9 research outputs found

    Proactive admission control and dynamic resource management in SDN-based virtualized networks

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    Network virtualization is a promising approach in which common physical resources are shared between service providers. Due to the substrate network limitations such as maximum available memory of each node of the substrate network as well as different service priorities and requirements, resource management in this setup is essential. On the other hand, SDN is bringing a considerable flexibility in resource management by introducing a centralized controller which can monitor all the substrate network states. In this paper, we propose a proactive admission control and dynamic resource management in SDNbased virtualized network in which the number of accepted highpriority virtual network (VN) requests is maximized, subject to both substrate limitations and memory requirement of each VN request. In the proposed formulation, based on the prediction of the substrate network utilization, we reserve resources for upcoming high-priority VN requests. Via simulation, we show that the algorithm can increase the acceptance ratio of the highpriority VN requests up to % 100 where the substrate network is congested, i.e., arrival rates of both high-priority and low-priority VN requests are high

    Estudo comparativo de controladores Software-Defined Networking (SDN)

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    The SDN (Software-defined Nettworking) has introduced a new control paradigm in network infrastructures, thus having a great impact not only on the operation of the network itself, but also on supporting all the development carried out around them (e.g. network and distributed services, Internet applications, etc.). In this context, and in order to assist researchers and professionals in these areas, this article presents a comparative study among several SDN controllers in the market. In a first phase, a more general analysis is made on several controllers, highlighting their general characteristics and the areas where some scientific works were developed using each of the controllers. After that, a selection of some controllers is made, and some illustrative microprojects were implemented, allowing to obtain a comparative analysis of the learning curves and some of the main APIs supported by each SDN controller.Este trabalho foi apoiado pela FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia no âmbito do Projeto UID/CEC/00319/2019


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    Software Defined Network is new network architecture. One of its components is the controller, which is the intelligent part of SDN. Many controllers such as Floodlight, Open Daylight, Maestro, NOX, POX and many others are released. The question is which controller can perform better in which situations. Many works were done to compare controllers regarding architecture, efficiency and controllers’ features. In this paper, two of the most popular controllers, Floodlight and OpenDaylight are compared in terms of Network QoS parameters such as delay and loss in different topologies and network loads. This paper can help researchers to choose the best controller in different use cases such as clouds and multimedia. The results with 95% confidence interval show that OpenDaylight outperforms Floodlight in low loaded networks and also for tree topology in mid loaded networks in terms of latency. Floodlight can outperform OpenDaylight in heavy loaded networks for tree topology in terms of packet loss and in linear topology in terms of latency. There is no significant difference in performance of Floodlight and OpenDaylight controllers in other cases

    Evaluation of machine learning techniques for intrusion detection in software defined networking

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    Abstract. The widespread growth of the Internet paved the way for the need of a new network architecture which was filled by Software Defined Networking (SDN). SDN separated the control and data planes to overcome the challenges that came along with the rapid growth and complexity of the network architecture. However, centralizing the new architecture also introduced new security challenges and created the demand for stronger security measures. The focus is on the Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack which is a serious threat to the network system. There are several ways of detecting an attack and with the rapid growth of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence, the study evaluates several ML algorithms for detecting DDoS attacks on the system. Several factors have an effect on the performance of ML based IDS in SDN. Feature selection, training dataset, and implementation of the classifying models are some of the important factors. The balance between usage of resources and the performance of the implemented model is important. The model implemented in the thesis uses a dataset created from the traffic flow within the system and models being used are Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naive-Bayes, Decision Tree and Logistic Regression. The accuracy of the models has been over 95% apart from Logistic Regression which has 90% accuracy. The ML based algorithm has been more accurate than the non-ML based algorithm. It learns from different features of the traffic flow to differentiate between normal traffic and attack traffic. Most of the previously implemented ML based IDS are based on public datasets. Using a dataset created from the flow of the experimental environment allows training of the model from a real-time dataset. However, the experiment only detects the traffic and does not take any action. However, these promising results can be used for further development of the model

    Análise quantitativa e qualitativa de controladores de redes definidas por software

