6 research outputs found

    Predicting the communication pattern evolution for scalability analysis

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    The performance of the message-passing applications on a parallel system can vary and cause ine ciencies as the applications grow. With the aim of providing scalability behavior information of these applications on a speci c system, we propose a methodology that allows to analyze and predict the application behavior in a bounded time and using a limited number of resources. The proposed methodology is based on the fact that most scienti c applications have been developed using speci c communicational and computational patterns, which have certain behavior rules. As the number of application processes increases, these patterns change their behavior following speci c rules, being functionally constants. Our methodology is focused on characterizing these patterns to nd its general behavior rules, in order to build a logical application trace to predict its performance. The methodology uses the PAS2P tool to obtain the application behavior information, that allow us to analyze quickly a set of relevant phases covering approximately 95% of the total application. In this paper, we present the entire methodology while the experimental validation, that has been validated for the NAS benchmarks, is focused on characterizing the communication pattern for each phase and to model its general behavior rules to predict the pattern as the number of processes increases.WPDP- XIII Workshop procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Predicting the communication pattern evolution for scalability analysis

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    The performance of the message-passing applications on a parallel system can vary and cause ine ciencies as the applications grow. With the aim of providing scalability behavior information of these applications on a speci c system, we propose a methodology that allows to analyze and predict the application behavior in a bounded time and using a limited number of resources. The proposed methodology is based on the fact that most scienti c applications have been developed using speci c communicational and computational patterns, which have certain behavior rules. As the number of application processes increases, these patterns change their behavior following speci c rules, being functionally constants. Our methodology is focused on characterizing these patterns to nd its general behavior rules, in order to build a logical application trace to predict its performance. The methodology uses the PAS2P tool to obtain the application behavior information, that allow us to analyze quickly a set of relevant phases covering approximately 95% of the total application. In this paper, we present the entire methodology while the experimental validation, that has been validated for the NAS benchmarks, is focused on characterizing the communication pattern for each phase and to model its general behavior rules to predict the pattern as the number of processes increases.WPDP- XIII Workshop procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Techniques To Facilitate the Understanding of Inter-process Communication Traces

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) systems play an important role in today’s heavily digitized world, which is in a constant demand for higher speed of calculation and performance. HPC applications are used in multiple domains such as telecommunication, health, scientific research, and more. With the emergence of multi-core and cloud computing platforms, the HPC paradigm is quickly becoming the design of choice of many service providers. HPC systems are also known to be complex to debug and analyze due to the large number of processes they involve and the way these processes communicate with each other to perform specific tasks. As a result, software engineers must spend extensive amount of time understanding the complex interactions among a system’s processes. This is usually done through the analysis of execution traces generated from running the system at hand. Traces, however, are very difficult to work with due to the overwhelming size of typical traces. The objective of this research is to present a set of techniques that facilitates the understanding of the behaviour of HPC applications through the analysis of system traces. The first technique consists of building an exchange format called MTF (MPI Trace Format) for representing and exchanging traces generated from HPC applications based on the MPI (Message Passing Interface) standard, which is a de facto standard for inter-process communication for high performance computing systems. The design of MTF is validated against well-known requirements for a standard exchange format. The second technique aims to facilitate the understanding of large traces of inter-process communication by automatically extracting communication patterns that characterize their main behaviour. Two algorithms are presented. The first one permits the recognition of repeating patterns in traces of MPI (Message Passing Interaction) applications whereas the second algorithm searches if a given communication pattern occurs in a trace. Both algorithms are based on the n-gram extraction technique used in natural language processing. Finally, we developed a technique to abstract MPI traces by detecting the different execution phases in a program based on concepts from information theory. Using this approach, software engineers can examine the trace as a sequence of high-level computational phases instead of a mere flow of low-level events. The techniques presented in this thesis have been tested on traces generated from real HPC programs. The results from several case studies demonstrate the usefulness and effectiveness of our techniques

    Automating telemetry- and trace-based analytics on large-scale distributed systems

