5,734 research outputs found

    Data Models in Neuroinformatics

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    Advancements in integrated neuroscience are often characterized with data-driven approaches for discovery; these progressions are the result of continuous efforts aimed at developing integrated frameworks for the investigation of neuronal dynamics at increasing resolution and in varying scales. Since insights from integrated neuronal models frequently rely on both experimental and computational approaches, simulations and data modeling have inimitable roles. Moreover, data sharing across the neuroscientific community has become an essential component of data-driven approaches to neuroscience as is evident from the number and scale of ongoing national and multinational projects, engaging scientists from diverse branches of knowledge. In this heterogeneous environment, the need to share neuroscientific data as well as to utilize it across different simulation environments drove the momentum for standardizing data models for neuronal morphologies, biophysical properties, and connectivity schemes. Here, I review existing data models in neuroinformatics, ranging from flat to hybrid object-hierarchical approaches, and suggest a framework with which these models can be linked to experimental data, as well as to established records from existing databases. Linking neuronal models and experimental results with data on relevant articles, genes, proteins, disease, etc., might open a new dimension for data-driven neuroscience

    Revisión de los métodos computerizados para la reconstrucción de fragmentos arqueológicos de cerámica

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    [ES] Las cerámicas son los hallazgos más numerosos encontrados en las excavaciones arqueológicas; a menudo se usan para obtener información sobre la historia, la economía y el arte de un sitio. Los arqueólogos rara vez encuentran jarrones completos; en general, están dañados y en fragmentos, a menudo mezclados con otros grupos de cerámica.El análisis y la reconstrucción de fragmentos se realiza por un operador experto mediante el uso del método manual tradicional. Los artículos revisados proporcionaron evidencias de que el método tradicional no es reproducible, no es repetible, consume mucho tiempo y sus resultados generan grandes incertidumbres. Con el objetivo de superar los límites anteriores, en los últimos años, los investigadores han realizado esfuerzos para desarrollar métodos informáticos que permitan el análisis de fragmentos arqueológicos de cerámica, todo ello destinado a su reconstrucción. Para contribuir a este campo de estudio, en este artículo, se presenta un análisis exhaustivo de las publicaciones disponibles más importantes hasta finales de 2019. Este estudio, centrado únicamente en fragmentos de cerámica, se realiza mediante la recopilación de artículos en inglés de la base de datos Scopus, utilizando las siguientes palabras clave: "métodos informáticos en arqueología", "arqueología 3D", "reconstrucción 3D", "reconocimiento y reconstrucción automática de características", "restauración de reliquias en forma de cerámica ". La lista se completa con referencias adicionales que se encuentran a través de la lectura de documentos seleccionados. Los 53 trabajos seleccionados se dividen en tres períodos de tiempo. Según una revisión detallada de los estudios realizados, los elementos clave de cada método analizado se enumeran en función de las herramientas de adquisición de datos, las características extraídas, los procesos de clasificación y las técnicas de correspondencia. Finalmente, para superar las brechas reales, se proponen algunas recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones.[EN] Potteries are the most numerous finds found in archaeological excavations; they are often used to get information about the history, economy, and art of a site. Archaeologists rarely find complete vases but, generally, damaged and in fragments, often mixed with other pottery groups. By using the traditional manual method, the analysis and reconstruction of sherds are performed by a skilled operator. Reviewed papers provided evidence that the traditional method is not reproducible, not repeatable, time-consuming and its results have great uncertainties. To overcome the aforementioned limits, in the last years, researchers have made efforts to develop computer-based methods for archaeological ceramic sherds analysis, aimed at their reconstruction. To contribute to this field of study, in this paper, a comprehensive analysis of the most important available publications until the end of 2019 is presented. This study, focused on pottery fragments only, is performed by collecting papers in English by the Scopus database using the following keywords: “computer methods in archaeology", "3D archaeology", "3D reconstruction", "automatic feature recognition and reconstruction", "restoration of pottery shape relics”. The list is completed by additional references found through the reading of selected papers. The 53 selected papers are divided into three periods of time. According to a detailed review of the performed studies, the key elements of each analyzed method are listed based on data acquisition tools, features extracted, classification processes, and matching techniques. Finally, to overcome the actual gaps some recommendations for future researches are proposed.Highlights:The traditional manual method for reassembling sherds is very time-consuming and costly; it also requires a great deal effort from skilled archaeologists in repetitive and routine activities.Computer-based methods for archaeological ceramic sherds reconstruction can help archaeologists in the above-mentioned repetitive and routine activities.In this paper, the state-of-the-art computer-based methods for archaeological ceramic sherds reconstruction are reviewed, and some recommendations for future researches are proposed.Eslami, D.; Di Angelo, L.; Di Stefano, P.; Pane, C. (2020). Review of computer-based methods for archaeological ceramic sherds reconstruction. Virtual Archaeology Review. 