7 research outputs found

    AplicaciĂłn del modelo SERVQUAL para evaluar la calidad del servicio de transporte pĂşblico en Morelia, Mexico

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    Purpose: The objective of this paper is to evaluate the quality of the public transportation system service in the city of Morelia, Mexico. Methodology: According to the needs of the study, the expectation-perception SERVQUAL model was adapted, which consists of 5 variables: Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Security and Empathy, and 25 items. The subjects of the study were users over 15 years old who regularly use the system. Users answered the expectations questionnaire the before getting on the transport vehicle and for the perceptions questionnaire, users answered it after getting off the vehicles. For each questionnaire, the sample was 392, a total of 784 people participated in the study, and their answers where measured using a five-point Likert-type scale. Results: The mean comparison shows that respondents have a high expectation level, with 4 points or above, whereas their perception level is 3, with gaps between 0.5 and 1 points. Resumen Propósito: El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la calidad en el servicio del sistema de transporte público en la ciudad de Morelia, México. Metodología: Se adaptó el modelo SERVQUAL que evalúa las percepciones y expectativas de los usuarios de un servicio mediante una escala de 5 puntos tipo Likert, consta de 5 variables: Tangibilidad, Fiabilidad, Capacidad de Respuesta, Seguridad y Empatía, consta de 25 ítems. El sujeto de estudio fueron usuarios mayores de 15 años que utilizan el servicio. Para medir las expectativas, los usuarios fueron cuestionados antes de utilizar el servicio, para las percepciones, fueron cuestionados después de utilizarlo. La muestra fue de 392 casos, con un total de 784 participantes. Resultados: La comparación de medias muestra que los individuos tienen expectativas muy altas, con 4 o más puntos, contrario a las percepciones que presentan resultados de 3 puntos, además de brechas entre 0.5 y 1 puntos. Document type: Articl

    Antecedents of Customer Loyalty (CL) in the Mobile Telecommunication Companies in Cameroon

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    The mobile telecommunication (telecom) sector has become the basic source of information now-a-days especially in Cameroon. It is used to transfer and deliver information through voice, video, data, graphics, and more at perpetually increasing speeds. The quality of mobile services does not only impact the attraction of new customers but also to maintain the existing ones. The study uses relationship marketing theory and a quantitative and cross-sectional method with 200 respondents. Information was obtained from users of MTN and Orange mobile telecommunication networks. The analyses were done using SPSS version 20. Tangibility, reliability, and assurance dimensions of staff service quality showed a positive relationship with customer loyalty in mobile telecom companies in Cameroon. The findings also highlight the influence of service quality dimensions on customer loyalty in the mobile telecom companies of the country. This study complements to extant literature by examining the influence of the five service quality dimensions; tangibility, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, and empathy on consumer loyalty or retention in the mobile telecommunication companies in Cameroon

    Improving the decision-making process in the higher learning institutions via electronic records management system adoption

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by KSII in KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems on 31/01/2021, available online: http://itiis.org/digital-library/24232 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) is a computer program or set of applications that is utilized for keeping up to date records along with their storage. ERMS has been extensively utilized for enhancing the performance of academic institutions. The system assists in the planning and decision-making processes, which in turn enhances the competencies. However, although ERMS is significant in supporting the process of decision-making, the majority of organizations have failed to take an initiative to implement it, taking into account that are some implementing it without an appropriate framework, and thus resulted in the practice which does not meet the accepted standard. Therefore, this study identifies the factors influencing the adoption of ERMS among employees of HLI in Yemen and the role of such adoption in the decision-making process, using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) along with Technology, Organization and Environment (TOE) as the underpinning theories. The study conducts a cross-sectional survey with a questionnaire as the technique for data collection, distributed to 364 participants in various Yemeni public Higher Learning Institutions (HLI). Using AMOS as a statistical method, the findings revealed there are significant and positive relationships between technology factors (effort expectancy, performance expectancy, IT infrastructure and security), organizational factors (top management support, financial support, training, and policy),environmental factors (competitiveness pressure, facilitating conditions and trust) and behavioral intention to adopt ERMS, which in return has a significant relationship with the process of decision-making in HLI. The study also presents a variety of theoretical and empirical contributions that enrich the body of knowledge in the field of technology adoption and the electronic record’s domain

    Extending delone and mclean success model with diffusion of innovation theory factors for flood early warning and response system success model : a case study at pahang civil defence department

