5 research outputs found

    An application of recent developments of Data Envelopment Analysis to the evaluation of secondary schools in Portugal

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    This paper highlights the potentialities of Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluate the performance of organisations, using the concept of super-efficiency - an extension of DEA which increases its performance - and presents an example from the public sector to illustrate the method. The example selected is that of a school network where a place in a school can be seen as a perishable good, as places which are not occupied during an academic year are wasted. Results for the Portuguese Secondary school network show that the average efficiency of overcrowded schools, that is, those exceeding their capacity, is lower than that of schools which are less crowded. This shows clearly that overcrowded schools, on average, are less efficient in transforming their inputs into academic performance. It is this conviction, seldom proved scientifically, which leads governments and international organisations to recommend planning criteria for public facilities

    An application of recent developments of Data Envelopment Analysis to the evaluation of secondary schools in Portugal

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    This paper highlights the potentialities of Data Envelopment Analysis to evaluate the performance of organisations, using the concept of super-efficiency - an extension of DEA which increases its performance - and presents an example from the public sector to illustrate the method. The example selected is that of a school network where a place in a school can be seen as a perishable good, as places which are not occupied during an academic year are wasted. Results for the Portuguese Secondary school network show that the average efficiency of overcrowded schools, that is, those exceeding their capacity, is lower than that of schools which are less crowded. This shows clearly that overcrowded schools, on average, are less efficient in transforming their inputs into academic performance. It is this conviction, seldom proved scientifically, which leads governments and international organisations to recommend planning criteria for public facilities

    Análisis de la eficiencia aplicado a la Fórmula 1

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    La investigación que procede plantea diferentes propuestas de variación a las escuderías y pilotos que hoy en día participan en la Fórmula 1 con fin de mejorar la eficiencia de cada una de ellas. El Campeonato Mundial de Fórmula 1 de la FIA, más conocida como Fórmula 1 o F1 es la máxima competición de automovilismo internacional y campeonato de deporte motor más popular y prestigioso del mundo dirigido por la Federación Internacional del Automóvil. Cada escudería y piloto que se estudie posee una serie de recursos que utiliza para obtener los mejores resultados tanto deportivos como económicos. Se considerará ineficiente aquella escudería que no genere los resultados suficientes según los recursos empleados por lo que será necesaria la búsqueda de soluciones. Dentro del mundo de la Fórmula 1, las diferencias se encuentran entre segundos e incluso en unidades menores por lo que la competitividad entre escuderías y pilotos es muy latente. Así mismo, grandes ineficiencias de manera reiterada conllevan grandes gastos para las escuderías. Para el análisis de la eficiencia, se enfocará en la metodología DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis), en concreto el modelo SBM y modelo sin entradas para analizar y comparar las diferentes escuderías y pilotos que hoy en día encontramos en los Grandes Premios de todo el mundo.The investigation that follows proposes different proposals for variation to the teams and drivers that are currently participating in Formula 1 in order to improve the efficiency of each of them. The FIA Formula 1 World Championship, better known as Formula 1 or F1, is the highest international and most popular motor racing competition in the world, run by the International Automobile Federation. Each team and drivers studied has a series of resources that it uses to obtain the best sports and economic results. It will be considered inefficient that team that does not generate sufficient results according to the resources used so it will be necessary to find solutions. Within the world of Formula 1, the differences are between seconds and even in smaller units so the competitiveness between teams and drivers is very latent. Likewise, great inefficiencies and repeatedly entails great expenses for the teams. For the efficiency analysis, it will focus on the DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) methodology, specifically the SBM model and model without inputs to analyze and compare the different teams and drivers that we find today in the Grand Prixes around the world .Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Organización Industria