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesNew challenges are being raised in the networking field with the increasing number of connected devices. The growth of mobile data usage has to be considered as a requirement for the deployment of future 5G networks, especially regarding mobility scenarios. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) enables a greater degree of dynamism and simplification for the deployment of those 5G networks. SDN provides the separation of the control plane from the forwarding plane, allowing more control, adaptability and cost reduction. The growth of SDN integration in new mechanisms and network architectures led to the development of different controller solutions, with a wide variety of characteristics. Several SDN controllers exist, which originated from the different needs of operators and research teams. That resulted in the development of their own controller versions, which made comparison efforts more difficult. As such, this work provides a wider study of several open-source controllers, (namely, OpenDaylight (ODL), Open Network Operative System (ONOS), Ryu and POX), by evaluating not only their performance, but also their characteristics in a qualitative way. Taking performance as a critical issue among SDN controllers, several criteria were evaluated by benchmarking the controllers under different operational conditions, using the Cbench tool. Results are presented regarding both qualitative and quantitative comparisons between those SDN controllers under test.Com o aumento do número de dispositivos ligados em rede, surgem novos desafios no ramo das redes. A necessidade de acompanhar o crescimento da utilização de dados móveis é um dos requisitos a ter em conta nas futuras redes 5G (5a Geração), sobretudo em cenários de mobilidade. As redes controladas por software (do inglês, Software-Defined Networking (SDN)) permitem a simplificação e dinamismo necessários à criação das referidas redes 5G. As SDNs promovem ainda a separação do plano de controlo do plano de dados, permitindo um maior controlo, adaptabilidade e redução de custos. O crescimento da tecnologia SDN levou ao desenvolvimento de diferentes controladores, com diferentes características. Existem vários controladores SDN, com origem em diferentes necessidades dos operadores e equipas de investigação. Este desenvolvimento individualizado tornou as comparações entre os controladores mais difíceis. Deste modo, o trabalho desenvolvido fornece um estudo mais abrangente de vários controladores open-source (OpenDaylight (ODL), Open Network Operative System (ONOS), Ryu and POX), avaliando não só a sua performance como as suas características de uma forma qualitativa. Considerando a performance crucial nos controladores SDN, foram considerados vários critérios na avaliação dos controladores sob diferentes circunstâncias, utilizando a ferramenta Cbench. Os resultados apresentados são relativos à comparação qualitativa e quantitativa dos controladores em teste

    Análisis comparativo del rendimiento de controladores de redes definidas por software de tipo open source para la gestión de una red de computadoras

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    La evolución en la era digital trae consigo innovadores proyectos en el terreno de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, entre las cuales destacan las herramientas de gestión. Durante los últimos años está en auge una herramienta tecnológica que presenta como fortalezas su dinámica, escalable, adaptable y rentable forma de administrar las redes de datos, centralizándola y aislando las funciones de envío de la red de las funciones de control, convirtiéndola en gestionable. Las Redes Definidas por Software (SDN), la constituyen sus tres capas: Infraestructura, Control y Aplicaciones, esta investigación tiene su alcance específicamente en la médula o esencia de la arquitectura, conocida como controlador, el encargado de gestionar la inteligencia de la red. Estudios previos de la Open Networking Foundation (ONF) nos muestran las características, funcionamiento y elementos para la selección del Controlador SDN. La presente investigación tiene como objetivo el despliegue en un entorno simulado de una Arquitectura SDN, utilizando las versiones actualizadas y herramientas de prueba basado en los indicadores de rendimiento y latencia. Como aporte está el estudio comparativo de controladores OpenSource que permitan a los profesionales del mundo de las redes obtener una guía confiable para futuros proyectos de migración SDN. Los resultados, basados en pruebas de configuración y desempeño evidencian que el controlador SDN OpenDaylight otorga un óptimo rendimiento.TesisInfraestructura, Tecnología y Medio Ambient


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    Nos encontramos en el umbral de la quinta revolución industrial (5RI), donde emerge una tecnología dinámica, adaptable, escalable y rentable que desvincula las funciones de control y datos en la infraestructura de la red. Las Redes Definidas por Software (SDN), por sus siglas en inglés) adoptan una arquitectura que proporciona la programabilidad y centralización de la red. Esta investigación se centrará en el núcleo o cerebro de las SDN, conocida como controladores, son aquellos que poseen la inteligencia basada en software y está compuesta por tres capas: Infraestructura, Control y Aplicaciones. Según estudios previos y las recomendaciones de la Open Networking Foundation (ONF), se detalla los componentes, funcionamiento y elementos para su selección. El despliegue en un entorno simulado basado en los indicadores de rendimiento, presentó resultados que permitirán a los administradores de red seleccionar el óptimo controlador según sus requerimientos. Los resultados más notables, indican que la arquitectura SDN soportado con el controlador ONOS presenta mejor rendimiento.Trabajo de investigació