12,327 research outputs found

    Learning-based position control of a closed-kinematic chain robot end-effector

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    A trajectory control scheme whose design is based on learning theory, for a six-degree-of-freedom (DOF) robot end-effector built to study robotic assembly of NASA hardwares in space is presented. The control scheme consists of two control systems: the feedback control system and the learning control system. The feedback control system is designed using the concept of linearization about a selected operating point, and the method of pole placement so that the closed-loop linearized system is stabilized. The learning control scheme consisting of PD-type learning controllers, provides additional inputs to improve the end-effector performance after each trial. Experimental studies performed on a 2 DOF end-effector built at CUA, for three tracking cases show that actual trajectories approach desired trajectories as the number of trials increases. The tracking errors are substantially reduced after only five trials

    Design of generalized minimum variance controllers for nonlinear multivariable systems

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    The design and implementation of Generalized Minimum Variance control laws for nonlinear multivariable systems that can include severe nonlinearities is considered. The quadratic cost index minimised involves dynamically weighted error and nonlinear control signal costing terms. The aim here is to show the controller obtained is simple to design and implement. The features of the control law are explored. The controller obtained includes an internal model of the process and in one form is a nonlinear version of the Smith Predictor

    Blockwise Subspace Identification for Active Noise Control

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    In this paper, a subspace identification solution is provided for active noise control (ANC) problems. The solution is related to so-called block updating methods, where instead of updating the (feedforward) controller on a sample by sample base, it is updated each time based on a block of N samples. The use of the subspace identification based ANC methods enables non-iterative derivation and updating of MIMO compact state space models for the controller. The robustness property of subspace identification methods forms the basis of an accurate model updating mechanism, using small size data batches. The design of a feedforward controller via the proposed approach is illustrated for an acoustic duct benchmark problem, supplied by TNO Institute of Applied Physics (TNO-TPD), the Netherlands. We also show how to cope with intrinsic feedback. A comparison study with various ANC schemes, such as block filtered-U, demonstrates the increased robustness of a subspace derived controlle

    SPRK: A Low-Cost Stewart Platform For Motion Study In Surgical Robotics

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    To simulate body organ motion due to breathing, heart beats, or peristaltic movements, we designed a low-cost, miniaturized SPRK (Stewart Platform Research Kit) to translate and rotate phantom tissue. This platform is 20cm x 20cm x 10cm to fit in the workspace of a da Vinci Research Kit (DVRK) surgical robot and costs $250, two orders of magnitude less than a commercial Stewart platform. The platform has a range of motion of +/- 1.27 cm in translation along x, y, and z directions and has motion modes for sinusoidal motion and breathing-inspired motion. Modular platform mounts were also designed for pattern cutting and debridement experiments. The platform's positional controller has a time-constant of 0.2 seconds and the root-mean-square error is 1.22 mm, 1.07 mm, and 0.20 mm in x, y, and z directions respectively. All the details, CAD models, and control software for the platform is available at github.com/BerkeleyAutomation/sprk

    An Unsupervised Neural Network for Real-Time Low-Level Control of a Mobile Robot: Noise Resistance, Stability, and Hardware Implementation

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    We have recently introduced a neural network mobile robot controller (NETMORC). The controller is based on earlier neural network models of biological sensory-motor control. We have shown that NETMORC is able to guide a differential drive mobile robot to an arbitrary stationary or moving target while compensating for noise and other forms of disturbance, such as wheel slippage or changes in the robot's plant. Furthermore, NETMORC is able to adapt in response to long-term changes in the robot's plant, such as a change in the radius of the wheels. In this article we first review the NETMORC architecture, and then we prove that NETMORC is asymptotically stable. After presenting a series of simulations results showing robustness to disturbances, we compare NETMORC performance on a trajectory-following task with the performance of an alternative controller. Finally, we describe preliminary results on the hardware implementation of NETMORC with the mobile robot ROBUTER.Sloan Fellowship (BR-3122), Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-92-J-0499