543 research outputs found

    New Structure of Test Pattern Generator Stimulating Crosstalks in Bus-type Connections

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    The paper discloses the idea of a new structure for a Test Pattern Generator (TPG) for detection of crosstalk faults that may happen to bus-type interconnections between built-in blocks within a System on a Chip structure. The new idea is an improvement of the TPG design proposed by the author in one of previous studies. The TPG circuit is meant to generate test sequences that guarantee detection of all crosstalk faults with the capacitance nature that may occur between individual lines within an interconnecting bus. The study comprises a synthesizable and parameterized model developed for the presented TPG in the VLSI Hardware Description Language (VHDL) with further investigation of properties and features of the offered module. The significant advantages of the proposed TPG structure include less area occupied on a chip and higher operation frequency as compared to other solutions. In addition, the design demonstrates good scalability in terms of both the hardware overhead and the length of the generated test sequence

    ATPG for Faults Analysis in VLSI Circuits Using Immune Genetic Algorithm

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    As design trends move toward nanometer technology, new Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG)problems are merging. During design validation, the effect of crosstalk on reliability and performance cannot be ignored. So new ATPG Techniques has to be developed for testing crosstalk faults which affect the timing behaviour of circuits. In this paper, we present a Genetic Algorithm (GA) based test generation for crosstalk induced delay faults in VLSI circuits. The GA produces reduced test set which contains as few as possible test vector pairs, which detect as many as possible crosstalk delay faults. It uses a crosstalk delay fault simulator which computes the fitness of each test sequence. Tests are generated for ISCAS’85 and scan version of ISCAS’89 benchmark circuits. Experimental results demonstrate that GA gives higher fault coverage and compact test vectors for most of the benchmark circuits

    Influence of parasitic capacitance variations on 65 nm and 32 nm predictive technology model SRAM core-cells

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    The continuous improving of CMOS technology allows the realization of digital circuits and in particular static random access memories that, compared with previous technologies, contain an impressive number of transistors. The use of new production processes introduces a set of parasitic effects that gain more and more importance with the scaling down of the technology. In particular, even small variations of parasitic capacitances in CMOS devices are expected to become an additional source of faulty behaviors in future technologies. This paper analyzes and compares the effect of parasitic capacitance variations in a SRAM memory circuit realized with 65 nm and 32 nm predictive technology model

    Empirical timing analysis of CPUs and delay fault tolerant design using partial redundancy

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    The operating clock frequency is determined by the longest signal propagation delay, setup/hold time, and timing margin. These are becoming less predictable with the increasing design complexity and process miniaturization. The difficult challenge is then to ensure that a device operating at its clock frequency is error-free with quantifiable assurance. Effort at device-level engineering will not suffice for these circuits exhibiting wide process variation and heightened sensitivities to operating condition stress. Logic-level redress of this issue is a necessity and we propose a design-level remedy for this timing-uncertainty problem. The aim of the design and analysis approaches presented in this dissertation is to provide framework, SABRE, wherein an increased operating clock frequency can be achieved. The approach is a combination of analytical modeling, experimental analy- sis, hardware /time-redundancy design, exception handling and recovery techniques. Our proposed design replicates only a necessary part of the original circuit to avoid high hardware overhead as in triple-modular-redundancy (TMR). The timing-critical combinational circuit is path-wise partitioned into two sections. The combinational circuits associated with long paths are laid out without any intrusion except for the fan-out connections from the first section of the circuit to a replicated second section of the combinational circuit. Thus only the second section of the circuit is replicated. The signals fanning out from the first section are latches, and thus are far shorter than the paths spanning the entire combinational circuit. The replicated circuit is timed at a subsequent clock cycle to ascertain relaxed timing paths. This insures that the likelihood of mistiming due to stress or process variation is eliminated. During the subsequent clock cycle, the outcome of the two logically identical, yet time-interleaved, circuit outputs are compared to detect faults. When a fault is detected, the retry sig- nal is triggered and the dynamic frequency-step-down takes place before a pipe flush, and retry is issued. The significant timing overhead associated with the retry is offset by the rarity of the timing violation events. Simulation results on ISCAS Benchmark circuits show that 10% of clock frequency gain is possible with 10 to 20 % of hardware overhead of replicated timing-critical circuit