11(23):34-49. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2020.13134OJS34491123Andrews, S., & Laidlaw, D. H. (2002). Toward a framework for assembling broken pottery vessels. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (August 2003), (pp. 945-946).Banterle, F., Itkin, B., Dellepiane, M., Wolf, L., Callieri, M., Dershowitz, N., & Scopigno, R. (2017). VASESKETCH: Automatic 3D Representation of Pottery from Paper Catalog Drawings. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR, 1(693548), (pp. 683-690). https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDAR.2017.117Belenguer, C. S., & Vidal, E. V. (2012). Archaeological fragment characterization and 3D reconstruction based on projective GPU depth maps. In Proceedings of the 2012 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia, VSMM 2012: Virtual Systems in the Information Society, (pp. 275-282). https://doi.org/10.1109/VSMM.2012.6365935Blender. (2018). An open-source 3D graphics and animation software. Retrieved from https://www.blender.orgBrown, B. J., Toler-Franklin, C., Nehab, D., Burns, M., Dobkin, D., Vlachopoulos, A., Weyrich, T. (2008). A system for high-volume acquisition and matching of fresco fragments: Reassembling Theran wall paintings. ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3). https://doi.org/10.1145/1360612.1360683Cao, Y., & Mumford, D. (2002). Geometric Structure Estimation of Axially Symmetric Pots from Small Fragments. In Proceedings of the signal processing, pattern recognition and applications, IASTED, Crete, Greece, June 25-28, 2002, (pp. 92-97).Cohen, F., Zhang, Z., & Jeppson, P. (2010). Virtual reconstruction of archaeological vessels using convex hulls of surface markings. 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition-Workshops, (pp. 55-61). http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/CVPRW.2010.5543528Cohen, F., Zhang, Z., & Liu, Z. (2016). Mending broken vessels a fusion between color markings and anchor points on surface breaks. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(7), 3709-3732. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-014-2190-0Cooper, D. B., Willis, A., Andrews, S., Baker, J., Cao, Y., Han, D., … others. (2001). Assembling virtual pots from 3D measurements of their fragments. In Proceedings of the 2001 Conference on Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage, (pp. 241-254). https://doi.org/10.1145/584993.585032Di Angelo, L., Di Stefano, P., Morabito, A. E., & Pane, C. (2018). Measurement of constant radius geometric features in archaeological pottery. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 124 (March), 138-146. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2018.04.016Di Angelo, L., Di Stefano, P., & Pane, C. (2018). An automatic method for pottery fragments analysis. Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 128, 138-148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2018.06.008Di Angelo, Luca, Di Stefano, P., & Pane, C. (2017). Automatic dimensional characterization of pottery. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 26, 118-128. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2017.02.003Fragkos, S., Tzimtzimis, E., Tzetzis, D., Dodun, O., & Kyratsis, P. (2018). 3D laser scanning and digital restoration of an archaeological find. MATEC Web of Conferences, 178. https://doi.org/10.1051/matecconf/201817803013Funkhouser, T., Shin, H., Toler-Franklin, C., Castañeda, A. G., Brown, B., Dobkin, D., Weyrich, T. (2011). Learning how to match fresco fragments. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage, 4(2). https://doi.org/10.1145/2037820.2037824Halir, R., & Menard, C. (1996). Diameter estimation for archaeological pottery using active vision. 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(2014). Axis estimation and grouping of rotationally symmetric object segments. Pattern Recognition, 47(1), 296-312. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.patcog.2013.06.022Hlavackova-Schindler, K., Kampel, M., & Sablatnig, R. (2001). Fitting of a Closed Planar Curve Representing a Profile of an Archaeological Fragment. In Proceedings VAST 2001 Virtual Reality, Archeology, and Cultural Heritage, (pp. 263-269). https://doi.org/10.1145/585031.585034Huang, Q. X., Flöry, S., Gelfand, N., Hofer, M., & Pottmann, H. (2006). Reassembling fractured objects by geometric matching. ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Papers, SIGGRAPH '06, (May), (pp. 569-578). https://doi.org/10.1145/1179352.1141925Igwe, P. C., & Knopf, G. K. (2006). 3D object reconstruction using geometric computing. Geometric Modeling and Imaging New Trends, 9-14. https://doi.org/10.1109/GMAI.2006.1Kalasarinis, I., & Koutsoudis, A. (2019). Assisting pottery restoration procedures with digital technologies. 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In Proceedings of the International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICDAR, (March 2014), (pp. 1061-1065). https://doi.org/10.1109/ICDAR.2009.154Kotoula, E. (2016). Semiautomatic fragments matching and virtual reconstruction: a case study on ceramics. International Journal of Conservation Science, 7(1), 71-86. Retrieved from http://eprints.lincoln.ac.uk/id/eprint/31035/Lucena, M., Martínez-Carrillo, A. L., Fuertes, J. M., Javier Carrascosa Malagón, F., & Ruiz Rodríguez, A. (2016). Decision support system for classifying archaeological pottery profiles based on mathematical morphology. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 75(7), 3677-3691. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-014-2063-6Maiza, C., & Gaildrat, V. (2005). Automatic classification of archaeological potsherds. 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    Aerospace medicine and biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 323)