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    In terms of population affected, the region involved, frequency, social-economic damage, and flood period, floods are a major natural disaster in Malaysia. That emphasizes the value of systematic and effective flood control, which necessitates government agencies improving their efficiency through technical advancement. The Flood Early Warning and Response System (FEWRS) success model is critical to prevent loss of life and property. It ensures that all stakeholders have the correct information and have the appropriate actions and response information. It should have some successful accessibility functionality and success elements of its strategic knowledge access and show, but current FEWRS success model lacks and often do not adequately have information on flood hazards to minimize their effects at a local level and save the lives of the people. For researchers, practitioners, and managers, determining the success of an Information System (IS) remains a significant concern. Therefore, the research objective of this study is to identify the success factors that affect the implementation of enhance FEWRS success model, to deploy the enhanced FEWRS success model. Moreover, to validate the enhanced FEWRS success model using the statistical analysis methods. This research focuses on two theoretical frameworks: DeLone and McLean (DLML) IS success model and Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI). These two theories have been found the most appropriate to be adopted for the FEWRS success model. They are merged to understand and explore the successful contingent related to IS implementation. DLML and DOI are among the most utilized theories applied in research relating to systems, technology, and information use. DOI theory states that the organization’s innovation and organizational characteristics and the environment in which it operates can influence the diffusion and success of Information Technology (IT) initiatives. The enhanced FEWRS success model was validated through the development of the enhanced FEWRS model and the use of statistical analysis methods. To validate the FEWRS success model, this study employs the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Data were collected through a questionnaire survey administered to 141 employees from Kuantan Civil Defence Department (CDD) in Pahang state, Malaysia. Preliminary survey had been done before going further into the study to show the importance of the research. The results suggest that information quality, system quality, service quality, and compatibility have a positive effect on user satisfaction of the enhanced FEWRS success model with (P-value = 2.359, 0.204, 0218, 0.445, and 0354. These factors have a strong significant relationship with the user’s satisfaction. However, the relative advantage has a positive effect on user satisfaction but was not supported with (P-value = 0.015). On the other hand, complexity has a negative effect on user satisfaction of the FEWRS with (P-value = - 0.114). Therefore, complexity was found to have a significant relationship with user satisfaction. Furthermore, user satisfaction has positively affected the success of the FEWRS. In the light of the FEWRS success model presence in the flood disaster and other natural disasters, the study findings will act as a guide for strengthening government policy and the public sector. Moreover, the results have a significant contribution by validating and extending the DLML with DOI factors and providing various implications to the research, theory, and practice

    Development and validation of an integrated model for evaluating e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) of Web-based applications in the context of a University web portal

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    Text in EnglishDevelopments in Internet technology and pervasive computing over the past two and half decades have resulted in a variety of Web-based applications (WBAs) that provide products and services to online users or customers. The Internet is used not only to transfer information via the web but is increasingly used to provide electronic services including business transactions, information-delivery and social networking, as well as e-government, e-health and e-learning. For such organisations, e-service quality, usability and user experience are considered to be critical determinants of their products’ or services’ success. Many studies to model these three concepts separately have been undertaken as part of broader studies of software quality or service quality modelling. However, to the current researcher’s knowledge, none of the studies have focussed on proposing an evaluation model that integrates and combines the three of them. This research is an effort to fill that gap. The primary purpose of this mixed-methods research was to develop a conceptual integrated model for evaluating e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) of WBAs and then contextualise it to evaluation of a University web portal (UWP). This was undertaken using an exploratory sequential research design. During a qualitative phase, an extensive extensive systematic literature review of 264 relevant sources relating to dimensions of e-service quality, usability and user experience, was undertaken to derive an integrated conceptual e-service quality, usability and user experience (e-SQUUX) Model for evaluating WBAs. The model was then empirically refined through a sequential series of validations, thus developing various versions of the e-SQUUX Model. First, it was content validated by a set of four expert reviewers. Second, during the quantitative phase, in the context of a University web portal, a questionnaire survey was conducted that included a comprehensive pilot study with 29 partipants, prior to the main survey. The main survey data from 174 particiapants was used to determine a validated model, using Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), followed by producing a structural model, using partial least square – structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). This version consisted of the components of the final e-SQUUX Model. Consequently, the research enriches the body of knowledge on IS and HCI by providing the e-SQUUX Model as an evaluation tool. For designers, developers and managers of UWPs, the model serves as a customisable set of evaluation criteria and also provides specific recommendations for design. In line with the Exploratory sequential design of mixed methods research, the findings of the qualitative work in this research influenced the subsequent quantitative study, since the potential Likert-scale questionnaire items were derived from the definitions and meanings of the components that emanated from the qualitative phase of the study. Consequently, this research is an exemplar for developing an integrated evaluation model for specific facets or domains, and of its application in a particular context, in this case, a University web portal. Keywords: e-service quality, usability, user experience, evaluation model, integrated model, exploratory factor analysis, partial least square – structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), mixed methods research, Exploratory sequential design, quantitative study, qualitative study, validation, Web-based applications, University web portalInformation SystemPh D. (Information Systems

    Determinants of customers’ intention to adopt green banking technology services within Islamic banks of the United Arab Emirates

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    Green Banking (GB) is encouraging environment-friendly practices and reducing the carbon footprint from banking operations by promoting paperless financial services based on the intensive use of technology. However, the adoption level of GB technology remains unsatisfactory among bank customers in the United Arab Emirates. This study explored the dimensions of individual, technological, organisational, environmental and religious determinants of the phenomenon. The study further extended the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) by examining the identified dimensions’ effect on customers’ intention to adopt GB technology, alongside the moderating role of gender, age and experience. The exploratory sequential mixed-method design was deployed in this study. A preliminary semi-structured interview was conducted among ten bank professionals to explore the dimensions of the predetermined determinants. The qualitative findings using the Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) revealed the related dimensions affecting customers’ adoption of GB technology. The developed research model was validated via a cross-sectional survey of 332 Islamic bank customers. The quantitative results using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) confirmed the significant impact of performance expectancy, facilitating condition, customer awareness, personal innovativeness, perceived benefit, system quality and bank reputation on customers’ intention to adopt GB technology. The moderating results using Multi-Group Analysis (MGA) revealed that only gender affects the relationship between performance expectancy and customers’ intention to adopt GB technology. This study has significant theoretical, methodological and practical contributions to enhance the understanding of customers’ intention to adopt GB technology. The study could also assist bankers in designing effective strategies to diminish customers’ resistance of GB technology through the applicability of the newly proposed factors. Reflecting the moderating influence of gender provides an in-depth clarification for policy-makers in pitching GB technology to relevant customers with minimal waste of resources by formulating distinct strategies for dynamic demographic segments