39 research outputs found

    Automatic code generation and tuning for stencil kernels on modern shared memory architectures

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    In this paper, we present Patus, a code generation and auto-tuning framework for stencil computations targeted at multi- and manycore processors, such as multicore CPUs and graphics processing units. Patus, which stands for "Parallel Autotuned Stencils,” generates a compute kernel from a specification of the stencil operation and a strategy which describes the parallelization and optimization to be applied, and leverages the autotuning methodology to optimize strategy-specific parameters for the given hardware architectur

    Auto-tuning the Matrix Powers Kernel with SEJITS

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    Abstract. The matrix powers kernel, used in communication-avoiding Krylov subspace methods, requires runtime auto-tuning for best performance. We demonstrate how the SEJITS (Selective Embedded Just-InTime Specialization) approach can be used to deliver a high-performance and performance-portable implementation of the matrix powers kernel to application authors, while separating their high-level concerns from those of auto-tuner implementers involving low-level optimizations. The benefits of delivering this kernel in the form of a specializer, rather than a traditional library, are discussed. Performance of the matrix powers kernel specializer is evaluated in the context of a communication-avoiding conjugate gradient (CA-CG) solver, which compares favorably to traditional CG

    Automatic Differentiation for Adjoint Stencil Loops

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    Stencil loops are a common motif in computations including convolutional neural networks, structured-mesh solvers for partial differential equations, and image processing. Stencil loops are easy to parallelise, and their fast execution is aided by compilers, libraries, and domain-specific languages. Reverse-mode automatic differentiation, also known as algorithmic differentiation, autodiff, adjoint differentiation, or back-propagation, is sometimes used to obtain gradients of programs that contain stencil loops. Unfortunately, conventional automatic differentiation results in a memory access pattern that is not stencil-like and not easily parallelisable. In this paper we present a novel combination of automatic differentiation and loop transformations that preserves the structure and memory access pattern of stencil loops, while computing fully consistent derivatives. The generated loops can be parallelised and optimised for performance in the same way and using the same tools as the original computation. We have implemented this new technique in the Python tool PerforAD, which we release with this paper along with test cases derived from seismic imaging and computational fluid dynamics applications.Comment: ICPP 201

    Stencil codes on a vector length agnostic architecture

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    Data-level parallelism is frequently ignored or underutilized. Achieved through vector/SIMD capabilities, it can provide substantial performance improvements on top of widely used techniques such as thread-level parallelism. However, manual vectorization is a tedious and costly process that needs to be repeated for each specific instruction set or register size. In addition, automatic compiler vectorization is susceptible to code complexity, and usually limited due to data and control dependencies. To address some these issues, Arm recently released a new vector ISA, the Scalable Vector Extension (SVE), which is Vector-Length Agnostic (VLA). VLA enables the generation of binary files that run regardless of the physical vector register length. In this paper we leverage the main characteristics of SVE to implement and optimize stencil computations, ubiquitous in scientific computing. We show that SVE enables easy deployment of textbook optimizations like loop unrolling, loop fusion, load trading or data reuse. Our detailed simulations using vector lengths ranging from 128 to 2,048 bits show that these optimizations can lead to performance improvements over straight-forward vectorized code of up to 56.6% for 2,048 bit vectors. In addition, we show that certain optimizations can hurt performance due to a reduction in arithmetic intensity, and provide insight useful for compiler optimizers.This work has been partially supported by the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence, by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (contract TIN2015-65316-P), and by the Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2017-SGR-1328 and 2017-SGR-1414). The Mont-Blanc project receives funding from the EUs H2020 Framework Programme (H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreements no. 671697 and no. 779877. M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Ramon y Cajal fellowship number RYC-2016-21104. Finally, A. Armejach has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number FJCI-2015-24753.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Accelerating Stencil Computation on GPGPU by Novel Mapping Method Between the Global Memory and the Shared Memory

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    Acceleration of stencil computation can be effectively improved by utilizing the memory resource. In this paper, in order to reduce the branch divergence of traditional mapping method between the global memory and the shared memory, we devise a new mapping mechanism in which the conditional statements loading the boundary stencil computation points in every XY-tile are removed by aligning ghost zone to reduce the synchronization overhead. In addition, we make full use of single XY-tile loaded into registers in every stencil computation point, common sub-expression elimination and software prefetching to reduce overhead. At last detailed performance evaluation demonstrates our optimized policies are close to optimal in terms of memory bandwidth utilization and achieve higher performance of stencil computation