21 research outputs found

    Merenje efikasnosti poslovanja MSP u agrobiznisu

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    Spatial planning is a tool to create quality changes, especially in rural areas, linking different sectors (agriculture, food processing, tourism, environmental protection, etc.).Therefore, the regional specificities represent a starting point for planning the development of the economy as a whole, and of the agribusiness in particular. It is important to properly identify the regional peculiarities of agriculture in order to contribute to the agricultural development of Serbia as a whole. Balanced regional development policies should encourage better use of natural resources, especially in lagging behind areas. The achievement of set objectives is highly dependent on the level of development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in agribusiness. Agribusiness is particularly interesting field for the development of SMEs as it is a complex area that involves the production and processing of agricultural and food products. Therefore, by using the appropriate mathematical and statistical methods, evaluation of the operational efficiency of SMEs in agribusiness in districts of Serbia was performed, in order to address the deficiencies and improvement opportunities in business in some areas.Prostorno planiranje je instrument za stvaranje kvalitetnih promena, pogotovo u ruralnom prostoru, a može biti i veza između različitih sektora (poljoprivreda, prehrambena industrija, turizam, zaštita okoline, itd.). Stoga regionalna problematika predstavlja polaznu tačku za planiranje razvoja privrede u celini, te i agrobiznisa. Politika ravnomernog regionalnog razvoja treba da podstakne bolje korišćenje prirodnih potencijala, pogotovo u nerazvijenim područjima. Ostvarivanje postavljenih ciljeva umnogome zavisi i od nivoa razvijenosti malog i srednjeg preduzetništva u agrobiznisu. Agrobiznis je posebno interesantno područje za razvoj MSP obzirom da se radi o kompleksnoj oblast koja obuhvata i proizvodnju i preradu poljoprivredno-prehrambenih proizvoda. Stoga smo primenom adekvatnih matematičko-statističkih metoda izvršili ocenu efikasnosti poslovanja MSP u agrobiznisu po okruzima Srbije, kako bi se ukazalo na manjkavosti i mogućnosti poboljšanja poslovanja u pojedinim sredinama

    Spatial Data Envelopment Analysis Method for the Evaluation of Regional Infrastructure Disparities

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    Purpose—to achieve a more detailed assessment of regional differences, exploring regional infrastructure and human capital usage efficiency and to display analysis capabilities of spatial data efficient frontier method.Design/methodology/approach—the data envelopment analysis (DEA) is applied to find the efficient frontier, which extends the application of production function of the regions. This method of mathematical programming optimization allows assessing the effectiveness of the regional spatial aspects presented. In recent studies this method is applied for evaluating the European Union regional policy issues.Findings—the application of DEA reveals its feasibility for regional input and output studies to evaluate more detailed and more reasonable fund allocation between Lithuanian regions. This analysis shows that in the comparatively efficient Lithuanian regions, such as Vilnius and Klaipėda, “the bottleneck” of usage of transport infrastructure and regional specific human capital is reached. It is stated that decision-making units could enhance region attractiveness for private investors by improving indirect factors in these regions. For practical significance of the study the results are compared with German regional analysis, conducted by Schaffer and other researchers (2011).Practical implications—the practical value of this work is based on giving more accurate planning tools for fund allocation decisions in Lithuanian regions while planning infrastructure and human capital development. The regional indicators were analyzed for 2010.Research type—case study

    Analysis of Indicators of Health Status in Provinces and Ten Regions of Iran

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    Background: Health sector is one of the most important management sectors that improvement of its indicators, leads to increased wellbeing of people, costs reduction and ultimately sustainable development. The purpose of this study was to investigate health status indicators of Iran provinces and to rank the provinces and ten regions of Iran accordingly. Methods: The method of study was descriptive and analytical. The population of the study included 31 provinces and ten regions of Iran. In this study, 20 health indicators were selected. Entropy method was used for weighting. In order to rank provinces and regions of the country, TOPSIS was used and finally for mapping Arc GIS 10.1 was used. Results: According to the results, Gilan, Semnan and Yazd provinces gained respectively the first ranks and Sistan and Baluchestan, Kermanshah and Khuzestan provinces were respectively ranked as the last ones. In the ranking of regions, in terms of development, north coastal regions and central areas gained respectively the first and the second ranks and the southeastern region was in the last place. Conclusion: Most of the provinces were grouped as deprived and relatively deprived and in terms of health status indicators were in a state of instability. Political and administrative centralization are the main factors causing this situation. In order to improve the distribution of health sectors and to reduce losses resulting from deprivation, the large south-east region and the provinces of Sistan and Baluchestan, Khuzestan, Kermanshah, Kurdistan and West Azerbaijan should be considered in investment and planning priorities


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    Recently, the importance of applying multi-criteria decision-making methods in the economy has been increasing. With their help, more realistic results are achieved in the function of improvement in the future by applying relevant measures. Based on that, this paper analyzes the performance of companies in Serbia based on the LMAW-DNMA method. According to the results of the DNMA method, the top five companies in Serbia include: TELEKOM SRBIJA AD BELGRADE, DELTA HOLDING DOO BELGRADE, MK GROUP DOO BELGRADE, JP SRBIJAGAS NOVI SAD and HEMOFARM AD VRŠAC. The best performance was recorded at the company TELEKOM SRBIJA AD, BELGRADE. The company with the worst performance is YURA CORPORATION DOO RAČA. This positioning of companies in Serbia according to performance was influenced by numerous factors. These are: general economic conditions, inflation, interest rate, exchange rate, employment, living standards of the population, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the energy crisis. Likewise, the efficiency of human resource, asset, capital, sales and profit management. The application of new concepts of cost management (for example, calculation of costs by basic activities) and digitization of the entire business play a significant role in this. Effective control of these and other factors can significantly influence the achievement of the target performance of companies in Serbia

