830,406 research outputs found

    Notes on structural analysis in a distributed collaboratory

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    The worldwide growth of communication networks and associated technologies provide the basic infrastructure for new ways of executing the engineering process. Collaboration amongst team members seperated in time and location is of particular importance. Two broad themes can be recognized in research pertaining to distributed collaboration. One theme focusses on the technical and technological aspects of distributed work, while the other emphasises human aspects thereof. The case of finite element structural analysis in a distributed collaboratory is examined in this paper. An approach is taken which has its roots in human aspects of the structural analysis task. Based on experience of how structural engineers currently approach and execute this task while utilising standard software designed for use on local workstations only, criteria are stated for a software architechture that could support collaborative structural analysis. Aspects of a pilot application and the results of qualitative performance measurements are discussed

    Why do people with mental distress have poor social outcomes? Four lessons from the capabilities approach

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    Macro level data indicate that people experiencing mental distress experience poor health, social and economic outcomes. The sociology of mental health has a series of dominant competing explanations of the mechanisms at personal, social and structural levels that generate these poor outcomes. This article explains the limitations of these approaches and takes up the challenge of Hopper (2007) who in this journal proposed the capabilities approach as a means of normatively reconceptualising the experiences of people with mental distress, with a renewed focus on agency, equality and genuine opportunity. Using an innovative methodology to operationalise the capabilities approach, findings from an in-depth qualitative study exploring the lived experiences of twenty-two people with recent inpatient experience of psychiatric units in Scotland are presented. The paper demonstrates that the capabilities approach can be applied to reconceptualise how unjust social outcomes happen for this social group. It distinguishes how the results of using a capabilities approach to analysis are distinct from established dominant analytical frameworks through four added features: a focus on actual lived outcomes; the role of capabilities as well as functionings; being normative; and incorporating agency. The capabilities approach is found to be an operationalisable framework; the findings have implications for professionals and systems in the specific context of mental health; and the capabilities approach offers a fertile basis for normative studies in wider aspects of health and wellbeing

    Atlantic trade and regional specialisation in nothern Spain 1550-1650: an integrated trade theory-institutional organisation approach

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    Based on an in-depth study of the northern Spanish economy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, this paper argues that commercial expansion was a major source of the diverging performance of European regions. It develops an approach that integrates insights from more recent trade theory with those from new institutional economics. New trade theory informs the analysis of changes at a macro-level - defined as traded quantities, the structure of (inter-) regional integration and specialisation, and the larger institutional framework. New institutional economics are the basis for the interpretation of developments at a micro-level defined as the strategies of merchant organisations and individual firms within that larger framework. The paper shows how macro-level changes impacted upon - and interacted with - micro-level structures and processes of adaptation. The integration of quantitative and qualitative analysis demonstrates that the Commercial Revolution transformed the European economy more through structural change than through increased availability of goods

    Production process heterogeneity, time to build, and macroeconomic performance

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    This paper describes the out-of-equilibrium approach to the analysis of economic processes. We argue that such an approach is adapted to study qualitative (or structural) changes, like technical progress or changes in preferences. Truly sequential analyses manage to capture the essential features of qualitative change. In particular, we show how this approach shifts the focus from the issue of optimality to the one of viability of the processes of change. The objective of the paper is, first, to highlight the analytical elements of an out-of-equilibrium approach, so as to serve as a guide for the construction of this type of models; second to show, how this analysis allows to see controversial phenomena, like for example the debate on wage rigidity or the productivity paradox in a new and different light ; third to identify the real causes of the on-going crisis

    Static Structural Signatures of Nearly Jammed Disordered and Ordered Hard-Sphere Packings: Direct Correlation Function

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    Dynamical signatures are known to precede jamming in hard-particle systems, but static structural signatures have proven more elusive. The observation that compressing hard-particle packings towards jamming causes growing hyperuniformity has paved the way for the analysis of jamming as an "inverted critical point" in which the direct correlation function c(r)c(r) diverges. We establish quantitative relationships between various singularities in c(r)c(r) and the total correlation function h(r)h(r) that provide a concrete means of identifying features that must be expressed in c(r)c(r) if one hopes to reproduce details in the pair correlation function accurately. We also analyze systems of three-dimensional monodisperse hard-spheres of diameter DD as they approach ordered and disordered jammed configurations. For the latter, we use the Lubachevsky-Stillinger (LS) and Torquato-Jiao (TJ) packing algorithms, which both generate disordered packings, but can show perceptible structural differences. We identify a short-ranged scaling c(r)1/rc(r) \propto -1/r as r0r \rightarrow 0 and show that this, along with the developing delta function at c(D)c(D), is a consequence of the growing long-rangedness in c(r)c(r). Near the freezing density, we identify qualitative differences in the structure factor S(k)S(k) as well as c(r)c(r) between TJ- and LS-generated configurations and link them to differences in the protocols' packing dynamics. Configurations from both algorithms have structure factors that approach zero in the low-wavenumber limit as jamming is approached and are shown to exhibit a corresponding power-law decay in c(r)c(r) for large rr as a consequence. Our work advances the notion that static signatures are exhibited by hard-particle packings as they approach jamming and underscores the utility of the direct correlation function as a means of monitoring for an incipient rigid network


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    Based on an in-depth study of the northern Spanish economy in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, this paper argues that commercial expansion was a major source of the diverging performance of European regions. It develops an approach that integrates insights from more recent trade theory with those from new institutional economics. New trade theory informs the analysis of changes at a macro-level - defined as traded quantities, the structure of (inter-) regional integration and specialisation, and the larger institutional framework. New institutional economics are the basis for the interpretation of developments at a micro-level defined as the strategies of merchant organisations and individual firms within that larger framework. The paper shows how macro-level changes impacted upon - and interacted with - micro-level structures and processes of adaptation. The integration of quantitative and qualitative analysis demonstrates that the Commercial Revolution transformed the European economy more through structural change than through increased availability of goods.

