on adult images. HyperDenseNet yielded significant improvements over many state-of-the-art segmentation networks, ranking at the top on both benchmarks. We further provide a comprehensive experimental analysis of features re-use, which confirms the importance of hyper-dense connections in multi-modal representation learning. Our code is publicly available at https://www.github.com/josedolz/HyperDenseNet.Comment: Paper accepted at IEEE TMI in October 2018. Last version of this paper updates the reference to the IEEE TMI paper which compares the submissions to the iSEG 2017 MICCAI Challeng

    Multi-branch Convolutional Neural Network for Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation

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    In this paper, we present an automated approach for segmenting multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions from multi-modal brain magnetic resonance images. Our method is based on a deep end-to-end 2D convolutional neural network (CNN) for slice-based segmentation of 3D volumetric data. The proposed CNN includes a multi-branch downsampling path, which enables the network to encode information from multiple modalities separately. Multi-scale feature fusion blocks are proposed to combine feature maps from different modalities at different stages of the network. Then, multi-scale feature upsampling blocks are introduced to upsize combined feature maps to leverage information from lesion shape and location. We trained and tested the proposed model using orthogonal plane orientations of each 3D modality to exploit the contextual information in all directions. The proposed pipeline is evaluated on two different datasets: a private dataset including 37 MS patients and a publicly available dataset known as the ISBI 2015 longitudinal MS lesion segmentation challenge dataset, consisting of 14 MS patients. Considering the ISBI challenge, at the time of submission, our method was amongst the top performing solutions. On the private dataset, using the same array of performance metrics as in the ISBI challenge, the proposed approach shows high improvements in MS lesion segmentation compared with other publicly available tools.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in NeuroImag

    Registration and Fusion of Multi-Spectral Images Using a Novel Edge Descriptor

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    In this paper we introduce a fully end-to-end approach for multi-spectral image registration and fusion. Our method for fusion combines images from different spectral channels into a single fused image by different approaches for low and high frequency signals. A prerequisite of fusion is a stage of geometric alignment between the spectral bands, commonly referred to as registration. Unfortunately, common methods for image registration of a single spectral channel do not yield reasonable results on images from different modalities. For that end, we introduce a new algorithm for multi-spectral image registration, based on a novel edge descriptor of feature points. Our method achieves an accurate alignment of a level that allows us to further fuse the images. As our experiments show, we produce a high quality of multi-spectral image registration and fusion under many challenging scenarios