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    This bibliography lists 125 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during April, 1989. Subject coverage includes; aerospace medicine and psychology, life support systems and controlled environments, safety equipment exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 141)

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    This special bibliography lists 267 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in April 1975

    An Evolutionary Approach to Adaptive Image Analysis for Retrieving and Long-term Monitoring Historical Land Use from Spatiotemporally Heterogeneous Map Sources

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    Land use changes have become a major contributor to the anthropogenic global change. The ongoing dispersion and concentration of the human species, being at their orders unprecedented, have indisputably altered Earth’s surface and atmosphere. The effects are so salient and irreversible that a new geological epoch, following the interglacial Holocene, has been announced: the Anthropocene. While its onset is by some scholars dated back to the Neolithic revolution, it is commonly referred to the late 18th century. The rapid development since the industrial revolution and its implications gave rise to an increasing awareness of the extensive anthropogenic land change and led to an urgent need for sustainable strategies for land use and land management. By preserving of landscape and settlement patterns at discrete points in time, archival geospatial data sources such as remote sensing imagery and historical geotopographic maps, in particular, could give evidence of the dynamic land use change during this crucial period. In this context, this thesis set out to explore the potentials of retrospective geoinformation for monitoring, communicating, modeling and eventually understanding the complex and gradually evolving processes of land cover and land use change. Currently, large amounts of geospatial data sources such as archival maps are being worldwide made online accessible by libraries and national mapping agencies. Despite their abundance and relevance, the usage of historical land use and land cover information in research is still often hindered by the laborious visual interpretation, limiting the temporal and spatial coverage of studies. Thus, the core of the thesis is dedicated to the computational acquisition of geoinformation from archival map sources by means of digital image analysis. Based on a comprehensive review of literature as well as the data and proposed algorithms, two major challenges for long-term retrospective information acquisition and change detection were identified: first, the diversity of geographical entity representations over space and time, and second, the uncertainty inherent to both the data source itself and its utilization for land change detection. To address the former challenge, image segmentation is considered a global non-linear optimization problem. The segmentation methods and parameters are adjusted using a metaheuristic, evolutionary approach. For preserving adaptability in high level image analysis, a hybrid model- and data-driven strategy, combining a knowledge-based and a neural net classifier, is recommended. To address the second challenge, a probabilistic object- and field-based change detection approach for modeling the positional, thematic, and temporal uncertainty adherent to both data and processing, is developed. Experimental results indicate the suitability of the methodology in support of land change monitoring. In conclusion, potentials of application and directions for further research are given