    Personality Of Tyler Hawkins In Alan Coulter’s Remember Me Movie (2010): A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    The research is proposed to analyze the Personality of Tyler Hawkins in Remember Me Movie with Psychoanalytic Approach. There are two objectives: the first is to analyze the play in term of structural elements, and the second is to analyze the play based on Psychoanalytic Approach. This study is a descriptive qualitative study, using Remember Me Movie, and Tyler Hawkins as the major character is the object of analysis of the study. There are two kinds of data sources used in this analysis, namely primary and secondary. The primary data sources are the movie and script of the play itself and the secondary data sources are some books, internet and articles related to the subject. The technique of data collection in this research is library research by summarizing, paraphrasing and documenting the data. In analyzing the data, the researcher employs descriptive qualitative analysis. The analysis is started by analyzing the structural elements of the movie. For the last, the researcher makes an analysis of Tyler Hawkins’s id, ego, and superego. The researcher uses the theory of Psychoanalytic by Sigmund Freud because it is relevant to the problem. Based on the analysis, the outcome of this study shows that personality of the major character each caused problems and make a right decision quickly as a solutio

    Pragmatic approach to Arab gulf states development cooperation: the conceptual and practical basis

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    In designing a viable approach to development cooperation, on two planes, horizontal (geo-economic circles) and vertical (function and form of cooperation) analysis was conducted of AGS' development structural needs for development. Forms of cooperation found both in development literature and in practice were surveyed. Analysis of the opportunities and constraints associated with the structural characteristics of the AGS' Sub-region, indicated that, whilst current development is concentrated on material production i.e. 'quantitative' aspects, the need for structural change demands priority for 'qualitative' development. Quantitative development is concerned with the structural and infra- structural base, in broad terms, including fields such as human-resources development, training, research, science and technological base, development administration, the industry of finance, environment preservation, and the socio-cultural values necessary for 'mobilized development' rather than 'passive pseudo-development'. The present situation can be more accurately described as 'development diversion' rather than 'development creation'. Development determinants of the AGS produce strong motivations to, even the necessity for cooperation. Such cooperation, between relevant geo-economic zones - the 'horizontal' element - is found to be viable if based on a Trilateral approach involving three circles: the Sub-region stimulates the AGS to pooling their financial surpluses within an investment strategy, which is based upon the qualitative needs within the Sub-region, wider opportunities for AGS investment on productive activities and which will also benefit the recipients of investment motivate cooperation within the Regional and International circles. To achieve the structural change necessary for self-sustaining development, a viable, functional 'vertical' approach is necessary, identified as: piece-meal, partial, development-oriented and based upon programmed cooperation within an integratory realm. This approach, within the Trilateral framework, would create new development forces, counteracting the limitations of absorptive capacity and other constraints inhibiting AGS economic diversification. It would establish the platform on which to build self- sustaining economic development onward into the post-oil era. OAPEC projects and the AAAID programme on food security within the Region are especially significant operational examples of the applicability of our approach, since the food security issue is identified as a strong motivation for trilateral cooperation. The operational side of the proposed approach is determined by an investment strategy which is based upon the principles of equitable distribution of costs and benefits, reciprocity, additionality, and, through cooperation the harmonious relationships within all three circles which are necessary for but also created by successful development cooperation

    Structural Competency: Evaluation of Qualitative Results of Pilot Study

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    Structural competency is an approach to training healthcare providers to address social and structural barriers that impede certain communities from receiving equal and quality healthcare. The purpose of this project was to 1) explore the published literature regarding structural competency and how it has been applied in healthcare professional training, and 2) analyze the qualitative data from an educational pilot study implementing an adapted structural competency curriculum for acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility. Literature searches were conducted in PubMed and CINHAL Plus with Full Text, as well as a manual search of the https://structuralcompetency.org/ website. A total of 111 articles were retrieved after duplicates were removed, ten (N=10) studies met the inclusion criteria, and findings are synthesized to describe the timing and settings of the structural competency training, types of teaching and learning activities used, measurements of outcomes and the levels of proficiency achieved. After this review, content analysis was used to examine the qualitative data from the structural competency pilot education study called Health Equity Advanced Through Structural Competency (HEAT-SC). Results from this preliminary data support that an adapted structural competency curriculum was acceptable, appropriate, and feasible. These results suggest that the adapted curriculum could be implemented on a larger scale to contribute to the fight against health inequities in eastern North Carolina

    Emotional Expression Of Carly In Max Giwa’s And Dania Pasquini’s Street Dance Movie (2010): An Individual Psychological Approach

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    This study aims to explore the emotional expression of Carly’s in Max Giwa and Dania Pasquini Street Dance Movie. The objective of the research is to analyze the movie based on its structural elements and to analyze the movie based on an individual psychological approach. The researcher applies a qualitative method. In the method, the researcher uses two data sources, namely primary and secondary data sources. The primary data source is Street Dance movie and the secondary data sources are books or any information which support the researcher in analyzing this research. Techniques of the collection data of the study is library research. The technique of the analysis data is descriptive analysis. Based on the analysis, the researcher draws two conclusions: first, based on the structural analysis shows that Street Dance is simple fiction based on portion for structural elements. Second, the individual psychological analysis shows that there is unstable emotion in human self, especially emotional expression