1,742 research outputs found

    How Robust is Robust Control in the Time Domain?

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    By applying robust control the decision maker wants to make good decisions when his model is only a good approximation of the true one. Such decisions are said to be robust to model misspecification. In this paper it is shown that both a “probabilistically sophisticated” and a non-“probabilistically sophisticated” decision maker applying robust control in the time domain are indeed assuming a very special kind of “misspecification of the approximating model.” This is true when unstructured uncertainty à la Hansen and Sargent is used or when uncertainty is related to unknown structural parameters of the modelLinear quadratic tracking problem, optimal control, robust control, time-varying parameters

    Structured Linearization of Discrete Mechanical Systems for Analysis and Optimal Control

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    Variational integrators are well-suited for simulation of mechanical systems because they preserve mechanical quantities about a system such as momentum, or its change if external forcing is involved, and holonomic constraints. While they are not energy-preserving they do exhibit long-time stable energy behavior. However, variational integrators often simulate mechanical system dynamics by solving an implicit difference equation at each time step, one that is moreover expressed purely in terms of configurations at different time steps. This paper formulates the first- and second-order linearizations of a variational integrator in a manner that is amenable to control analysis and synthesis, creating a bridge between existing analysis and optimal control tools for discrete dynamic systems and variational integrators for mechanical systems in generalized coordinates with forcing and holonomic constraints. The forced pendulum is used to illustrate the technique. A second example solves the discrete LQR problem to find a locally stabilizing controller for a 40 DOF system with 6 constraints.Comment: 13 page

    Structured Linearization of Discrete Mechanical Systems for Analysis and Optimal Control

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    Variational integrators are well-suited for simulation of mechanical systems because they preserve mechanical quantities about a system such as momentum, or its change if external forcing is involved, and holonomic constraints. While they are not energy-preserving they do exhibit long-time stable energy behavior. However, variational integrators often simulate mechanical system dynamics by solving an implicit difference equation at each time step, one that is moreover expressed purely in terms of configurations at different time steps. This paper formulates the first- and second-order linearizations of a variational integrator in a manner that is amenable to control analysis and synthesis, creating a bridge between existing analysis and optimal control tools for discrete dynamic systems and variational integrators for mechanical systems in generalized coordinates with forcing and holonomic constraints. The forced pendulum is used to illustrate the technique. A second example solves the discrete LQR problem to find a locally stabilizing controller for a 40 DOF system with 6 constraints.Comment: 13 page

    The usual robust control framework in discrete time: some interesting results

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    By applying robust control the decision maker wants to make good decisions when his model is only a good approximation of the true one. Such decisions are said to be robust to model misspecification. In this paper it is shown that the application of the usual robust control framework in discrete time problems is associated with some interesting, if not unexpected, results. Results that have far reaching consequences when robust control is applied sequentially, say every year in fiscal policy or every quarter (month) in monetary policy. This is true when unstructured uncertainty à la Hansen and Sargent is used, both in the case of a “probabilistically sophisticated” and a non-“probabilistically sophisticated” decision maker, or when uncertainty is related to unknown structural parameters of the model

    Suboptimal Feedback Control Design of Constrained Parabolic Systems in Uncertainty Conditions

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    The paper concerns minimax control problems forlinear multidimensional parabolic systems with distributed uncertain perturbations and control functions acting in the Dirichlet boundary conditions. The underlying parabolic control system is functioning under hard/pointwise constraints on control and state variables. The main goal is to design a feedback control regulator that ensures the required state performance and robust stability under any feasible perturbations and minimize an energy-type functional under the worst perturbations from the given area. We develop an efficient approach to the minimax control design of constrained parabolic systems that is based on certain characteristic features of the parabolic dynamics including the transient monotonicity with respect to both controls and perturbations and the turnpike asymptotic behavior on the infinite horizon. In this way, solving a number of associated open-loop control and approximation problems, we justify an easily implemented suboptimal structure of the feedback boundary regulator and compute its optimal parameters ensuring the required state performance and robust stability of the closed-loop, highly nonlinear parabolic control system on the infinite horizon

    Towards an understanding of tradeoffs between regional wealth, tightness of a common environmental constraint and the sharing rules

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    Consider a country with two regions that have developed differently so that their current levels of energy efficiency differ. Each region's production involves the emission of pollutants, on which a regulator might impose restrictions. The restrictions can be related to pollution standards that the regulator perceives as binding the whole country (e.g., enforced by international agreements like the Kyoto Protocol). We observe that the pollution standards define a common constraint upon the joint strategy space of the regions. We propose a game theoretic model with a coupled constraints equilibrium as a solution to the regulator's problem of avoiding excessive pollution. The regulator can direct the regions to implement the solution by using a political pressure, or compel them to employ it by using the coupled constraints' Lagrange multipliers as taxation coefficients. We specify a stylised model that possesses those characteristics, of the Belgian regions of Flanders and Wallonia. We analytically and numerically analyse the equilibrium regional production levels as a function of the pollution standards and of the sharing rules for the satisfaction of the constraint. For the computational results, we use NIRA, which is a piece of software designed to min-maximise the associated Nikaido-Isoda function.coupled constraints, generalised Nash equilibrium, Nikaido-Isoda function, regional economics, environmental regulations.
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