    بررسی شاخص‌های بهداشتی و درمانی استان‌ها و مناطق ده‌گانه کشور ایران

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    مقدمه: بخش بهداشت و درمان از مهم‌ترین بخش‌های مدیریتی است که بهبود و ارتقاء شاخص‌های آن، منجر به افزایش تندرستی افراد جامعه، کاهش هزینه‌ها و در نهایت توسعه پایدار می‌شود. از این رو، هدف پژوهش حاضر، بررسی وضعیت بهداشت و درمان و رتبه‌بندی استان‌ها و کلان مناطق ایران بوده است. روش‌ها: تحقیق حاضر، مطالعه‌ای توصیفی - تحلیلی بود. جامعه آماری 31 استان و مناطق ده‌گانه در نظر گرفته شد. در این مطالعه، 20 شاخص بهداشتی و درمانی انتخاب شدند. از روش آنتروپی برای وزن‌دهی، برای رتبه‌بندی مدل تاپسیس و برای ترسیم نقشه‌ها از نرم‌افزار ArcGIS 10.1 استفاده شد. نتا‌یج: نتایج رتبه‌بندی نشان داد که استان‌های گیلان، سمنان و یزد به ترتیب در رتبه‌های نخست و استان‌های سیستان و بلوچستان، خوزستان و کرمانشاه به ترتیب در رتبه‌های آخر توسعه یافتگی از نظر شاخص‌های بهداشتی و درمانی قرار دارند. در سطح‌بندی مناطق نیز، مناطق ساحلی شمال و مرکزی در رتبه‌های اول و دوم و منطقه جنوب شرقی در رتبه‌ آخر توسعه یافتگی قرار داشتند. بحث و نتیجه‌گیری: بیشتر استان‌های کشور، در سطح نسبتاً محروم و محروم قرار داشتند و از نظر وضعیت شاخص‌های بهداشتی و درمانی در سطح ناپایداری قرار گرفته بودند. مرکزیت سیاسی و مدیریتی از عوامل اصلی به وجود آورنده این وضعیت بود. از این‌رو پیشنهاد می‌شود جهت بهبود توزیع بخش بهداشت و درمان کشور و کاهش زیان‌های ناشی از محرومیت، توجه به کلان منطقه جنوب شرقی و استان‌های سیستان و بلوچستان، خوزستان، کرمانشاه، کردستان و آذربایجان غربی در اولویت سرمایه‌گذاری و برنامه‌ریزی قرار گیرند


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    It is a very challenging problem to analyze the performance of the economy of each country based on multi-criteria decision-making methods. Based on that, this paper analyzes the performance of the Serbian economy based on the MEREC-WASPAS method. According to the results of the WASPAS method, the best performance of the Serbian economy was in 2012. The following are: 2016, 2021, 2010, 2011, 2017, 2019, 2015, 2018, 2013, 2014, and 2020. The performance of the Serbian economy was infl uenced by real GDP growth, consumer prices , foreign exchange reserves, export of goods and services, import of goods and services, unemployment, earnings, consolidated fi nancial result, public debt, exchange rate and GDP. Effective control of these and other factors can signifi cantly infl uence the achievement of the target performance of the Serbian economy. By increasing liquidity, solvency, the degree of open economy, as well as by mitigating exposure to fi nancial risk, it is also possible to infl uence the improvement of the performance of the Serbian economy. In addition, it should be emphasized that recently the performance of the Serbian economy has been affected to a certain extent by the global political climate, the Covid 19 pandemic and the energy crisis

    Medición de la eficiencia de las universidades públicas españolas. Combinación de la metodología DEA con PCA.

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    La medición de la eficiencia de las Organizaciones Públicas es un tema de creciente interés sobre el que se ha vertido abundante literatura. A ello no han escapado las Universidades como Organizaciones claves de la economía en cuanto son productoras de capital humano y nuevos conocimientos. La metodología más utilizada es la del análisis envolvente de datos (DEA), aunque ésta establece eficiencias relativas entre las unidades de decisión que, además, dependen de los inputs y outputs elegidos “a priori” en la formulación, y no deja claro cuál ó cuáles de ellos son responsables de la ineficiencia y en qué medida. En este trabajo, se combina la metodología DEA con el Análisis de Componentes Principales para seleccionar el modelo más adecuado y establecer una relación ordenada de las Universidades españolas en cuanto a la eficiencia se refiere

    Research of the economic positioning of the Western Balkan countries using the LOPCOW and EDAS methods

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    The issue of analyzing the factors of the dynamics of the economic performance of each economy, which means also the countries of Western Balkan (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia), is continuously very current, challenging, significant and complex. Adequate control of the analyzed economic indicators can have a significant impact on the achievement of the target economic performance of each economy, including the countries of the Western Balkans. The application of multi-criteria decision-making methods enables adequate control of the key factors of the economic performances of the economies of the Western Balkan countries. In this paper, starting from that, the economic performances of the economies of the Western Balkan countries are comparatively analyzed based on the LOPCOW-EDAS method. According to the results of the given research, Serbia is the leading country in the Western Balkans in terms of economic performance. Followed by: Montenegro, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Albania, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Recently, the economic performance of the Serbian economy has significantly improved. Adequate control of relevant influential factors can greatly influence the achievement of the target economic performance of the Serbian economy. The digitization of the company's entire operations certainly plays a significant role in this