    Genetic programming applied to morphological image processing

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    This thesis presents three approaches to the automatic design of algorithms for the processing of binary images based on the Genetic Programming (GP) paradigm. In the first approach the algorithms are designed using the basic Mathematical Morphology (MM) operators, i.e. erosion and dilation, with a variety of Structuring Elements (SEs). GP is used to design algorithms to convert a binary image into another containing just a particular characteristic of interest. In the study we have tested two similarity fitness functions, training sets with different numbers of elements and different sizes of the training images over three different objectives. The results of the first approach showed some success in the evolution of MM algorithms but also identifed problems with the amount of computational resources the method required. The second approach uses Sub-Machine-Code GP (SMCGP) and bitwise operators as an attempt to speed-up the evolution of the algorithms and to make them both feasible and effective. The SMCGP approach was successful in the speeding up of the computation but it was not successful in improving the quality of the obtained algorithms. The third approach presents the combination of logical and morphological operators in an attempt to improve the quality of the automatically designed algorithms. The results obtained provide empirical evidence showing that the evolution of high quality MM algorithms using GP is possible and that this technique has a broad potential that should be explored further. This thesis includes an analysis of the potential of GP and other Machine Learning techniques for solving the general problem of Signal Understanding by means of exploring Mathematical Morphology

    An overview of decision table literature 1982-1995.

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    This report gives an overview of the literature on decision tables over the past 15 years. As much as possible, for each reference, an author supplied abstract, a number of keywords and a classification are provided. In some cases own comments are added. The purpose of these comments is to show where, how and why decision tables are used. The literature is classified according to application area, theoretical versus practical character, year of publication, country or origin (not necessarily country of publication) and the language of the document. After a description of the scope of the interview, classification results and the classification by topic are presented. The main body of the paper is the ordered list of publications with abstract, classification and comments.

    Application of Advanced MRI to Fetal Medicine and Surgery

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    Robust imaging is essential for comprehensive preoperative evaluation, prognostication, and surgical planning in the field of fetal medicine and surgery. This is a challenging task given the small fetal size and increased fetal and maternal motion which affect MRI spatial resolution. This thesis explores the clinical applicability of post-acquisition processing using MRI advances such as super-resolution reconstruction (SRR) to generate optimal 3D isotropic volumes of anatomical structures by mitigating unpredictable fetal and maternal motion artefact. It paves the way for automated robust and accurate rapid segmentation of the fetal brain. This enables a hierarchical analysis of volume, followed by a local surface-based shape analysis (joint spectral matching) using mathematical markers (curvedness, shape index) that infer gyrification. This allows for more precise, quantitative measurements, and calculation of longitudinal correspondences of cortical brain development. I explore the potential of these MRI advances in three clinical settings: fetal brain development in the context of fetal surgery for spina bifida, airway assessment in fetal tracheolaryngeal obstruction, and the placental-myometrial-bladder interface in placenta accreta spectrum (PAS). For the fetal brain, MRI advances demonstrated an understanding of the impact of intervention on cortical development which may improve fetal candidate selection, neurocognitive prognostication, and parental counselling. This is of critical importance given that spina bifida fetal surgery is now a clinical reality and is routinely being performed globally. For the fetal trachea, SRR can provide improved anatomical information to better select those pregnancies where an EXIT procedure is required to enable the fetal airway to be secured in a timely manner. This would improve maternal and fetal morbidity outcomes associated with haemorrhage and hypoxic brain injury. Similarly, in PAS, SRR may assist surgical planning by providing enhanced anatomical assessment and prediction for adverse peri-operative maternal outcome such as bladder injury, catastrophic obstetric haemorrhage and maternal death