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    Large-scale distributed systems---such as supercomputers, cloud computing platforms, and distributed applications---routinely suffer from slowdowns and crashes due to software and hardware problems, resulting in reduced efficiency and wasted resources. These large-scale systems typically deploy monitoring or tracing systems that gather a variety of statistics about the state of the hardware and the software. State-of-the-art methods either analyze this data manually, or design unique automated methods for each specific problem. This thesis builds on the vision that generalized automated analytics methods on the data sets collected from these complex computing systems provide critical information about the causes of the problems, and this analysis can then enable proactive management to improve performance, resilience, efficiency, or security significantly beyond current limits. This thesis seeks to design scalable, automated analytics methods and frameworks for large-scale distributed systems that minimize dependency on expert knowledge, automate parts of the solution process, and help make systems more resilient. In addition to analyzing data that is already collected from systems, our frameworks also identify what to collect from where in the system, such that the collected data would be concise and useful for manual analytics. We focus on two data sources for conducting analytics: numeric telemetry data, which is typically collected from operating system or hardware counters, and end-to-end traces collected from distributed applications. This thesis makes the following contributions in large-scale distributed systems: (1) Designing a framework for accurately diagnosing previously encountered performance variations, (2) designing a technique for detecting (unwanted) applications running on the systems, (3) developing a suite for reproducing performance variations that can be used to systematically develop analytics methods, (4) designing a method to explain predictions of black-box machine learning frameworks, and (5) constructing an end-to-end tracing framework that can dynamically adjust instrumentation for effective diagnosis of performance problems.2021-09-28T00:00:00

    Performance engineering of data-intensive applications

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    Data-intensive programs deal with big chunks of data and often contain compute-intensive characteristics. Among various HPC application domains, big data analytics, machine learning and the more recent deep-learning models are well-known data-intensive applications. An efficient design of such applications demands extensive knowledge of the target hardware and software, particularly the memory/cache hierarchy and the data communication among threads/processes. Such a requirement makes code development an arduous task, as inappropriate data structures and algorithm design may result in superfluous runtime, let alone hardware incompatibilities while porting the code to other platforms. In this dissertation, we introduce a set of tools and methods for the performance engineering of parallel data-intensive programs. We start with performance profiling to gain insights on thread communications and relevant code optimizations. Then, by narrowing down our scope to deep-learning applications, we introduce our tools for enhancing the performance portability and scalability of convolutional neural networks (ConvNet) at inference and training phases. Our first contribution is a novel performance-profiling method to unveil potential communication bottlenecks caused by data-access patterns and thread interactions. Our findings show that the data shared between a pair of threads should be reused with a reasonably short intervals to preserve data locality, yet existing profilers neglect them and mainly report the communication volume. We propose new hardware-independent metrics to characterize thread communication and provide suggestions for applying appropriate optimizations on a specific code region. Our experiments show that applying relevant optimizations improves the performance in Rodinia benchmarks by up to 56%. For the next contribution, we developed a framework for automatic generation of efficient and performance-portable convolution kernels, including Winograd convolutions, for various GPU platforms. We employed a synergy of meta-programming, symbolic execution, and auto-tuning. The results demonstrate efficient kernels generated through an automated optimization pipeline with runtimes close to vendor deep-learning libraries, and the minimum required programming effort confirms the performance portability of our approach. Furthermore, our symbolic execution method exploits repetitive patterns in Winograd convolutions, enabling us to reduce the number of arithmetic operations by up to 62% without compromising the numerical stability. Lastly, we investigate possible methods to scale the performance of ConvNets in training and inference phases. Our specialized training platform equipped with a novel topology-aware network pruning algorithm enables rapid training, neural architecture search, and network compression. Thus, an AI model training can be easily scaled to a multitude of compute nodes, leading to faster model design with less operating costs. Furthermore, the network compression component scales a ConvNet model down by removing redundant layers, preparing the model for a more pertinent deployment. Altogether, this work demonstrates the necessity and shows the benefit of performance engineering and parallel programming methods in accelerating emerging data-intensive workloads. With the help of the proposed tools and techniques, we pinpoint data communication bottlenecks and achieve performance portability and scalability in data-intensive applications

    An approach for matching communication patterns in parallel applications

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    10.1109/IPDPS.2009.5161035IPDPS 2009 - Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposiu