274 research outputs found

    Minimizing Communication for Eigenproblems and the Singular Value Decomposition

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    Algorithms have two costs: arithmetic and communication. The latter represents the cost of moving data, either between levels of a memory hierarchy, or between processors over a network. Communication often dominates arithmetic and represents a rapidly increasing proportion of the total cost, so we seek algorithms that minimize communication. In \cite{BDHS10} lower bounds were presented on the amount of communication required for essentially all O(n3)O(n^3)-like algorithms for linear algebra, including eigenvalue problems and the SVD. Conventional algorithms, including those currently implemented in (Sca)LAPACK, perform asymptotically more communication than these lower bounds require. In this paper we present parallel and sequential eigenvalue algorithms (for pencils, nonsymmetric matrices, and symmetric matrices) and SVD algorithms that do attain these lower bounds, and analyze their convergence and communication costs.Comment: 43 pages, 11 figure

    A biconjugate gradient type algorithm on massively parallel architectures

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    The biconjugate gradient (BCG) method is the natural generalization of the classical conjugate gradient algorithm for Hermitian positive definite matrices to general non-Hermitian linear systems. Unfortunately, the original BCG algorithm is susceptible to possible breakdowns and numerical instabilities. Recently, Freund and Nachtigal have proposed a novel BCG type approach, the quasi-minimal residual method (QMR), which overcomes the problems of BCG. Here, an implementation is presented of QMR based on an s-step version of the nonsymmetric look-ahead Lanczos algorithm. The main feature of the s-step Lanczos algorithm is that, in general, all inner products, except for one, can be computed in parallel at the end of each block; this is unlike the other standard Lanczos process where inner products are generated sequentially. The resulting implementation of QMR is particularly attractive on massively parallel SIMD architectures, such as the Connection Machine


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    A Class of Parallel Tiled Linear Algebra Algorithms for Multicore Architectures

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    As multicore systems continue to gain ground in the High Performance Computing world, linear algebra algorithms have to be reformulated or new algorithms have to be developed in order to take advantage of the architectural features on these new processors. Fine grain parallelism becomes a major requirement and introduces the necessity of loose synchronization in the parallel execution of an operation. This paper presents an algorithm for the Cholesky, LU and QR factorization where the operations can be represented as a sequence of small tasks that operate on square blocks of data. These tasks can be dynamically scheduled for execution based on the dependencies among them and on the availability of computational resources. This may result in an out of order execution of the tasks which will completely hide the presence of intrinsically sequential tasks in the factorization. Performance comparisons are presented with the LAPACK algorithms where parallelism can only be exploited at the level of the BLAS operations and vendor implementations

    A fast semi-direct least squares algorithm for hierarchically block separable matrices

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    We present a fast algorithm for linear least squares problems governed by hierarchically block separable (HBS) matrices. Such matrices are generally dense but data-sparse and can describe many important operators including those derived from asymptotically smooth radial kernels that are not too oscillatory. The algorithm is based on a recursive skeletonization procedure that exposes this sparsity and solves the dense least squares problem as a larger, equality-constrained, sparse one. It relies on a sparse QR factorization coupled with iterative weighted least squares methods. In essence, our scheme consists of a direct component, comprised of matrix compression and factorization, followed by an iterative component to enforce certain equality constraints. At most two iterations are typically required for problems that are not too ill-conditioned. For an M×NM \times N HBS matrix with M≄NM \geq N having bounded off-diagonal block rank, the algorithm has optimal O(M+N)\mathcal{O} (M + N) complexity. If the rank increases with the spatial dimension as is common for operators that are singular at the origin, then this becomes O(M+N)\mathcal{O} (M + N) in 1D, O(M+N3/2)\mathcal{O} (M + N^{3/2}) in 2D, and O(M+N2)\mathcal{O} (M + N^{2}) in 3D. We illustrate the performance of the method on both over- and underdetermined systems in a variety of settings, with an emphasis on radial basis function approximation and efficient updating and downdating.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables; to appear in SIAM J. Matrix Anal. App

    Krylov Subspace Methods for Complex Non-Hermitian Linear Systems

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    We consider Krylov subspace methods for the solution of large sparse linear systems Ax = b with complex non-Hermitian coefficient matrices. Such linear systems arise in important applications, such as inverse scattering, numerical solution of time-dependent Schrodinger equations, underwater acoustics, eddy current computations, numerical computations in quantum chromodynamics, and numerical conformal mapping. Typically, the resulting coefficient matrices A exhibit special structures, such as complex symmetry, or they are shifted Hermitian matrices. In this paper, we first describe a Krylov subspace approach with iterates defined by a quasi-minimal residual property, the QMR method, for solving general complex non-Hermitian linear systems. Then, we study special Krylov subspace methods designed for the two families of complex symmetric respectively shifted Hermitian linear systems. We also include some results concerning the obvious approach to general complex linear systems by solving equivalent real linear systems for the real and imaginary parts of x. Finally, numerical experiments for linear systems arising from the complex Helmholtz equation are reported