    2D Parity Product Code for TSV online fault correction and detection

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    Through-Silicon-Via (TSV) is one of the most promising technologies to realize 3D Integrated Circuits (3D-ICs).  However, the reliability issues due to the low yield rates and the sensitivity to thermal hotspots and stress issues are preventing TSV-based 3D-ICs from being widely and efficiently used. To enhance the reliability of TSV connections, using error correction code to detect and correct faults automatically has been demonstrated as a viable solution.This paper presents a 2D Parity Product Code (2D-PPC) for TSV fault-tolerance with the ability to correct one fault and detect, at least, two faults.  In an implementation of 64-bit data and 81-bit codeword, 2D-PPC can detect over 71 faults, on average. Its encoder and decoder decrease the overall latency by 38.33% when compared to the Single Error Correction Double Error Detection code.  In addition to the high detection rates, the encoder can detect 100% of its gate failures, and the decoder can detect and correct around 40% of its individual gate failures. The squared 2D-PPC could be extended using orthogonal Latin square to support extra bit correction

    On Fault Tolerance Methods for Networks-on-Chip

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    Technology scaling has proceeded into dimensions in which the reliability of manufactured devices is becoming endangered. The reliability decrease is a consequence of physical limitations, relative increase of variations, and decreasing noise margins, among others. A promising solution for bringing the reliability of circuits back to a desired level is the use of design methods which introduce tolerance against possible faults in an integrated circuit. This thesis studies and presents fault tolerance methods for network-onchip (NoC) which is a design paradigm targeted for very large systems-onchip. In a NoC resources, such as processors and memories, are connected to a communication network; comparable to the Internet. Fault tolerance in such a system can be achieved at many abstraction levels. The thesis studies the origin of faults in modern technologies and explains the classification to transient, intermittent and permanent faults. A survey of fault tolerance methods is presented to demonstrate the diversity of available methods. Networks-on-chip are approached by exploring their main design choices: the selection of a topology, routing protocol, and flow control method. Fault tolerance methods for NoCs are studied at different layers of the OSI reference model. The data link layer provides a reliable communication link over a physical channel. Error control coding is an efficient fault tolerance method especially against transient faults at this abstraction level. Error control coding methods suitable for on-chip communication are studied and their implementations presented. Error control coding loses its effectiveness in the presence of intermittent and permanent faults. Therefore, other solutions against them are presented. The introduction of spare wires and split transmissions are shown to provide good tolerance against intermittent and permanent errors and their combination to error control coding is illustrated. At the network layer positioned above the data link layer, fault tolerance can be achieved with the design of fault tolerant network topologies and routing algorithms. Both of these approaches are presented in the thesis together with realizations in the both categories. The thesis concludes that an optimal fault tolerance solution contains carefully co-designed elements from different abstraction levelsSiirretty Doriast

    Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Clockless Wave Pipeline Core for Embedded Combinational Logic Design

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    This paper presents a model for analyzing the reliability of a clockless wave pipeline as an intellectual property (IP) core for embedded design. This design requires different clocking requirements by each embedded IP core during integration. Therefore, either partial or global lack of synchronization of the embedded clocking is considered for the data flow. The clockless wave pipeline represents an alternative to a traditional pipeline scheme; it requires an innovative computing model that is readily suitable for high-throughput computing by heterogeneous IP logic cores embedded in system-on-chip (SoC). A clockless wave pipeline technique relies on local asynchronous operation for seamless integration of a combinational core into an SoC. The basic computational components of a clockless wave pipeline are the datawaves, together with the request signals and switches. The coordination of the processing of the datawaves throughout the pipeline by the request signals is accomplished with no intermediate access in the clock control. Furthermore, the reliability of clockless-wave-pipeline-based cores is of importance when designing a reliable SOC. In this paper, the reliability in the clockless operations of the wave pipeline is analyzed by considering the datawaves and the request signals. The effect of the so-called out-of-orchestration between the datawaves and the request signals (which is referred to as a datawave fault) is proposed in the reliability analysis. A clockless-induced datawave fault model is proposed for clockless fault-tolerant design